How to live your best life

This topic was created in the Motivation forum by borednbeautiful on Saturday, March 23, 2024 and has 16 replies.
As suggested by @badderbunny let’s discuss how to live our best lives in these times of global turmoil.

Where to relocate, what habits to adopt, what kind of work to do, hobbies, activities, spiritual practices, investments, practical advices, etc.
Hmm🤔I kinda wanna say I am currently living my best life and I also wanna say I'm not. I'm already doing my best hobbies. Playing guitars and being lazy. I think the only thing that's missing from living my best life is the location. I don't care where I relocate as long as it's somewhere in or near the woods in a small lonely cabin where it's just me and nature ie. The trees, birds, a nice creek etc. No aggravating neighbors (women) to come knocking on my door wanting relationship support from me when things go haywired with their husbands
For people like me it's already been set to hard mode. The first obvious thing would be remove the negative vices from your life. Anything from compulsive shopping, to drugs, and everything else in-between. Removing negative vices is step one. Except some vices make it impossible to break the chain like heavy drug use or alcoholism. Because of that it takes a different strategy. This doesn't even have to be drug use, but also mental problems like stress, anxiety, and depression. I watched a video of a guy describing how silly the idea of adding more happy things to your life to fix your problems was. He has a muddy glass of water and kept pouring clean water into it till the water was clear. Then he described how problems in life weren't like that, and threw pebbles into the clean water. Then then described how these issues aren't just something that can be cleared by adding happiness to your life. Because soul crushing rocks are impossible to wash away with clean water. You literally have to reach into the cup, and remove those pebbles one by one.

What I personally add to that idea is that all the pebbles range in size. The bigger pebbles are the hardest to remove. For me the biggest would be alcoholism. I would be impossible for me to reach into my soul and remove that one, because I was too weak at that point. So my strategy turned into removing the smaller pebbles first. Things like stop being lazy and force myself to work out. Stop accepting being fat and miserable, and start eating healthy. Even simple things like doing all the overflowing chores around the house. Things that slowly remove the problems in my life. All while still adding in things like meditation, and accepting my past. I haven't completely beat my bad choices, but I feel like I'm on the right path at this point.
Posted by Soul
For people like me it's already been set to hard mode. The first obvious thing would be remove the negative vices from your life. Anything from compulsive shopping, to drugs, and everything else in-between. Removing negative vices is step one. Except some vices make it impossible to break the chain like heavy drug use or alcoholism. Because of that it takes a different strategy. This doesn't even have to be drug use, but also mental problems like stress, anxiety, and depression. I watched a video of a guy describing how silly the idea of adding more happy things to your life to fix your problems was. He has a muddy glass of water and kept pouring clean water into it till the water was clear. Then he described how problems in life weren't like that, and threw pebbles into the clean water. Then then described how these issues aren't just something that can be cleared by adding happiness to your life. Because soul crushing rocks are impossible to wash away with clean water. You literally have to reach into the cup, and remove those pebbles one by one.
What I personally add to that idea is that all the pebbles range in size. The bigger pebbles are the hardest to remove. For me the biggest would be alcoholism. I would be impossible for me to reach into my soul and remove that one, because I was too weak at that point. So my strategy turned into removing the smaller pebbles first. Things like stop being lazy and force myself to work out. Stop accepting being fat and miserable, and start eating healthy. Even simple things like doing all the overflowing chores around the house. Things that slowly remove the problems in my life. All while still adding in things like meditation, and accepting my past. I haven't completely beat my bad choices, but I feel like I'm on the right path at this point.
My best life is in Australia, I just know it. I can’t move there yet and I’m getting so old 😭

As a baseline I observed better medical systems, less violent and mentally ill people, not many struggling with homelessness, better weather = more physical activity and sunshine (I think people wildly underestimate how living somewhere that’s dark all the time effects mental and physical health) by spending time outdoors, healthier food standards, beautiful aesthetics all around (which in the US can only be really attained and enjoyed in wealthy elite areas like LA), clean, modern, and very safe - US overall is none of these things. While still maintaining western culture, so it’s not a total shock and a less difficult transition.

Issues: They do drive on the wrong side of the road and cost of living. Maybe the typhoons and fires. But we have to deal with tornados so it’s a swap of natural disasters right
Posted by BadderBunny
For me living my best life would mean financial security snd freedom. I am trying to secure that by getting my masters degree and license so I can have the option of self employment which provides freedom.
It also means having suportive people in my life.I have had to purge many people from my life the last few years who dont fit.
A long term relationship where I feel emotionally secure, content, and sexually satisfied. Self explanatory.
Living in an environment that nourishes my interests and brings me peace. I am still working on that and trying to figure out where to relocate.
I wholeheartedly agree! Financial security and stability is the most important thing nowadays.

First things first.

Environment is extremely important. Once we feel content with ourselves, we can then grow relationships with others. I feel like if you have other areas of your life in order, it’s easier to find romance and all. Because then you are relaxed and happy.

Which is why I wrote about hustling not long ago. Maybe that wasn’t the right word, but what I meant is working hard to create a great life. Something like that 💫
Posted by nanochip
My best life is in Australia, I just know it. I can’t move there yet and I’m getting so old 😭
Why can’t you?
Posted by borednbeautiful
Posted by nanochip
My best life is in Australia, I just know it. I can’t move there yet and I’m getting so old 😭

Why can’t you?
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I edited more details onto my original post to explain what I saw when I was there

Because of my dogs. I got my dogs 7 and 10 years ago, and now it would cost $ 20k and about 6-8months to process and quarantine them to Aus, and one of them is elderly. I should just bite the bullet and start saving I guess. But theres also the cost for my immigration and travel, I think we are really looking at $ 30k US minimum.
Posted by nanochip
Posted by borednbeautiful
Posted by nanochip
My best life is in Australia, I just know it. I can’t move there yet and I’m getting so old 😭

Why can’t you?

