Those with their moon in their twelfth house,

This topic was created in the Moon Signs forum by xomelindabelle on Monday, July 27, 2015 and has 12 replies.
I downloaded an app that does your chart and gives you descriptions of everything, and I just thought this was absolutely on target. At least, for me.

Any of you relate?
I'm a Libra moon and this is the description of the house mine is in -- it sounds exactly like me,
What app is it?
It's called TimePassages; I got it on my iPhone, I'm not sure if droid has it or not. But probably. I just use it for my main three descriptions, the sun, rising and moon. I do believe you have to pay $ 1 for a chart, though.
this is completely irrelevant to the post, but I saw a preview of the word "app" and it sparked a thought in me to share. Don't know where you keep your birth charts but there's also an app for your whole chart! You can add multiple people's charts in there as well! It is accurate because some sites say I have MC in Cancer, but my MC is in Leo. This app got it right.

It is called Astrotect smile I also have iPhone. My friend has Android and I told her to download it, so I will ask her now if she ever got around to it and if it was in the playstore. It is 100% free! You can add asteroids, it shows aspects and all smile then you will always have your chart with you! (and if you are feeling curious - crazy even - you can find out people's birthdays and try to decode why they are the way that they are...I do this occasionally LOL)
Yep, sounds like me. Cap moon in 12th, so my 12th house moon is on steroids, lol.
Posted by sultrykitty
Yep, sounds like me. Cap moon in 12th, so my 12th house moon is on steroids, lol.

Dude, right?! No my intense emotions and picking up on other's energy makes SO much more sense lol
Posted by xomelindabelle
Posted by sultrykitty
Yep, sounds like me. Cap moon in 12th, so my 12th house moon is on steroids, lol.

Dude, right?! No my intense emotions and picking up on other's energy makes SO much more sense lol
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I CANNOT handle working in high energy environments long term, as I can feel vibes very strongly. So if there's tension or stress in my office, it goes straight into me and I internalize it all.

Positive emotions I can handle. Negative ones seem to he magnified.
Posted by sultrykitty
Posted by xomelindabelle
Posted by sultrykitty
Yep, sounds like me. Cap moon in 12th, so my 12th house moon is on steroids, lol.

Dude, right?! No my intense emotions and picking up on other's energy makes SO much more sense lol

I CANNOT handle working in high energy environments long term, as I can feel vibes very strongly. So if there's tension or stress in my office, it goes straight into me and I internalize it all.

Positive emotions I can handle. Negative ones seem to he magnified.
click to expand

Absolutely, same for me. And do you ever find yourself longing for those moments of solitude after work? And getting irritated when you HAVE to go somewhere else lol I've always been that way. I'm social and love people due to my Libra moon and rising, but the twelfth house creates a need for individual time and emotional recharging, always.
Yep, I'm the same way. Leo sun likes attention and accolades, but you have to be around people to get that, lol. Libra venus also wants peace and balance, and Virgo mercury needs order.

It's an interesting mix I have to deal with. I treasure my down time, and I'm thankful most of the time that my Aqua man leaves me alone a lot, lol.
Posted by sultrykitty
Yep, I'm the same way. Leo sun likes attention and accolades, but you have to be around people to get that, lol. Libra venus also wants peace and balance, and Virgo mercury needs order.

It's an interesting mix I have to deal with. I treasure my down time, and I'm thankful most of the time that my Aqua man leaves me alone a lot, lol.

My Aries sun likes excitement, good energy and vibes. And my Libra moon and ascendant want to be social. Although, Libra risings also need to recharge as well and retreat to their own little world. That can true of my Libra moon when it needs to find the balance between giving too much and too little. My Taurus venus and Taurus mercury seek comfort and a placid process, so that can account for my reclusive tendencies as well. Jeeze, lord I'm a confusing mix lol bottom line is, I love and dislike engaging. I become so highly affected by others, it gets so intense. o.O