Hmm love confession

This topic was created in the Moon Signs forum by woohooitsjane on Wednesday, September 14, 2016 and has 2 replies.
Hi people!

Have (had?) a thing with an Aries guy (16 degrees)

Scorpio moon (smack dab middle 15 degrees)

Venus in Gemini (2 degrees)

Mars in Aries (I think 8 degrees i lost his chart)

We had a thing but things got messed up, I have some stuff to say, our friend told him and he said he'd need some incentive to see me, but then said no cuz he doesn't want to rekindle things

I never told him how i felt cuz my cappy moon wouldn't let me, but he always thought i didn't like him as much as he liked me

So i'm gonna lay it all on the line (eh, i know we're probs over but he told our friend he does want to hear what i have to say)

Since he's a Scoprio moon, should i be all intense and serious with my feelings like tell him how much i like him

Or since his venus is in Gemini should it be all cute and light

Or since his mars is in Aries should it be a chase all hard to get

Idk if we're over, i defiantly want to win him back (impossible ikik) but will letting him know how much i liked him since the start help him want me back?

What to say what to say
I think you should be genuine and honest. And since the outcome is unknown, be sure to get whatever you need to say out there, so you have no regrets but don't say anything for dramatic effect if you don't feel it - we will know you're bs'ing.