This topic was created in the Movies forum by i love ewe on Friday, July 17, 2009 and has 2 replies.
i went to see harry potter on wednesday when it came out and i got tickets for the imax 3D ( $ 36 bucks for 2!!!). it was great, unfortunately it was only 3D for the first 10 minutes. still worth it though because Half Blood Prince was my favorite book. someone told me that the ending was different (which it was) but i dont think it made a huge difference. my BF and i both had hogwarts scarves (seriously, we didn't even know we both had them till the day before) so OBVIOUSLY we had to wear them. i may or may not have worn a cape....
the next book though (deathly hallows), where do you think they will split it? I was thinking that it would either be after the fight in the forest when ron leaves OR when they break out of the bank.

anybody seen HBP yet?

ahhh i meant GRYFFINDOR scarves haha