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Aug 05, 2008Comments: 38 · Posts: 3918 · Topics: 108
What are your musical pet peeves? It could be a genre or an individual whatever.
Personally I hate boy bands. If I'm dating a guy and he owns a Westlife album then that's a deal breaker for me I'm afraid.
I would post a video to demonstrate my point but I honestly cannot bear to even look.
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Oct 25, 2009Comments: 9 · Posts: 4248 · Topics: 32
"-pseudo/performance art music a la lady gaga and others..that should be a part of the show if you're gonna do it not a way of making up for poor musical talent"
Most Heavy Metal. Way too loud.
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Oct 25, 2009Comments: 9 · Posts: 4248 · Topics: 32
Oh gawd how could I forget techno music. I hate that shit.
bad music doesn't turn me off... I turn off the bad music.
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Dec 22, 2009Comments: 438 · Posts: 33721 · Topics: 241
Twangy 'my wife cheated on me ( but boy can she suck the chrome off a trailer hitch )', tear in your beer, shit kicker boots country. Metal so angry it's shrieking. Smack a bitch, kill a cop rap. Boy bands, and ANY singer that doesn't know when to call it a day. Like Celine Dion, not only did her heart go on in that tune, so did her warbling.
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Dec 29, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 443 · Topics: 22
Rap, Hip Hop, Country and Jazz. Anything else is good to me, or at least tolerable.
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Aug 05, 2008Comments: 38 · Posts: 3918 · Topics: 108
I'm adding Chezza to the list:
Please for the love of god stop making what you call "music" I beg of you.
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Dec 22, 2009Comments: 438 · Posts: 33721 · Topics: 241
^ Yeh, it happens when the local hayseed picks up a bar fly for lurrrrrvin'.
Metal, country, rap, boy bands, rock, really bad pop music, trance, and shitty remixes...
Oh, and cover songs...
really bad remixes, i mean