Seeing Orbs/Phenomenal Flashes of Light and Shadow People

This topic was created in the Paranormal forum by Emhendo on Tuesday, July 24, 2018 and has 13 replies.
Anybody ever had this experience?

Seeing flashes of light and orbs outside your peripherial vision.

I had a moment this past week where this happened to me for the first time in my life.

I don't know what to call these flashes of light, but I can best describe them as orbs.. Because they kind of were, but the very first one was a huge flashbang of purple/blue/white light. The second was orb-like.

This happened in one night, between 3 or 5 minutes apart.. The first one light the whole side of my bed up, and the second was directly behind my phone. I was laying in the dark when this occurrence happened upon me.

The next day I saw a very small purple orb in the bathroom at night.. The lights were on.

This hasn't happened since..

Anyways, I googled this looking for medical reasons because I'm a fuckin hypochondriac and much didn't come up on the medical side..

It was more spiritual than medical.. I'm seeing videos on it, spiritual explanations and so on.. I think this happened for a reason.

Some say it's angels, others say it's energy reaching out, and some more shit..

It was crazy what I experienced.. I thought one of my damn trap phones went off AHAAA

I also read the signs of angels, and the signs were the flashes of light and another was a damn feather..

Tell me why I was eating chicken the very next day, and a feather was on the skin of my chicken wing. This never happens, and I almost had pizza. A chicken produce will always make sure everything feather is plucked...

And I ended up with a damn feather.. What was the odds.

But upon googling, I ran across shadow people being in the same category...


I was waking up one odd morning, laying flat on my back and this person shaped so familiar, like my NOT DEAD cousin, just wacked me in my stomach..

I grabbed my stomach as the shadow hit me, but upon my flenching I felt nothing and nothing was there.

It's like it waited on me to open my eyes, and then he took his left arm and wacked me in my stomach..

I don't think I've seen a shadow since.. I believe one other time, but I can't remember details.. I didn't think it was deeper than medical, just thought I was stressing and the only thing was important is that I wasn't seeing them anymore.
Posted by TheRabbit

Only when I was on acid. Sorry.
Cuz you SLEEP.. Yo soul got lost here, WAKE UP.
The only time I can remember seeing a shadow person was when I was about 14, my room was pretty small and my bed sat to the side of my giant closet that took up most of the wall on the right.

I had a sheet covering my closet, it was white but transparent and I was never scared of the damn thing until one night I was laying in bed and it looked like someone was standing in my closet. It was barely visible, I could barely make out the shape of this thing but it looked like a person, I flashed a light on its location and nothing was there.. turned the light off and it was right in my fucking face, just completely black, no face, nothing! I turned the flashlight on again then off and it didn’t happen again, whatever was standing in my closet was gone. I haven’t seen it since.
Posted by haunt

The only time I can remember seeing a shadow person was when I was about 14, my room was pretty small and my bed sat to the side of my giant closet that took up most of the wall on the right.

I had a sheet covering my closet, it was white but transparent and I was never scared of the damn thing until one night I was laying in bed and it looked like someone was standing in my closet. It was barely visible, I could barely make out the shape of this thing but it looked like a person, I flashed a light on its location and nothing was there.. turned the light off and it was right in my fucking face, just completely black, no face, nothing! I turned the flashlight on again then off and it didn’t happen again, whatever was standing in my closet was gone. I haven’t seen it since.
I don't know how these things make it's way into our life and our vision, but all I know is that I hope I sleep good tonight and I'm not suffering enough for these beings to choose me. I am fine.. I'm trying to be fine.

They usually come after the broken and vulnerable, or children because kids are closer to that world..

Your story reminds me of some shit I saw when I was like 6 years-old. I saw this dark womanly figure in my momma room, sitting in the chair. She was shiney like black leather, thick thighs, and just had the most creepy mannerisms.. Her head kept going back as her legs was crossed..

I was in the room for a time out, I actually fell asleep on my time out.. When I woke up ot was dark outside and I came to see what I saw.. I remember being very scared.. I heard my dad in the kitchen and I asked to come out, he let me out.. I ain't say shit about it cuz till this day I don't know what I saw.. But it was a woman fasho..

I hope she doesn't see me ever again.
When dat crack hit you too strong...

Jk Tongue

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by haunt

The only time I can remember seeing a shadow person was when I was about 14, my room was pretty small and my bed sat to the side of my giant closet that took up most of the wall on the right.

I had a sheet covering my closet, it was white but transparent and I was never scared of the damn thing until one night I was laying in bed and it looked like someone was standing in my closet. It was barely visible, I could barely make out the shape of this thing but it looked like a person, I flashed a light on its location and nothing was there.. turned the light off and it was right in my fucking face, just completely black, no face, nothing! I turned the flashlight on again then off and it didn’t happen again, whatever was standing in my closet was gone. I haven’t seen it since.
I don't know how these things make it's way into our life and our vision, but all I know is that I hope I sleep good tonight and I'm not suffering enough for these beings to choose me. I am fine.. I'm trying to be fine.

They usually come after the broken and vulnerable, or children because kids are closer to that world..

Your story reminds me of some shit I saw when I was like 6 years-old. I saw this dark womanly figure in my momma room, sitting in the chair. She was shiney like black leather, thick thighs, and just had the most creepy mannerisms.. Her head kept going back as her legs was crossed..

