This topic was created in the Cancer Moon forum by 037 on Friday, October 9, 2015 and has 42 replies.
Step in at your own risk

*devil smiley*
I think I'm weird.

My son has a cold, and he didn't seem to be able to blow all the nasal congestion out so I sucked it up and spat it out.

Gosh! Who does that?

But he's breathing well and sleeping better. smile
Oh, and, I was getting ready to go get groceries a while ago, and tried on an old maternity dress. Loved it! So, I bunched up a large towel and wore it around my middle.

But when I arrived at the store, the girl at the checkout got excited, so I hurried out and drove home laughing all the way.

How utterly embarrassing.

And I still need to restock.
Look, contribute your stories of cancer moon goodness or leave the kitchen.

Its hot here.

I recently offered to cook for my bff (a Cancer BTW) who hates cooking and was hosting a visiting foreign family. I really don't know why, but when I got to the kitchen, I abandoned the menu and made peanut butter stew with mashed up yams, greens and chicken.

Imagine everyone's surprise.

But they loved it, and I did too.

But... I still don't know what moved me. Good thing bff didn't talk about it or even ask.
Sometimes I curl up into fetal position and just cry

Posted by enfant_terrible
Sometimes I curl up into fetal position and just cry

Awww, sometimes I do this too.

Especially when I remember old friends that are somehow gone.

Or, the whale. Sad
Posted by KsamCancer
Leos scare me

roar, roar....

Get out the kitchen. We're not cooking crab


Posted by Koniucha
Posted by enfant_terrible
Sometimes I curl up into fetal position and just cry

Awe, here, let me hold you. ..
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Posted by 037
Oh, and, I was getting ready to go get groceries a while ago, and tried on an old maternity dress. Loved it! So, I bunched up a large towel and wore it around my middle.

But when I arrived at the store, the girl at the checkout got excited, so I hurried out and drove home laughing all the way.

How utterly embarrassing.

And I still need to restock.

Lmaoooooooo dying laughing .... I love cancers. Sun or moon

Taurus sun virgo moon
Posted by JLXC
Question: As an Aries moon how the hell do I express myself correctly to a cancer moon in the middle of the fight? They say I come off very "me-me-me" even when I'm trying to be diplomatic - as I'm just explaining (not really justifying, just explaining) and when I make it about them (what I do by default) ... they dont want to hear my sincere apologizing? I'm so confused.

Awwwwwwwww Sad

You have Taurus asc, Pisces sun, Aries moon!

You need to suddenly become calmer. And since that wont happen in a million years, here lies the trouble. That, and you need to not think childishly.

Can you do that?
Its just hard to explain what we are feeling sometimes because I could be upset about something and I go to explain it then I wonder am I really feeling that way about what I was just upset about? I am a Libra Sun Merc and Mars so I am even more confused about myself and emotions most of the time.
Posted by JLXC
Sorry you guys, Im back lol. Another question: if you accept cancer moon's punishment, will the cancer moon grows more resentful? This was our second huge fight and so when they decide to stop talking to me, I agreed that we shouldnt be friends. They then come back a few days later, annoyed that others has told them to stay away from me, only to revive a fight - I feel deep down they know they would not be happy with me as I take any path in this argument. I could plainly agree and they would be mad at me deciding to be "grown up" and finally agreeing with them.) I decided again it's not best for us to talk. I also don't see myself changing, so I couldn't promise to better if I was given another chance.

Why does this person always go back to whatever that got them angry? I dont understand. Is this resentment that just happened, is it punishment ??? I know I made them feel shitty, so I know they deserve to lash out - but will they trying make to me feel like shit repeatedly, forever and ever and ever?

Posted by Vanish
Working with cancer moons

width="560" height="315" =" 3A www% 2Eyoutube% 2Ecom embed Cfl% 2DXGbd2KU"

Posted by starlover
Posted by 037
I think I'm weird.

My son has a cold, and he didn't seem to be able to blow all the nasal congestion out so I sucked it up and spat it out.

Gosh! Who does that?

But he's breathing well and sleeping better. smile

Cancer moon mother love

That made me laugh......Big Grin
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Big Grin

Scorps understand these things.
Exactly! Star. smile

And welcome, jlxc
Ok fellow Cancer moons. Do you ever feel like you just get so fed up with yourself and think that maybe you should just be alone because no one is ever gonna make you feel comfortable enough to say "Hey, your pissing me off with your inconsistency or your indirection of how you feel about me or you hurt my feelings!" I feel like it takes me forever to open my mouth bout these things out of fear that someone will say well i'm not even thinking about you enough to either care or pay attention that you might be upset then that would really hurt!
I don't know why, but after looking through this thread I felt compelled to message "you are wonderful" to my my ex before my ex and Cancer moon, Cap sun. The man who rattled me enough to make me type keywords into the internet than made me land on dxpnet...heartbroken.

