Natal Chart Links, Resources, and/or Information

This topic was created in the Natal Chart forum by TheApparition on Saturday, June 27, 2020 and has 7 replies.
*This topic post is a consolidation of several seperate topic posts (Natal Chart Information Links, Sect, Position Relative to the Sun) and also contains a few updates/exclusions from the originals.*

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A simple list of links that I, personally, use or have found helpful at some point.

Free Natal Chart



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Astrological Signs


Planetary Bodies 📍

Kepler College

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Ascendant/Descendant¹ & Medium Coeli/Imum Coeli²

¹ Canary Quill Astrology

² Canary Quill Astrology

Astronomical Foundations 📍



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Aqua or Fire

Aspects, Patterns, & Orbs

Cafe Astrology

Good Vibe Astrology

Astro Library

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Astrology King

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Kelly's Astrology

Mercury Promethean/Epimethrian


Venus Star

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Planetary Rulerships, Dignities and Debilities


Asteroids & Nodes 📍

Darkstar Astrology

Aquarian Astrology

House Rulership, Full House, & Empty House



Duplicate³ & Intercept⁴

³ Bob Marks Astrologer

⁴ Bob Marks Astrologer

Chart Distribution

Find Your Fate - Planetary Emphasis in Hemispheres

Astrology 42 - Stellium

SunSigns - Planets in Houses

Astro Library - Planets in Signs

The Arabian/Arabic Parts in Astrology

Astrodienst - Information and Calculations

AstroLibrary - Part of Fortune - Signs

AstroLibrary - Part of Fortune - Houses
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The Astrology Dictionary

Vertex Influence

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Mental Chemistry

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John Sandbach Astrology

All of the information listed below can be found at

The United States Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command Portal

Rise/Set/Transit/Twilight Data

• Complete Sun and Moon Data for One Day

• Table of Sunrise/Sunset, Moonrise/Moonset, or Twilight Times for an Entire Year

• Rise/Set/Transit Times for Major Solar System Objects and Bright Stars

• Duration of Daylight/Darkness Table for One Year

Phases of the Moon

• Dates of Primary Phases of the Moon

• Fraction of the Moon Illuminated

• What the Moon Looks Like Now

Eclipses and Transits

• USNO Eclipse Portal

• Eclipses of the Sun and Moon

• Solar Eclipse Computer

• Lunar Eclipse Computer

• Recent and Upcoming Transits of Mercury and Venus

• Mercury and Venus Transit Computer

Positions of Selected Celestial Objects

• Altitude and Azimuth of the Sun or Moon During One Day

• Topocentric Configuration of Major Solar System Bodies

• Geocentric Positions of Major Solar System Objects and Bright Stars

• Topocentric Positions of Major Solar System Objects and Bright Stars

Synthetic Views of the Earth and Solar System Bodies

• What Earth Looks Like Now

• Day and Night Across the Earth

• Apparent Disk of Solar System Object


• Earth's Seasons - Equinoxes, Solstices, Perihelion, and Aphelion

• Julian Date Conversion

• Sidereal Time

Celestial Navigation

• Celestial Navigation Data

• Navigational Star Chart

For those of you who do not know what sect is, and that want too, you may either read below or scroll to the very bottom where I'll include a YouTube video

Most Simplistic Description

• An important concept in astrological tradition is the distinction between day and night charts, which is associated with a technical concept known as “sect.”

More Detailed Description

• The term “sect” is a translation of the Greek word hairesis (αἵρεσις), which was often used in the Greco-Roman period to refer to a “group,” “faction” or “team” of people that adhere to a specific set of tenets or views.

• Within the context of western astrology the term sect refers to a scheme whereby the visible planets are divided into two groups or “sects”: a diurnal or daytime sect which is led by the Sun, and a nocturnal or nighttime sect which is led by the Moon. The Sun, Jupiter and Saturn comprise the diurnal sect, while the Moon, Venus and Mars comprise the nocturnal sect. This results in a distinction between a diurnal team of planets and a nocturnal team of planets.

• Mercury is considered to be intrinsically neutral, as it often is in astrology, but it is usually said to ally itself with the diurnal sect when it is a morning star, or conversely it allies itself with the nocturnal sect when it is an evening star.

• A planet’s sect status alters the quality of that planet in the chart and the way that it acts as a benefic or malefic, for better or worse. The malefic planets, Mars and Saturn, tend to be particularly problematic when they are contrary to the sect in favor, or the malefics can be quite benign and even beneficial or constructive when they are of the sect in favor.

