In Memoriam MCU

This topic was created in the Movies forum by hydorah on Tuesday, March 5, 2019 and has 9 replies.
I won't spend too much time composing this post, but just wanted to honor the fact that after reaching the apex of MCU with Infinity War, the franchise is probably going to go downhill fast

It's already kind of surprising how we got to such a high quality endgame when the franchise started with crap like iron man and the avenger movies But they kept at it and surprised us. The avenger universe became progressively better once they got rid of the overbearing SHIELD garbage.

Then came the GOTG movies which were pretty much a better star wars than star wars.

Fortunately Stan LEE passed away just after the high point and will remain on a high.

Now they have fired the GOTG director due to some SJW controversy and they're going to be virtue signalling as crazy. You already know the next movie will be a SJW vehicle. They're also going to be adding less fitting characters to the world, such as spiderman, and maybe even connect with the XMen universe which would be a total disaster.



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^^^SJW controversy
I watched it because of Scarlet Johansson.

The rest can go away.

Oh i just remembered, the first Guardians of the galaxy was also good, but i think i found it good because it was fresh as i haven't even heard of the characters, plot and thought it's a new and original development. Of course the lovely Zoe Saldana helped too.

Here's the thing, from what I have heard thus far, is this movie may end up being just as bad as The Last Jedi. Within the context of this "world" and this "universe" there are certain rules that apply, that I have heard are being negated in the the fact that the movie almost creates gigantic plot holes and uses feminism as a cheap plot device. Which was the problem with Last Jedi as well. From what I am seeing is, is that a lot of it is nonsensical in its plot, powers, and everything within the context of the universe. Much was the same issue within Last Jedi, which happened to have the same criticism that I believe was justified within the Star Wars universe. The CEO had an agenda, and pushed it, imo. In ways, it totally ignored Star Wars fans in that movie.

Though not the same universe, I loved the SHIT out of Wonder Woman. It was done with a lot of things right. It gave women power, and a lead role. It had little issues with me, in terms of plot holes. There was some, granted. But that movie was amazing.

If this movie, ends up using feminism as a cheap plot twist, and she is just omni-powerful for no reason (Like Leia suddenly being able to have these crazy Jedi powers that make her survive being sucked into space, when she never exhibited any powers like that previously), I am going to be annoyed. Because then it just will make no sense within the context of this universe.
Doctor strange is one of the worst universe-breaking characters.

When I was young comics weren't easily available so I don't know how the original version was, what I could see of him always looked mysterious and badass, potentially the most interesting character.

But in the movie.... They made it naruto-level of cartoon stupidity

So this dude just books a plane ticket to katmandu and asks the first person on the street where the academy for magic powers is located. After being given directions, he enters this magic academy that noone in the super hero authorities have ever heard about, despite having several dozen international students training in magic portals right in the courtyard.

So afer a 15 days crash course in magic he becomes this super badass magician and for some reason he's chosen as the next in line for whatever whatever (probably because he's a british american lothario). He starts opening magic portals left and right with overabundance of CGI and everything is possible and nothing makes sense.

I always imagined the original dr strange as a reference to the traditions of 19th/20th century european mysticism and orientalism. Teoshophical society, occultism, aleister crowley and all that shit. Things were supposed to be subtle and the magic powers should maybe not have had so direct and cartoony effects on the world. Maybe most of it should have happened intellectually and symbolically, maybe behind a thick vapor, before manifesting into the concrete world, maybe using references to the 1960s drug culture that inspired the character.

But no, they made it this japanime magician with glowy shit on his hands and shit, it's just retarded
Bree Larsen is a Socialist Justice Wacko who is going to lose BIG in the coming weeks as her latest garbage movie goes straight into the depths of hell where it belongs.

No man alive should pay to see her movie, especially after all the backwards horseshit she has been spewing lately about men.

Boycott her shit, and let Disney pay for their bad decisions to empower such a loser.
Posted by TheRabbit of the more interesting characters with the greatest potential (Dr. Strange) will likely get pushed to the wayside.
I like Dr. Strange, and I don't see how Endgame is going to pull in a serious amount of cash with Bree Larsen poisoning the film.
Posted by tiziani

None of you told me Guardians of the Galaxy was this good.

Rocket is the most watchable in the entire MCU.

wait until you see the second episode.

That movie made me remember how it is to get out of the theater more excited than when I went in. A feeling I had not known since forever (Terminator 2)

I hated Endgame!

10% action 90% friggin' drama!

Shouldn't have watched the crap

No I will never watch Spiderman

Like there aren't too many spidey movies already!