Libra male moon, Cheaters?

This topic was created in the Moon Signs forum by mysteriousTaurus on Wednesday, April 22, 2015 and has 4 replies.
I'm so upset that I have read numerous times that males who have Libra moon are usually cheaters because they tend to have relationships that would be considered emotionally cheating (for example, flirting, chatting constantly, and making other girls feel special as if they are the guy's girlfriend, WITHOUT ACTUALLY physically cheating)
HOWEVER, that is basically the same thing!! so what's the deal Libra male moons, why are you such heartbreakers?
How would you like it if you were in a relationship and your S/O was treating guys as if they were her boyfriend!
I actually had a libra guy, who was a libra rising, libra moon and libra venus (CRAZY I KNOW LOL) basically treat my like his girlfriend, always talking to me on various social media networks, flirting with me, telling me how beautiful I am, and talking to me very late at night.... hmmmm while he was with an aries girl haha. oh boy..
I did not even entertain this, he just wouldnt leave me alone!
shame on you libra male moons!
thats absurd! emotional cheating is just as horrible as actual cheating. Investing feelings, time, and energy into other girls while committed to a girl is cheating. no exceptions
Cheating has nothing to do with birth charts. Cheaters are immoral people. Period.
Posted by tiziani
Cheating is cheating and lying is lying.
Why not just call these things what they really are? Instead of these politically correct terms that mean nothing.
Now there's "emotional" cheating and "actual" cheating?
Forgive me if I'm not intelligent enough to grasp the difference.
I should say though, people often project onto other's relationships. You don't know what kind of agreement this Libra and Aries girl had together. As long as you were decided you wanted no part in it and moved on, you did what was for you. Leave them do what is best for them rather than buying into bullshit PC terms to make sense of it.

The difference is that different people have very different definitions of "cheating" & many people only see it as "cheating" if there is sex involved (or the person doing the "emotional cheating" may rationalize that it's ok because there is no sex involved). Some people aren't threatened if their partner has an emotional connection with someone else or flirts but doesn't act on it physically. Other people would be less threatened by their partner having "meaningless" sex with someone else.
You made an excellent point that people project their own rules onto other people's relationships. There are tons of people out there who don't have the standard societal rules for their relationships.