Scorp Moon attracting all the Gem Moons

This topic was created in the Moon Signs forum by phoenix1rising on Monday, May 6, 2013 and has 4 replies.
What the hell?!!
I'm a little confused as to why I always end up attracting people who have a Gemini moon or a strong air influence in their chart. I'm a double Scorp (sun and moon) with a Leo rising.... I'm all fixed! The only major air placement I have is a Mars Libra, but I mostly have a lot of water and fire in my chart. I dated a Gem moon for almost 5 years, but it didn't work out because we are emotional opposites. I've been dating a fellow Scorp with a Gem moon and Taurus rising for the past two months. Since he's a Scorp, he does have a certain level of emotional depth and a great sense of humor, but I do worry about him eventually getting bored or suddenly changing his mind about me. I've noticed Gemini moons are known for that kind of behavior. As a Scorp moon, I feel a bit doomed! I feel like ultimately I can only be with people who are as emotionally intense as I am, but I ALWAYS end up meeting air moons! I'm wondering if this a good thing (maybe it gives the relationship some balance?), or if I am destined to be misunderstood and heart broken...
im still kinda sorta maybe likely possibly still seeing scorp sun, gemini moon. at times, his moon frustrates the hell out of me but at other times, i really enjoy it.
imo, its all about timing.
I can relate.. it can be super frustrating at times. Its gonna be a test to meet each other's emotional needs. Both of you are going to have to make a equal conscious effort. Gems love communication! Give that too them and keep the bottled up emotional outbursts to a minimum.. its hard for them to wrap their heads around those. Goodluck!!
I'm a Gemini Moon. The last three men I have been VERY into have had Scorpio moons. I never knew this was a "thing", figured coincidence. What Zander said is sooooo true. I crave that emotional intensity that I lack... but that shit is beyond confusing!