11 vs 2

This topic was created in the Numerology forum by forrestwp on Tuesday, December 1, 2015 and has 3 replies.
Hello, I am inquiring about when and if it is appropriate to reduce the number 11 down to a 2 when calculating life path etc numbers. I assume that since 11 is a master number it should not be further reduced but I can't find any solid evidence that this is true. thanks!
You still break down a master but it's important to make a note next to the final number that a master number was found before the break down.
depending on what form of numerology you use.
Usually you always have to break down into singles.
Master numbers are additional inforrmation not so much stand alone.
Master number 11 usually involve teaching counseling of some sort.... Very wise individuals .... Why would you want it to be broken down? 11 is a powerful powerful number.... Actually the most imo