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May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
went to see this with my family and we LOVED it.
wow, i was so awe'd and also so sad.
it made me want to look up, again, world war 2 and the Propaganda.
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Alan Turing has somewhat similar placements as Nicole Tesla, with some variation but of course, they're both geniuses.
It also made me remember how Propaganda can be very dangerous, and Hitler wanted to have the BEST on his side. Power. Control. Persuasian. The power to destroy and the power to win.
Alan Turing has Cancer sun in the 2nd house, Libra moon in 5th house. Gemini venus in the 1st, Mars Leo in 4th. And midheaven Aquarius.
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May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
of course Scorpio and taurus both abused the power (Hitler with stellium taurus in packed air houses)
its really scary reading those types of men who played "God".
The british government had to keep secret to be "smarter" than Germany. must be really tough to be "up there".
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Oct 15, 2013Comments: 243 · Posts: 2393 · Topics: 16
I will have to give it a go...
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May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
you'll really love it if you like this kind of thing.
also, be prepared to cry. it's so heart-wrenching.
men dont usually cry but us ladies do.
Keira Knightley imo did a great job, as i prefer her in this type of role than playing Elizabeth Bennett. she seemed lackluster as Elizabeth. the version with Colin Firth was better.
If you are interested in the Bletchley Circle, and have Netflix.
I would also recommend, this series:
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i have already seen it last year, but it is tied to what's going on in the ww2.
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May 12, 2014Comments: 27 · Posts: 531 · Topics: 27
Oh yeah, and the thing was true about Alan's boyhood crush. He got tuberculosis.
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May 12, 2014Comments: 27 · Posts: 531 · Topics: 27
Well... that's weird. I don't know much about that, its just what my professor said, lol!!
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Oct 15, 2013Comments: 243 · Posts: 2393 · Topics: 16
I am a math or person... Dyslexic... and INFJ... We look for patterns to relate why people or anything in reality happens.
I think this is why I am so in to astrology.
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May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
that's why the government keeps alot of secrets so they can PROTECT (that is why they have the secret service) both in british government and u.s. everywhere.
they have ALOT of responsibility for the people.
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May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
anyway he passed away, they said, (and if you read on Wikipedia) he committed suicide.
r.i.p alan turing.
btw, Benedict Cumberbatch played very very well. excellent performance. i also enjoyed his voice as the dragon in Hobbit.
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May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
interestingly enough, that's why Chris Martin liked/attracted to both Gwen paltrow and Jennifer Lawrence (both having gem moon) cause Martin has aquarius mars, and gemini midheaven. venus in aries helps too. also virgo rising with some of that merc energy. 3rd house Uranus and 11th house moon.
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Oct 15, 2013Comments: 243 · Posts: 2393 · Topics: 16
I work in sales... of a kind... No it has not died down... I have seen a few things or other deals I have heard of going down... not in my industry but just building and housing deals just busted... I have a few friends that sale other things they are at a loss...
What I do is fallow up on other old customers and focus on bettering or improving things I can in other ways. I know that sounds weird and although sales is the focus of my job. I would say having the right tools being organized... and ready for the future can have a big impact. I find that being down after a Mercury retro can lag on people... So if you know when it ends and ready to hit the ground running... it can be and advantage. It is frustrating though...
Understanding the basics of quantum mechanics expanded the way I look at charting. Math in general... as well as game theory...
The movie got me to download and audio book... The Predictioneer's Game by Bruce Bueno De Mesquita.
Like this movie he understand that humans failed to calculate the correct answers fast enough... This guy made a computer program for predicting and bending paths. The key is to think really out side the box often... Situational...