• The same is true for the benefic planets Jupiter and Venus. Jupiter tends to be even more benefic in a day chart, and Venus tends to be more benefic in a night chart. Conversely, Jupiter tends to have some of its more positive significations restrained in a night chart, while Venus’ benefic significations are slightly inhibited in a day chart.

• There are also two additional sect related ‘rejoicing conditions’ that are of lesser or secondary importance in the overall analysis of sect in a chart.

• The first rejoicing condition is related to the horizon, and the gist of it is that diurnal planets prefer to be above the horizon during the day and below the horizon at night. Conversely, the nocturnal planets prefer to be below the horizon during the day and above the horizon at night.

• The second additional sect related rejoicing condition is simply that the nocturnal planets prefer to be in nocturnal signs (which are the same as the feminine signs) while the diurnal planets prefer to be in diurnal signs (which are identified with the masculine signs).

Above all it should be stated that the main determination with regards to sect in a chart is simply whether the chart in question is a diurnal or nocturnal chart, and which planets are of the sect in favor and which planets are contrary to the sect in favor.

• The two additional sect considerations according to the horizon and according to sign play a somewhat reduced or minor role in changing the sect status of the planets.

• If you need examples or an alternate description to understand here's a link may want to check out CLICK HERE to open that page in a new tab.

Cazimi, Combust, Under the Beams

The corona of the Sun is so bright that any planet within about 8° of the Sun will not be seen at all. This is called being ‘combust’. Even beyond that point and up to about 17° away the brightness of the Sun is still overpowering and the planet is faint. This is called being ‘under the sunbeams’. If a planet is right at the core of the Sun, within 0° 17′, then it is utterly consumed and this is called being ‘cazimi’.

So there are really three kinds of solar conjunction – cazimi, combust and under sunbeams – each of which has a somewhat different effect.

Planets ‘under the sunbeams’ are said to be mildly debilitated, with this weakness increasing the closer they come to the Sun. So conjunctions between 8-17° still count as conjunctions with the Sun.

Closer than 8°, the weakness of the planets is said to increase to a higher degree, which is called being combust. This is considered a more serious weakness implying a restriction of power and strength, as the fierceness of the Sun burns away the principle of the planet.

Finally, when in the very core of the Sun at 0° 17’ or less, a planet is cazimi and is briefly strengthened by its contact and union with the solar principle, being reborn and re-forged in its own depth of being and these are conjunctions finding a true alignment between the inner self of the individual and the principle of the planet. They are often described as bestowing some kind of brilliance or genius.

*Note: When a planet becomes non-visible because of the Suns light it becomes less physical and more astral in focus.
Posted by TheApparitionSect

For those of you who do not know what sect is, and that want too, you may either read below or scroll to the very bottom where I'll include a YouTube videoMost Simplistic Description

• An important concept in astrological tradition is the distinction between day and night charts, which is associated with a technical concept known as “sect.”More Detailed Description

• The term “sect” is a translation of the Greek word hairesis (αἵρεσις), which was often used in the Greco-Roman period to refer to a “group,” “faction” or “team” of people that adhere to a specific set of tenets or views.

• Within the context of western astrology the term sect refers to a scheme whereby the visible planets are divided into two groups or “sects”: a diurnal or daytime sect which is led by the Sun, and a nocturnal or nighttime sect which is led by the Moon. The Sun, Jupiter and Saturn comprise the diurnal sect, while the Moon, Venus and Mars comprise the nocturnal sect. This results in a distinction between a diurnal team of planets and a nocturnal team of planets.

• Mercury is considered to be intrinsically neutral, as it often is in astrology, but it is usually said to ally itself with the diurnal sect when it is a morning star, or conversely it allies itself with the nocturnal sect when it is an evening star.

• A planet’s sect status alters the quality of that planet in the chart and the way that it acts as a benefic or malefic, for better or worse. The malefic planets, Mars and Saturn, tend to be particularly problematic when they are contrary to the sect in favor, or the malefics can be quite benign and even beneficial or constructive when they are of the sect in favor.

• The same is true for the benefic planets Jupiter and Venus. Jupiter tends to be even more benefic in a day chart, and Venus tends to be more benefic in a night chart. Conversely, Jupiter tends to have some of its more positive significations restrained in a night chart, while Venus’ benefic significations are slightly inhibited in a day chart.

• There are also two additional sect related ‘rejoicing conditions’ that are of lesser or secondary importance in the overall analysis of sect in a chart.

