
This topic was created in the Paranormal forum by 000sillylion000 on Monday, January 23, 2017 and has 4 replies.
Quick question for anyone who thinks (or knows) they are clairvoyant.

I've been having dreams that start to come true. Small, incredibly mundane things that happen during daily life. This occurred in the past too, but stopped when I stopped (for work reasons) reading cards and opening myself up to my guide and... idk... whatever place those thoughts and ideas come from.

My question is: how do I get better at this beyond reading cards and "listening"? I've tried to start meditating and listening more to my gut, but I'm curious about ways other people have developed.

My intuition tells me that I can do more, and after finding several natal aspects that point to strong intuitive and prophetic skills, I want to try. There is a curative emphasis to my aspects, using this skill to "heal" others or "psychic" healing, and it's a path I want to pursue. Just curious if anyone had advice on how.
Posted by Seraphlight
Posted by 000sillylion000
Quick question for anyone who thinks (or knows) they are clairvoyant.

I've been having dreams that start to come true. Small, incredibly mundane things that happen during daily life. This occurred in the past too, but stopped when I stopped (for work reasons) reading cards and opening myself up to my guide and... idk... whatever place those thoughts and ideas come from.

My question is: how do I get better at this beyond reading cards and "listening"? I've tried to start meditating and listening more to my gut, but I'm curious about ways other people have developed.

My intuition tells me that I can do more, and after finding several natal aspects that point to strong intuitive and prophetic skills, I want to try. There is a curative emphasis to my aspects, using this skill to "heal" others or "psychic" healing, and it's a path I want to pursue. Just curious if anyone had advice on how.
Well it's an alleged ability to gain information about objects events people and much more (more about this) through perception other than the five senses. I don't know if we can ever present this information to others with certainty. Which in a way is a good thing. It's more humble.

I would suggest sensitivity is a strong indicator of this. And so for me being more emotionally sensitive has always seemed to be developing more awareness.

Creativity is another indicator. I have noticed creative people are more into this.

It's not a rule though.

Being creative and sensitive and pursuing creative skills I think helps. For instance singing lead me to the practice of sometimes intoning and droning. Drawing has helped my mind understand imagery. It's visual intelligence. Acting and dance gave my physical awareness of space and others.

Here do this ...find a room ...lick your fingers ...then rub the spit on your head. Run from one end of the room to the other. I know it sounds MAD but try it will find you are more aware of space than you were. It's hard to explain I learnt it in a drama class.

Mime and mirroring ...seem to have you aware of other people on another level.

Practice movement. Visualizations.

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I got my MFA in Creative Writing, and I have DEFINITELY noticed (especially when I read cards or write down my dreams) that I get waaaaaaaaaaay more information from them than just talking it out? It's like... it's keys me into being more receptive?

Posted by TheLibraMudra
Posted by Freetobe007
I will say this much...Prophetic skills look like a gift from the outside, but from the inside it won't always feel like a gift. You should tread carefully when it comes to dormant propheticism. You should not open yourself up to every situation that rings the doorbell of your intuition. Many times, when it comes to helping people heal, you're only meant to show up and offer tools for them to do their own work with.You shouldn't jump right into the timeline of every person who needs healing because you're not always meant to be their remedy or you're not meant to be the one who brings their remedy.

Your first urge may be to show and share but you shouldn't and it pays to move like a person who's unaware. People are supposed to be at a certain point before you share what you've seen otherwise you're just disrupting a necessary succession.
It took me 9 years to figure this out. lol.
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Yeah, it definitely seems like it will take a great deal of time and dedication, and to be honest, I'm not even sure if I'm ready to jump right in, sotospeak. I am interested in just learning, and I will definitely look into the meditations. I think that's always a good place to start.

Posted by 000sillylion000
Quick question for anyone who thinks (or knows) they are clairvoyant.

I've been having dreams that start to come true. Small, incredibly mundane things that happen during daily life. This occurred in the past too, but stopped when I stopped (for work reasons) reading cards and opening myself up to my guide and... idk... whatever place those thoughts and ideas come from.

My question is: how do I get better at this beyond reading cards and "listening"? I've tried to start meditating and listening more to my gut, but I'm curious about ways other people have developed.

My intuition tells me that I can do more, and after finding several natal aspects that point to strong intuitive and prophetic skills, I want to try. There is a curative emphasis to my aspects, using this skill to "heal" others or "psychic" healing, and it's a path I want to pursue. Just curious if anyone had advice on how.
Whats your midheaven?