The Purge

This topic was created in the Movies forum by HippieGem on Sunday, November 5, 2017 and has 7 replies.
I finally watched the first one. I was kind of disappointed. But the idea of it still intrigues me.

If you could do that and get away with it with no repercussions, would you? Would you murder someone you have disdain for just because it’s allowed?

I don’t think I could. Unless it’s a life or death/kill or be killed situation, I really don’t think I could do it.

But I do believe there’s people who have so much anger pent up that they’d love a night like that. So if murder and all other crimes weren’t illegal for 12 hours, would you participate?
Posted by WarAngel1
If I had and dxp coins I’d give you some. 🙏
Posted by WarAngel1
Posted by HippieGem
Posted by WarAngel1
If I had and dxp coins I’d give you some. 🙏
Thanks for the offer, but I don't need that crap.
click to expand
Me either. 5 points to Slytherin.

Posted by HippieGem

If you could do that and get away with it with no repercussions, would you? Would you murder someone you have disdain for just because it’s allowed?
I'd murder someone I have disdain for regardless.. it's just that I haven't yet met anyone worth the effort lol

Posted by enfant_terrible
Posted by HippieGem

If you could do that and get away with it with no repercussions, would you? Would you murder someone you have disdain for just because it’s allowed?
I'd murder someone I have disdain for regardless.. it's just that I haven't yet met anyone worth the effort lol

click to expand
Hmm, so you’re ready to murder someone you don’t even dislike or hate yet?

This is a judge free area though. Murder as you please. Or hope to. Do you imagine how you’d do it? If you don’t want to kill anyone why do you imagine it?

Posted by nano
Murder, no. But I’d scheme some serious robberies.
Ah yes me too. But you know banks would have the best security. That is exactly where my mind went when watching this stupid movie.

All life should be cherished.