What music turns you OFF?

This topic was created in the Music forum by MissPirate on Monday, September 13, 2010 and has 16 replies.
What are your musical pet peeves? It could be a genre or an individual whatever.
Personally I hate boy bands. If I'm dating a guy and he owns a Westlife album then that's a deal breaker for me I'm afraid.
I would post a video to demonstrate my point but I honestly cannot bear to even look.
"-pseudo/performance art music a la lady gaga and others..that should be a part of the show if you're gonna do it not a way of making up for poor musical talent"


Most Heavy Metal. Way too loud.

Oh gawd how could I forget techno music. I hate that shit.
Posted by MsPisces.
"-pseudo/performance art music a la lady gaga and others..that should be a part of the show if you're gonna do it not a way of making up for poor musical talent"


Most Heavy Metal. Way too loud.

Ditto on the heavy metal. I'm talking about the kind where you can't even make out a melody or what the singer is saying it's all just noise. Not my thing at all.
Posted by pigeonpie
This steaming pile of shite and similar spawn

They should be shot. Seriously.
Posted by kunoichismile

I find new country music quite annoying. Some of the older stuff is kinda cool tho'(like Hank Williams Sr. or Kenny Rogers, and all that shizz).

Same. Except for Kenny Rogers though - legend! smile
@Chance I know what you're saying re. the Indie scene at the moment. Although I saw VW at this year's T and they sounded pretty good. Maybe it was because it was a free show they never put much effort in? Tongue
Haha that's a fair point I give you that.
I was pretty drunk when they came on so probably not the best judge at that point. smile
bad music doesn't turn me off... I turn off the bad music.
Twangy 'my wife cheated on me ( but boy can she suck the chrome off a trailer hitch )', tear in your beer, shit kicker boots country. Metal so angry it's shrieking. Smack a bitch, kill a cop rap. Boy bands, and ANY singer that doesn't know when to call it a day. Like Celine Dion, not only did her heart go on in that tune, so did her warbling.
Rap, Hip Hop, Country and Jazz. Anything else is good to me, or at least tolerable.
I'm adding Chezza to the list:

Please for the love of god stop making what you call "music" I beg of you.
fuckin country
^ Yeh, it happens when the local hayseed picks up a bar fly for lurrrrrvin'.
Metal, country, rap, boy bands, rock, really bad pop music, trance, and shitty remixes...
Oh, and cover songs...
really bad remixes, i mean