• The first rejoicing condition is related to the horizon, and the gist of it is that diurnal planets prefer to be above the horizon during the day and below the horizon at night. Conversely, the nocturnal planets prefer to be below the horizon during the day and above the horizon at night.

• The second additional sect related rejoicing condition is simply that the nocturnal planets prefer to be in nocturnal signs (which are the same as the feminine signs) while the diurnal planets prefer to be in diurnal signs (which are identified with the masculine signs).Above all it should be stated that the main determination with regards to sect in a chart is simply whether the chart in question is a diurnal or nocturnal chart, and which planets are of the sect in favor and which planets are contrary to the sect in favor.

• The two additional sect considerations according to the horizon and according to sign play a somewhat reduced or minor role in changing the sect status of the planets.

• If you need examples or an alternate description to understand here's a link may want to check out CLICK HERE to open that page in a new tab.

Thanks for all the links

I found this vid interesting. I’m a day person but relate to my sun and moon equally. I find my behavior is a mix of both the signs

A guy i dated for a while is a night person. He is Scorpio dom/moon he has all the traits and behaviors of a Scorpio

What are you Apparition?
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by TheApparitionSect

For those of you who do not know what sect is, and that want too, you may either read below or scroll to the very bottom where I'll include a YouTube videoMost Simplistic Description

• An important concept in astrological tradition is the distinction between day and night charts, which is associated with a technical concept known as “sect.”More Detailed Description

• The term “sect” is a translation of the Greek word hairesis (αἵρεσις), which was often used in the Greco-Roman period to refer to a “group,” “faction” or “team” of people that adhere to a specific set of tenets or views.

• Within the context of western astrology the term sect refers to a scheme whereby the visible planets are divided into two groups or “sects”: a diurnal or daytime sect which is led by the Sun, and a nocturnal or nighttime sect which is led by the Moon. The Sun, Jupiter and Saturn comprise the diurnal sect, while the Moon, Venus and Mars comprise the nocturnal sect. This results in a distinction between a diurnal team of planets and a nocturnal team of planets.

• Mercury is considered to be intrinsically neutral, as it often is in astrology, but it is usually said to ally itself with the diurnal sect when it is a morning star, or conversely it allies itself with the nocturnal sect when it is an evening star.

• A planet’s sect status alters the quality of that planet in the chart and the way that it acts as a benefic or malefic, for better or worse. The malefic planets, Mars and Saturn, tend to be particularly problematic when they are contrary to the sect in favor, or the malefics can be quite benign and even beneficial or constructive when they are of the sect in favor.

• The same is true for the benefic planets Jupiter and Venus. Jupiter tends to be even more benefic in a day chart, and Venus tends to be more benefic in a night chart. Conversely, Jupiter tends to have some of its more positive significations restrained in a night chart, while Venus’ benefic significations are slightly inhibited in a day chart.

• There are also two additional sect related ‘rejoicing conditions’ that are of lesser or secondary importance in the overall analysis of sect in a chart.

• The first rejoicing condition is related to the horizon, and the gist of it is that diurnal planets prefer to be above the horizon during the day and below the horizon at night. Conversely, the nocturnal planets prefer to be below the horizon during the day and above the horizon at night.

• The second additional sect related rejoicing condition is simply that the nocturnal planets prefer to be in nocturnal signs (which are the same as the feminine signs) while the diurnal planets prefer to be in diurnal signs (which are identified with the masculine signs).Above all it should be stated that the main determination with regards to sect in a chart is simply whether the chart in question is a diurnal or nocturnal chart, and which planets are of the sect in favor and which planets are contrary to the sect in favor.

• The two additional sect considerations according to the horizon and according to sign play a somewhat reduced or minor role in changing the sect status of the planets.

• If you need examples or an alternate description to understand here's a link may want to check out CLICK HERE to open that page in a new tab.

Thanks for all the links

I found this vid interesting. I’m a day person but relate to my sun and moon equally. I find my behavior is a mix of both the signs

A guy i dated for a while is a night person. He is Scorpio dom/moon he has all the traits and behaviors of a Scorpio

What are you Apparition?
click to expand

My Sun is Contrariety Of Hayz in pretty much every regard.

My Moon is above the horizon (day side); however, it is 'rejoicing' in a night sign.

Overall my chart is Nocturnal by horizon; though, the bulk of my planetary placements are diurnal in sign.

My malefic planets are also located within their preferential horizon and sign qualities; 😌.

