Posted by Cancan26I think they come out the factory floor damaged already with no warranty or refunds.
I am requesting a VIRGO MOON … slightly used…nothing damaged thanks![]()
Posted by Mr_PinchyPosted by Cancan26I think they come out the factory floor damaged already with no warranty or refunds.
I am requesting a VIRGO MOON … slightly used…nothing damaged thanks![]()
Imo that's why pisces moons like them so much, because it's a fixer upper to expand
Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairiesok ok ok...I might be able to work with this!
Not a virgo moon. But you can have my Gemini moon :-)
Its in the 8th though, so its only half a trade.
Posted by TheRabbit
Will you accept a plate of chicken nachos for your moon?
Posted by MademoiselleFisklmao she said
I'll trade my Scorpio moon for a pack of smokes and a spicy chicken sandwich.
Posted by Cancan26
I am requesting a VIRGO MOON … slightly used…nothing damaged thanks![]()
Posted by MiZLeoPosted by Cancan26
Hey do you have a terrible moonof course you do all 12 of them are shitty …but would you like a less shitty moon?
Tired of your robotic aqua moon keeping you from feeling all the things that make the rest of us human trade it today!
Tired of sobbing with your ooeey goooey cancer moon every time someone doesn’t bless you after you sneeze trade it today!
come on down to cancan’s …moon supply store and trade your moon today!!! …![]()
Im also looking to trade up (there’s no such thing cause all the moon signs are shitty) …
I have this lovely scorpio moon to trade …have you ever wanted the emotional vulnerability of a newborn kitty and that you had to protect and hide at all times![]()
… no duh who the fuck would want that BUT if you take it … benefits will be …
People thinking your mysterious for no reason
People thinking your really cool for no reason
People thinking your really mean for no reason
People trying to force their way into your life for no reason …
Tools you get for attempting to hide your quivering heart …
A biting sense of humor
Resting bitch face
Being able to see thru bullshit but somehow not being able to see thru bullshit
Not being super shallow but like a little bit still … so people think your deep for reason????
I am requesting a VIRGO MOON … slightly used…nothing damaged thanks![]()
omg this had me laughing so hard I almost fell off the toilet while reading it!
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Posted by Cancan26Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairiesok ok ok...I might be able to work with this!
Not a virgo moon. But you can have my Gemini moon :-)
Its in the 8th though, so its only half a trade.![]()
im thinking about it ...![]()
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Posted by ValleysofNeptunelook at GOD .....
Dude, you're in luck because I have a Virgo moon for trade. I don't even care what for or if it's for a Scorpio moon. I'm just done with having a Virgo moon lol. Maybe I'll try flipping this Scorpio moon for something else down the line. What has a higher market value, Virgo moon or Scorpio moon? 🤔
Posted by ValleysofNeptunedouble post
Dude, you're in luck because I have a Virgo moon for trade. I don't even care what for or if it's for a Scorpio moon. I'm just done with having a Virgo moon lol. Maybe I'll try flipping this Scorpio moon for something else down the line. What has a higher market value, Virgo moon or Scorpio moon? 🤔
Posted by EchoIm not sure ...I just like the idea of being more logical
.-. What's good about virgo moons?
Posted by Cancan26You know me so well and I would love to join the rest of mankind with feelings 😆 happy to trade the stable but eccentric Aqua Moon in the 2nd House.
Hey do you have a terrible moonof course you do all 12 of them are shitty …but would you like a less shitty moon?
Tired of your robotic aqua moon keeping you from feeling all the things that make the rest of us human trade it today!
Tired of sobbing with your ooeey goooey cancer moon every time someone doesn’t bless you after you sneeze trade it today!
come on down to cancan’s …moon supply store and trade your moon today!!! …![]()
Im also looking to trade up (there’s no such thing cause all the moon signs are shitty) …
I have this lovely scorpio moon to trade …have you ever wanted the emotional vulnerability of a newborn kitty and that you had to protect and hide at all times![]()
… no duh who the fuck would want that BUT if you take it … benefits will be …
People thinking your mysterious for no reason
People thinking your really cool for no reason
People thinking your really mean for no reason
People trying to force their way into your life for no reason …
Tools you get for attempting to hide your quivering heart …
A biting sense of humor
Resting bitch face
Being able to see thru bullshit but somehow not being able to see thru bullshit
Not being super shallow but like a little bit still … so people think your deep for reason????
