Seeing Angel Numbers (11:11 2:22 4:44)

This topic was created in the Numerology forum by fullmoongirl on Monday, October 8, 2018 and has 6 replies.
Since the end of August I have been seeing constantly the time at 11:11 1:11 4:44 2:22 5:55

It has gone from once every few days to twice a day at times. I have literally woken up at 4:44 am. I was manifesting and meditating heavily in the beginning of August. I still manifest here and there but not as much.

My manifestations are very slowly coming to light but these angel numbers are just popping up all the time. I think this is a very good omen for me but I wanted some insight on others experiences.
I've been seeing them for the last 8 it's turned into seeing 110, 210, 310 and so on down the line. I honestly don't think it means anything cause I have yet to see the why's of seeing these numbers and it's been years. 🤷
Hi there,

I've also been seeing these numbers too for a long time now, about a year I would say, 11 22 33 44 55 and 111 222 333 444 555 mainly but also others depending on the period, and not just in time, but anywhere they can appear, anywhere there is numbers, and they get to the point that you start feel it somewhat as a harassment, and they can do it in a dazzling way, making sure that you have absolutely no doubt that you didn't see them by coincidence, if necesssary they keep coming back until you notice them and understand that

And I also would really like to know what their meaning is

Also can I know what you mean by "manifesting" please ? What do you manifest ? I think I've already heard something similar and it's quite interesting, And if it's not too much to ask an example of what you have manifested ?
Btw didn't anyone notice that this thread has been created at 2:22 pm ? this happens often, the previous thread I saw on this subject was posted at 22:22 (24 hours system), 22 and 222 are the ones that appear the most in my case

Besides we are the 11/11
My baby was born on 11/11 and someone here pointed out the year 2018 is also a sum 11...

We had room 605 at the hospital (sum 11 as well)

She’s an angel 😇
Posted by AnotherTaurusGuyReturns

Getting this so often this weekend. I would certainly welcome some divine intervention.
Pray to baby Jizzus.