the evil dead (the old ver.)

This topic was created in the Movies forum by xxixxi on Tuesday, March 4, 2014 and has 2 replies.
lol lol
was recommended this movie by a friend of mine and this one was horror + some funny shit lol a good combination..

and there's a new one..from last year.. has any one seen it?? if so, should I go proceed watch the new ver. or just don't bother..? smile
Posted by Prince_Pisces
Posted by DonAmanMarat

Friday the 13th the remake, is the best 80s remake til date.

I think My Bloody Valentine is the best 80s slasher remake, but the F13 one was good too. Not as good as a lot of the earlier ones, but far better than JGTH or Freddy vs. Jason.
click to expand

my bloody valentine..? haven't heard of it.. maybe I should check it out..? smile