Your Personal Year for 2024

This topic was created in the Numerology forum by MyStarsShine on Monday, January 1, 2024 and has 6 replies.
Mine is 2 ~ patience and waiting

Add your birth day and month to 2024

ie 1.1.24 = 8
Posted by MyStarsShine
Add your birth day and month to 2024

ie 1.1.24 = 8
Sorry that should be

1.1.2024 = 10 = 1
Personal Year - 2

Development, cooperation, and waiting

Personal Year 2 is great for starting relationships. It is the year in which people make friends more easily and get along with others better. It's a period during which they need to share their feelings and everyday experiences that they consider important. Stress would hit people very deeply during this vibration, so it is important that they live in a peaceful environment where they can maintain balance of life, otherwise they are at risk of illness.
Posted by 8675309
Personal Year - 8
Attainment and capital gains
Personal Year 8 brings time during which the person can, after changes in the past year, regain balance and peace, and capitalize on previously gained experience, understanding and strength. Eight is the number of karma and balance, so the success of this period depends on how successful the person was throughout his life until now. If he puts in a great deal of hard work, deliberation and good will, he will most likely get rewarded; if he was selfish and acted without respect and tolerance for others, he will get what he deserves. Karma is a chain of cause and effect - giving and taking, justice and injustice, action and reaction - which lasts until a natural balance is established and this balance remains unchanged. That's the key to life and its whole meaning.
Personal Year 8 may be creative and independent period during which a person achieves many things in many areas. If he can channel energy and strength of this year constructively he will not be limited in any way. But it is not easy; if it was so simple the number eight would not be called the number of balance. People have problems with energy, strength and power from the moment they were given free will, therefore they need patience and wisdom in order to keep their strength, which is in balance during this period.
Your health will improve this year, your physical condition will get stronger, career prospects will become clearer and romantic relationships can achieve happy balance. Act honestly and you will see great success this year, but keep in mind that you need a lot of energy for showing kindness and for maintaining balanced mood. Communicate with others as much as possible and use your power wisely.
8 is a good year. You’ve just come out of 7 which is a difficult one meaning you can feel secluded

It’s also our number (Scorpio being the 8th sign)…

So new year for you will be better ♥️
Personal Year - 3

Social expansion and creative successes

Vibrations of numbers three bring mental activity and generate the need to release energy through social contacts, studying and various hobbies. Communication, with an emphasis on self-expression in all areas, becomes more important this year. If mental energy is not correctly directed, people may become irritable and critical, or they may begin to suffer from bad dreams or insomnia.

It is not a year for routine, everyday activities. This year, people start to be more imaginative and all activities must be challenging and stimulating in order to make full use of mental energy that is available.

This year, people may be forced to deal with the past, with various unresolved relationships and situations. It is almost unbelievable how often people in this personal year meet with relatives or ex-lovers who they have not seen for long periods of time, and try to solve buried problems that they did not want to think about until this time. It is natural that when people try to overcome their problems with rational communication, emotional trauma of the situation disappears. This time is also best suited for studying because mental energy is peaking.