I am requesting a VIRGO MOON … slightly used…nothing damaged thanks![]()
Posted by Cancan26Logic is overrated, would love to be more erratic haha don’t trade your moonPosted by EchoIm not sure ...I just like the idea of being more logical
.-. What's good about virgo moons?I think
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Posted by ValleysofNeptuneum wait what ...analyzing and stressing about everything ....Posted by Cancan26It was my pleasure. Have fun analyzing and stressing about everything now muahahaPosted by ValleysofNeptunelook at GOD .....
Dude, you're in luck because I have a Virgo moon for trade. I don't even care what for or if it's for a Scorpio moon. I'm just done with having a Virgo moon lol. Maybe I'll try flipping this Scorpio moon for something else down the line. What has a higher market value, Virgo moon or Scorpio moon? 🤔![]()
you know I started this thread ...with just a hope and dream ...and here we are 3 pages later I got A VIRGO moon![]()
not sure which has the higher value we will have to figure it out at the lawyers office
What's it feel like to have a Scorpio moon though, are your emotions super intense and stuffclick to expand
Posted by tizianiDon't lie, you love baby moon. lolPosted by nikkistar
Baby moon is best moon. Just ask @tiziani
I wouldn't trade my baby moon ever.
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Posted by Impulsv*looking over taurus moon pamphlets*
Would you like a moon that can’t let go
A moon that finds the comfort of a loving man in food
Do you want to be satisfied n Independent by as simple as watching Netflix
Do you want to feel happy just by curling up by your couch with candles of ur fav I sent
You don’t need much but the comfort of the home 🏡 u made
Oh did I say do you still want to have fond memory of your ex can’t. let go
Yeah Taurus moon up for offer.
Posted by Mr_Pinchysee the jokes is ...all the moons are shitty...its just is this moon less shitty TO YOU ... kind of a one man's trash is another man treasure kind of deal ...
Who's gonna take the goods even the owner doesn't want??? What bad bzns is that?
Posted by Thrasybuluslmao this made me laugh omg gawdPosted by iridiumFantastic!Posted by ThrasybulusPosted by iridiumHm, this might work.Posted by ThrasybulusPosted by iridiumI like Libra moons but I already have libra covered via a Libra rising.Posted by ThrasybulusPosted by iridiumWhat do you offer?
I'd like a moon with good coping skills
a flair for the dramatic (libra moon, the apple of discord)
Which house is it in? I'm looking for a cynic moon.
2nd you're in luck, I'm extremely cynical
I can offer you a 3rd house Sag moon if you can handle the seeing-always-the-positivity and it's extreme idealism.
it's a deal![]()
Finally I can be the snake of sin I always was meant to be while you can take over the world with all that charisma.
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Posted by mudrathis was funny dammitPosted by Superman77Not yours! I want a fresh just out of the womb with a time machine sag moon so i can have my own sins with it.Posted by mudraI have a Sag moon but I don’t think you want mine
I'll take a sag moon
Hahaclick to expand
Posted by ImpulsvThis sounds like used car dealers speak.
Who would pass up an exhalted moon.
Posted by MademoiselleFiskNo smokes! 👎 You get two spicy chicken sandwiches instead.👌
I'll trade my Scorpio moon for a pack of smokes and a spicy chicken sandwich.
Posted by ValleysofNeptune
I'm in the market for an air moon, especially a Gemini moon, since my deal with Cancan fell through. I don't have any personal planets in air signs and I don't have any planets at all in Gemini or the 3rd house, the only sign/house combo that doesn't have any planets
I was totally kidding about Virgo moons being analytical and stressful earlier btw, trust me heheheh
Posted by -sierra-Apparently that's the best moon
errbody taking a sag moon
Posted by QueenofthepheasantfairiesI'll trade my moon for your gem moon. I need something to balance out my 11th house placements plus I need something to conjunct my rising.