He was right to stick with his then and possible now...who gives a fuck...girlfriend, no matter how much it hurt at that time. We would have made a terrific pair, though. Bastard.
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Another reason I get along so well with Taurus moon!
Can we come up with a drug that temporarily removed feelings?
Posted by FrostAndBite
Posted by Vanish
Posted by ladylibra21
Can we come up with a drug that temporarily removed feelings?


Your that girl who skips gateway drugs and goes straight for meth, aren't you?
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Posted by KsamCancer
Cancer moons are really unstable

Yes. Yes, we are. Mine is also in the 12th house where things are hidden. Yikes.
How do you treat a seemingly aloof Cancer moon that shows... almost no emotion?

This is the only water moon I am missing in my book, and have no personal experience with it.
Posted by RamOfPeace
How do you treat a seemingly aloof Cancer moon that shows... almost no emotion?

This is the only water moon I am missing in my book, and have no personal experience with it.

Re-assurance. I may even still seem aloof when I am reassured but if you get to know me you will visible see me soften and slowly trust you.
Thanks, ladylibra. Much appreciated smile

I'd love to hear some input from @enfant_terrible though, as this particular Cancer moon is his fellow countryman. This might be culture specific, astrology aside.

Posted by RamOfPeace

How do you treat a seemingly aloof Cancer moon that shows... almost no emotion?

This is the only water moon I am missing in my book, and have no personal experience with it.

I'd love to hear some input from @enfant_terrible though, as this particular Cancer moon is his fellow countryman. This might be culture specific, astrology aside.

In case of 'astro nature' vs. nurture the latter always has upper hand.. imo.

What type of emotion(s) does he show though,and what's missing in your opinion?

Btw aren't you an Aries/Gem moon? That would be eerily convenient!

Posted by enfant_terrible
Posted by RamOfPeace

How do you treat a seemingly aloof Cancer moon that shows... almost no emotion?

This is the only water moon I am missing in my book, and have no personal experience with it.

I'd love to hear some input from @enfant_terrible though, as this particular Cancer moon is his fellow countryman. This might be culture specific, astrology aside.

In case of 'astro nature' vs. nurture the latter always has upper hand.. imo.

What type of emotion(s) does he show though,and what's missing in your opinion?

Btw aren't you an Aries/Gem moon? That would be eerily convenient!

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Yes, I am. I will follow up in PM in a litte bit. Thank you

Where's the moon today?
So comforting to know I'm not the only crazy cancer moon.
I was all over the place this morning then I realized Moon is in Cancer today. Sigh
Come here, Cancer Mooners.,.. I gotcha!
Posted by ladylibra21
I was all over the place this morning then I realized Moon is in Cancer today. Sigh

Aw hell that explains it.
My moon is in cancer.... this last week or so my emotions have been super intense yet controlled, I have had trouble sleeping and have been emotionally volatile and yet controlled at the same time. It's weird.
Posted by GuardianAnu
Posted by ladylibra21
I was all over the place this morning then I realized Moon is in Cancer today. Sigh

Aw hell that explains it.
My moon is in cancer.... this last week or so my emotions have been super intense yet controlled, I have had trouble sleeping and have been emotionally volatile and yet controlled at the same time. It's weird.
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So that explains why I cried at work and became angry all of sudden yesterday. I just thought I was an emotional wreck.
Never seem to get a long with cancer suns or moons. I have cancer ascendant too so, strange.
First, I want to say hi everyone here! I don't understand this moon sign but I was hoping someone would explain it! Are cancer's bad? sooo. if someone I know has a cancer moon, should I avoid them completely?
Posted by lilstarfish
First, I want to say hi everyone here! I don't understand this moon sign but I was hoping someone would explain it! Are cancer's bad? sooo. if someone I know has a cancer moon, should I avoid them completely?

No need to, they will be the ones to avoid you. Big Grin

And no, we're not bad. Just kind of insecure. Those who feel secure (who are you, where are you, how did you do it?) would still eagerly seek more security.
Posted by xXxAliciaXxX
Cancer moons be like:

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Then the next minute...

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Big Grin

We do get satisfaction from deforming people's physiognomies!
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But there comes the day when:

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Hi, Lunatics.

I'm in this room. Again. With a bunch of unformed questions to your kind.