As for my beneficial planets... Jupiter it's not in it's beneficial diurnal sect, but it is in it's rejoicing day sign. Venus is in its beneficial Nocturnal, but is not in its rejoicing night sign. Haha.

My chart has a ton of neutrality in it. There's always something to cancel out something. My elemental split is almost 50/50 fire water. My sect is almost split 50/50. My aspects are almost 50/50 between trine and squares. Excetera. Excetera.

User Submitted Image

Fun times.

How about your chart? Do you have some sort of positive or negative influential consistency with yours, or do you find a lot of neutrality in yours as well?
Posted by TheApparition
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by TheApparitionSect

For those of you who do not know what sect is, and that want too, you may either read below or scroll to the very bottom where I'll include a YouTube videoMost Simplistic Description

• An important concept in astrological tradition is the distinction between day and night charts, which is associated with a technical concept known as “sect.”More Detailed Description

• The term “sect” is a translation of the Greek word hairesis (αἵρεσις), which was often used in the Greco-Roman period to refer to a “group,” “faction” or “team” of people that adhere to a specific set of tenets or views.

• Within the context of western astrology the term sect refers to a scheme whereby the visible planets are divided into two groups or “sects”: a diurnal or daytime sect which is led by the Sun, and a nocturnal or nighttime sect which is led by the Moon. The Sun, Jupiter and Saturn comprise the diurnal sect, while the Moon, Venus and Mars comprise the nocturnal sect. This results in a distinction between a diurnal team of planets and a nocturnal team of planets.

• Mercury is considered to be intrinsically neutral, as it often is in astrology, but it is usually said to ally itself with the diurnal sect when it is a morning star, or conversely it allies itself with the nocturnal sect when it is an evening star.

• A planet’s sect status alters the quality of that planet in the chart and the way that it acts as a benefic or malefic, for better or worse. The malefic planets, Mars and Saturn, tend to be particularly problematic when they are contrary to the sect in favor, or the malefics can be quite benign and even beneficial or constructive when they are of the sect in favor.

• The same is true for the benefic planets Jupiter and Venus. Jupiter tends to be even more benefic in a day chart, and Venus tends to be more benefic in a night chart. Conversely, Jupiter tends to have some of its more positive significations restrained in a night chart, while Venus’ benefic significations are slightly inhibited in a day chart.

• There are also two additional sect related ‘rejoicing conditions’ that are of lesser or secondary importance in the overall analysis of sect in a chart.

• The first rejoicing condition is related to the horizon, and the gist of it is that diurnal planets prefer to be above the horizon during the day and below the horizon at night. Conversely, the nocturnal planets prefer to be below the horizon during the day and above the horizon at night.

• The second additional sect related rejoicing condition is simply that the nocturnal planets prefer to be in nocturnal signs (which are the same as the feminine signs) while the diurnal planets prefer to be in diurnal signs (which are identified with the masculine signs).Above all it should be stated that the main determination with regards to sect in a chart is simply whether the chart in question is a diurnal or nocturnal chart, and which planets are of the sect in favor and which planets are contrary to the sect in favor.

• The two additional sect considerations according to the horizon and according to sign play a somewhat reduced or minor role in changing the sect status of the planets.

• If you need examples or an alternate description to understand here's a link may want to check out CLICK HERE to open that page in a new tab.

Thanks for all the links

I found this vid interesting. I’m a day person but relate to my sun and moon equally. I find my behavior is a mix of both the signs

A guy i dated for a while is a night person. He is Scorpio dom/moon he has all the traits and behaviors of a Scorpio

What are you Apparition?

My Sun is Contrariety Of Hayz in pretty much every regard.

My Moon is above the horizon (day side); however, it is 'rejoicing' in a night sign.

Overall my chart is Nocturnal by horizon; though, the bulk of my planetary placements are diurnal in sign.

My malefic planets are also located within their preferential horizon and sign qualities; 😌.

As for my beneficial planets... Jupiter it's not in it's beneficial diurnal sect, but it is in it's rejoicing day sign. Venus is in its beneficial Nocturnal, but is not in its rejoicing night sign. Haha.

My chart has a ton of neutrality in it. There's always something to cancel out something. My elemental split is almost 50/50 fire water. My sect is almost split 50/50. My aspects are almost 50/50 between trine and squares. Excetera. Excetera.

User Submitted Image

Fun times.

How about your chart? Do you have some sort of positive or negative influential consistency with yours, or do you find a lot of neutrality in yours as well?
click to expand

I’m consistently fixed ... water and earth dom with a little fire...