I edited more details onto my original post to explain what I saw when I was there

Because of my dogs. I got my dogs 7 and 10 years ago, and now it would cost $ 20k and about 6-8months to process and quarantine them to Aus, and one of them is elderly. I should just bite the bullet and start saving I guess. But theres also the cost for my immigration and travel, I think we are really looking at $ 30k US minimum.
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Would you mainly move for your boyfriend or for Australia itself? Can he move to USA?
Posted by hoeflation
Where to relocate- seaside shack like James Bond in Skyfall
what habits to adopt- low cortisol life
what kind of work to do - as little as posssible
hobbies - dog kennel/ shelter
activities - my onlyfans subscriptions I keed I keed
spiritual practices - feng shui
investments - property
practical advices - stay on DXP forever
Sage advice for someone who has the money 😃
Posted by borednbeautiful
Posted by nanochip
Posted by borednbeautiful
Posted by nanochip
My best life is in Australia, I just know it. I can’t move there yet and I’m getting so old 😭

Why can’t you?

I edited more details onto my original post to explain what I saw when I was there

Because of my dogs. I got my dogs 7 and 10 years ago, and now it would cost $ 20k and about 6-8months to process and quarantine them to Aus, and one of them is elderly. I should just bite the bullet and start saving I guess. But theres also the cost for my immigration and travel, I think we are really looking at $ 30k US minimum.

Would you mainly move for your boyfriend or for Australia itself? Can he move to USA?
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No I wanted to move to Australia already before I even met him. So if he and I break up, I’m still going to Australia. I want to move somewhere warmer and that’s not viable in the US because of cost of living in those places. I’m also trying to move to a more safe country with less violence, drugs, homelessness, and mentally ill - which the US doesn’t have proper care systems in place for and that drives a lot of what’s happening here.

Do you know they just casually keep their windows open and doors unlocked there? Never could happen here unless you’re in some kind of gated community and even then the crazies infiltrate those from time to time.

Everyday someone locally is being shot, stabbed, or hit and run at a crosswalk, car jacked, whatever. You can’t even drive a car down the road safe anymore. It’s the reality of the situation in the US
To me living my best life would be having an animal sanctuary where all the unwanted animals who were not adopted or who were about to be euthanized would stay either until a loving person/family adopted them or if not, they would stay for the rest of their lives. There would be lots of land for the animals to roam and play.

Being financially stable and never worrying about paying bills and such. Also having plenty of money to travel and afford things I desire while at the same time not living lavishly.

Meeting and falling in love with someone who loves me and all the good I have to offer, but also loves and accepts my dark side….my faults, my bad mental health days etc without judgement….without being scared off or running away. Someone I can marry and have a family with. To be a mother would be my biggest dream of all. Raising a family in a loving home.

Accomplishing these things would be living my best life.
-Keep 5 pounds of cannabis in my home at all times

-Relationship or kill my sex drive

-Fix up my home, ideally move it onto a piece of land that I'd own

I think that's about it really
Posted by nanochip
Posted by borednbeautiful
Posted by nanochip
Posted by borednbeautiful
Posted by nanochip
My best life is in Australia, I just know it. I can’t move there yet and I’m getting so old 😭

Why can’t you?

I edited more details onto my original post to explain what I saw when I was there

Because of my dogs. I got my dogs 7 and 10 years ago, and now it would cost $ 20k and about 6-8months to process and quarantine them to Aus, and one of them is elderly. I should just bite the bullet and start saving I guess. But theres also the cost for my immigration and travel, I think we are really looking at $ 30k US minimum.

Would you mainly move for your boyfriend or for Australia itself? Can he move to USA?
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No I wanted to move to Australia already before I even met him. So if he and I break up, I’m still going to Australia. I want to move somewhere warmer and that’s not viable in the US because of cost of living in those places. I’m also trying to move to a more safe country with less violence, drugs, homelessness, and mentally ill - which the US doesn’t have proper care systems in place for and that drives a lot of what’s happening here.
Do you know they just casually keep their windows open and doors unlocked there? Never could happen here unless you’re in some kind of gated community and even then the crazies infiltrate those from time to time.
Everyday someone locally is being shot, stabbed, or hit and run at a crosswalk, car jacked, whatever. You can’t even drive a car down the road safe anymore. It’s the reality of the situation in the US
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I hope you get to Oz soon

The USA is a terrible place to live from what I hear

🙏 being sent to you Nano.
Life is pretty good about now. Planning for retirement, a boyfriend that treats me better than anyone else ever has, having fun, enjoying life. Kids who love me & are support as I support them.

Is it all perfect? Lol is there such a thing? Enjoying life and seeing where it takes me with effort along the way.. it’s all I know & have learned after my world fell apart.
Answer is simple.

Live your life to the ideals you want to see in the world as a philosophy.

It's not enough to just speak up, hell workers better if you don't. You Demonstrate it.

In a world were people are full of shit, decieved, and distracted, and sheep.

People will gravite towards and learn from your success by osmosis. Substance.

Think about the people everyone one respects and admires. Lol even their enemies.

They over came shit and strived for more while still showing consideration and intelligence for others.

Great example.

Imagine if Keanu Reeves punched a nun.

What question would you be asking first, why he did that or what did the nun do?

Thst right there is what I'm talking about.

Anyone who knows his past and heard about tge stories of peolle who met him, his work ethic, what he does in his personal life, etc

Knows what im talking about.

Live your life to the ideals in the world you want to see in your own fashion.

If the world goes to shit people will be looking towards those who not only survived but thrived and how they did it. It's in our nature.

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