Posted by geminidude
Best match for Libra moon is Aquarius & Gemini moon. You can talk each other through your minds. Its fun to have them around you. Whats your sun sign?
Posted by wecarealot
My friends tend to have strong Libra, Gem, and Virgo in their charts--all talkative and analytical aspects. I find stoic, reserved people interesting but I've realized that I can't deal with them on a daily basis. I need to be around people that are communicative and comfortable analyzing things.
Posted by xomelindabellePosted by geminidude
Best match for Libra moon is Aquarius & Gemini moon. You can talk each other through your minds. Its fun to have them around you. Whats your sun sign?
I could totally see that -- my Libra moon and ascendant make me so intellectual and I need to talk to my significant other a lot lol like, it's imperative. I need to talk and connect on so many levels and I definitely think other air moons will understand that need!click to expand
Posted by geminidudePosted by xomelindabellePosted by geminidude
Best match for Libra moon is Aquarius & Gemini moon. You can talk each other through your minds. Its fun to have them around you. Whats your sun sign?
I could totally see that -- my Libra moon and ascendant make me so intellectual and I need to talk to my significant other a lot lol like, it's imperative. I need to talk and connect on so many levels and I definitely think other air moons will understand that need!
Absolutely right, your sexual organ is your brain. You need a good mind stimulation, intellectual talks about anything and everything to keep you going. Air moons is the best to connect intellectually & emotionally otherwise you'll feel to expand
Posted by xomelindabelle
Oh and I just realized, I have always had a supreme fascination with accents and foreign languages as well as properly spoken English lol I'd say that has Libra and their need and love of communication written all over it, right? Haha
Posted by geminidudePosted by xomelindabelle
Oh and I just realized, I have always had a supreme fascination with accents and foreign languages as well as properly spoken English lol I'd say that has Libra and their need and love of communication written all over it, right? Haha
One of my "best" friend is Aries sun and Libra moon Its fun to have him around and I had some of the funniest moments with him in my life. Once he walked away in the middle of having sex with a girl he met because he felt bored, he said she played dead in bed lol. So I think mind stimulation is the key to get your fire flaming. But unfortunately not all signs can see or think on your wavelength intellectually or to expand
Posted by beautifuldiasterPosted by xomelindabelle
Oh and I just realized, I have always had a supreme fascination with accents and foreign languages as well as properly spoken English lol I'd say that has Libra and their need and love of communication written all over it, right? Haha
Plus al the other stuff about needing to vent and say what we think! I want to know what they think too!
What drains me is when someone keeps talking about negative stuff, over and over day after day - the same freaking problem... I literally would prefer to take a chainsaw and remove all my arm hair with it then listen to that to expand