Not a virgo moon. But you can have my Gemini moon :-)
Its in the 8th though, so its only half a trade.
Posted by Cancan26Hey! Aqua moons feel emotions 😂😞
Tired of your robotic aqua moon keeping you from feeling all the things that make the rest of us human trade it today!
Posted by six4sixI know pooPosted by Cancan26Hey! Aqua moons feel emotions 😂😞
Tired of your robotic aqua moon keeping you from feeling all the things that make the rest of us human trade it today!click to expand
Posted by ellesbellesFor a while I wanted an Aries moon. But over the last couple of years I decided I'd rather have an air moon.Posted by Cancan26![]()
an aries moon! ..thats what I need a nice aries moon![]()
whose got an aries moon they will trade!
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Posted by hauntI’d give you mine but it’s one of my favorite things about me..what do you have to trade 🤔
Someone give me their aqua or cap moon pls.
Posted by six4sixLeo moon. 🤓Posted by hauntI’d give you mine but it’s one of my favorite things about me..what do you have to trade 🤔
Someone give me their aqua or cap moon to expand
Posted by six4sixOpposites! Half and half? 🤷🏻♀️Posted by hauntPosted by six4sixLeo moon. 🤓Posted by haunt
Someone give me their aqua or cap moon pls.
I’d give you mine but it’s one of my favorite things about me..what do you have to trade 🤔click to expand
Posted by six4sixOuu aqua moon? Well, I’m smitten now. 👀Posted by six4sixOpposites! Half and half? 🤷🏻♀️Posted by hauntPosted by six4sixLeo moon. 🤓Posted by haunt
Someone give me their aqua or cap moon pls.
I’d give you mine but it’s one of my favorite things about me..what do you have to trade 🤔click to expand
Posted by Ram416Posted by QueenofthepheasantfairiesI'll trade my moon for your gem moon. I need something to balance out my 11th house placements plus I need something to conjunct my rising.
Not a virgo moon. But you can have my Gemini moon :-)
Its in the 8th though, so its only half a to expand
Posted by hauntHalf and half it is! It’s already my north/south noses. I’m a fan of the energiesPosted by six4sixOuu aqua moon? Well, I’m smitten now. 👀Posted by six4sixOpposites! Half and half? 🤷🏻♀️Posted by hauntPosted by six4sixLeo moon. 🤓Posted by haunt
Someone give me their aqua or cap moon pls.
I’d give you mine but it’s one of my favorite things about me..what do you have to trade 🤔click to expand
Posted by xoxfluteAh same as CanCan :-) Scorp moon will doPosted by QueenofthepheasantfairiesPosted by Ram416Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies
Not a virgo moon. But you can have my Gemini moon :-)
Its in the 8th though, so its only half a trade.
I'll trade my moon for your gem moon. I need something to balance out my 11th house placements plus I need something to conjunct my rising.![]()
What moon you got though? No to an earth moon. And if its a leo moon... Fuck off LOL. (kidding) But its still a NO to leo moon![]()
PS - She has a Scorp Moon
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Posted by Cancan26I dont understand virgo moon.Posted by TheRabbit
Will you accept a plate of chicken nachos for your moon?...
we have the same moon ... lol yours might be better than depending on the house ... so I think about it if no virgo moon comes along...Ill take it!
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Posted by Berzerker
Sorry but my sag moon in the 11th house is my treasure
Posted by fishcrabscale2I like the idea of being able to think logically and not do things out of emotion I guess ...the ability to think clearly when upset would be a godsendPosted by Cancan26I dont understand virgo moon.Posted by TheRabbit
Will you accept a plate of chicken nachos for your moon?...
we have the same moon ... lol yours might be better than depending on the house ... so I think about it if no virgo moon comes along...Ill take it!![]()
Why do you like it?click to expand
Posted by QueenofthepheasantfairiesPosted by Berzerker
Sorry but my sag moon in the 11th house is my treasure
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