Is it normal for scorpio moon to feel so alone all the time?

This topic was created in the Scorpio Moon forum by Taurus_mystique on Friday, November 3, 2017 and has 3 replies.
I always feel very much alone and like im not satisfied. People around me always say I overthink alot. And I get these sleepless nights for non reasonable things about emotional issues. My boyfriend is Scorpio sun Leo moon and he always say Im cruel evil and I should stop hurting people but really I am not I just react like that when they hurt me so much but its what they deserve and it seems fair for me 😐

My emotions are too strong and even a little thing can hurt me very much. I have a scorpio rising too.

Is it because my scorpio moon? If so how can I handle my deep freaking intense emotions? I cant control them. I feel like its a freaking tsunami 😐
Posted by HearttofTopaz
Yeah I often feel alone in my feelings and they can be super intense, but its taken alot of patience to keep in a good mindset and not get pissed or too down on myself. It’s definitely do able and once you learn to not let everything get to you and can take things less seriously it will become second nature and you won’t get stuck in those intense feelings. Own em and let em empower you in life. Not the opposite.
Its super hard. I always ended up getting headache. Always feel like im less loved and im a psychopath

Awwww I really feel for you because I’ve been exactly where you’ve been, all through my 20s I learnt how to love my Scorpio moon and acknowledge it is a part of me, the more you try and deny it the more it takes on its own persona and you can potentially fracture your psyche.

My feelings get hurt really easily and it scares me not because I’m scared of getting my feelings hurt but because I know I can lash out and give it back a whole lot worse and then people look at me like I’m crazy, I’ve alienated myself heaps of times because of it.

These days I’m not apologetic for my emotions but I am apologetic for my actions, I will spit venom and bring up everything to rip you a new one if you hurt me and I know that’s not ok after I’ve given it some thought.

I think a lot of people see us as placid and have our shit sorted on the outside and have a hard time associating that person with out true self beneath.

It’s not our true self though just a facet, it’s a gift having a Scorpio moon because it sets you on a path of occult enlightenment and even though it’s a lonely path at times you learn so much about yourself.

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