I was in the room for a time out, I actually fell asleep on my time out.. When I woke up ot was dark outside and I came to see what I saw.. I remember being very scared.. I heard my dad in the kitchen and I asked to come out, he let me out.. I ain't say shit about it cuz till this day I don't know what I saw.. But it was a woman fasho..

I hope she doesn't see me ever again.
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I 110% believe negativity.. if strong enough can create something foul. I mean if you go somewhere that’s got an incredibly negative vibe you can feel that shit..

I haven’t had anything unusual happen to me recently, I kind of wish I did.. the dark unknown has always fascinated me. There used to be an old run down hospital in my town before I moved here.. I would’ve loved to explore it, there’s a mental asylum closing down soon aswell, if they don’t demolish right away I wouldn’t mind going there to check it out.
Sounds like you need to get your eyes checked out. When was the last time you had an eye exam?

America’s Best is phenomenal if you can find one where your at.
Posted by LadyNeptune

Sounds like you need to get your eyes checked out. When was the last time you had an eye exam?

America’s Best is phenomenal if you can find one where your at.
I already got glasses. I never not owned a pair.
Posted by haunt

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by haunt

The only time I can remember seeing a shadow person was when I was about 14, my room was pretty small and my bed sat to the side of my giant closet that took up most of the wall on the right.

I had a sheet covering my closet, it was white but transparent and I was never scared of the damn thing until one night I was laying in bed and it looked like someone was standing in my closet. It was barely visible, I could barely make out the shape of this thing but it looked like a person, I flashed a light on its location and nothing was there.. turned the light off and it was right in my fucking face, just completely black, no face, nothing! I turned the flashlight on again then off and it didn’t happen again, whatever was standing in my closet was gone. I haven’t seen it since.
I don't know how these things make it's way into our life and our vision, but all I know is that I hope I sleep good tonight and I'm not suffering enough for these beings to choose me. I am fine.. I'm trying to be fine.

They usually come after the broken and vulnerable, or children because kids are closer to that world..

Your story reminds me of some shit I saw when I was like 6 years-old. I saw this dark womanly figure in my momma room, sitting in the chair. She was shiney like black leather, thick thighs, and just had the most creepy mannerisms.. Her head kept going back as her legs was crossed..

I was in the room for a time out, I actually fell asleep on my time out.. When I woke up ot was dark outside and I came to see what I saw.. I remember being very scared.. I heard my dad in the kitchen and I asked to come out, he let me out.. I ain't say shit about it cuz till this day I don't know what I saw.. But it was a woman fasho..

I hope she doesn't see me ever again.
I 110% believe negativity.. if strong enough can create something foul. I mean if you go somewhere that’s got an incredibly negative vibe you can feel that shit..

I haven’t had anything unusual happen to me recently, I kind of wish I did.. the dark unknown has always fascinated me. There used to be an old run down hospital in my town before I moved here.. I would’ve loved to explore it, there’s a mental asylum closing down soon aswell, if they don’t demolish right away I wouldn’t mind going there to check it out.
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Yeah, I was going through a fucked up phase in my life when I saw a shadow person and my childhood wasn't exactly the most understanding when I saw that dark figure lady in my mom's chair..

When I was 19 I was going through more shit and I kept getting these bizzare coughs in the night.. Never-ending and hoarse ass coughs. I believe I was being attacked at night, something was taking my breath.

Anyways, I'm good now ... I don't think these orbs are bad at all.. it was very beautiful actually.. I was wondering if people here seen them, because others have seen them too.

But.. I'm a person of light. Dark energy finds me, I let it in.. But I'm not that.

If you wanna go exploring, just be careful not to bring things back with you. Shit gets attached.
Posted by Katana

It's everything that you just described it to be in regards to it being spiritual…the flashes of light, the feathers (although restaurants do sometimes forget to pluck out all of the feathers from their chicken so I wouldn't necessarily say that's a sign specifically), but if you see white feathers appear and drop out of nowhere then yeah it's definitely what you're talking about and it's a good omen.

There's no reason to be afraid of any of it, not even the shadows unless they seem malicious of course which is possible.

You telling me it's no reason to be afraid, which I'm not, but the damn shadow person took his arm and wacked me in my stomach. It did an attacking gesture upon myself waking up.

If that doesn't sound malicious, I don't what that word means then...

Anyways, the orbs were beautiful. Not tripping on that...

The feather was sent to me. That rarely ever happens with chicken. People can choke on feathers or get sick from that type of protein. They MAKE SURE they are gone. I just so happen to catch the feather, I could have ate it. It showed up the next day. I almost ordered pizza.. What the hell are the odds. I believe it was sent to me.
Posted by TheWeirdOne

I am a 12th house Sun, Jupiter & Mercury.

I have seen white flashes with zero source i even went looking for the source... Never found any. Always when i could not sleep and had deep stuff in my mind.

Jupiter in 12th house is a guardian angel.

I was born on a Monday and my name is Michael.

The only Arch Angel with those credentials is St Michael.

Either i am an incarnation or he visited me subconsciously.

I am always a person who gives advice and help and am a leader in many ways. Eveything that Arch Angel is.

It is quite scary actually because i do not believe in religion.

Here is my numerology 16. 7-7-7

I believe arch angels walk amongst here.. Just know you have a job to do and knowleg to spread.
Posted by peachy06

Your house is haunted.
Nah... This house was built in 2012 and I'm the first to live here.

Maybe my old house, which was my Granny's crib.. House was built in 1901 and I got all kind of vibes in that place.
Yes I have had a similar experience with seeing a shadow creature and the insane thing is I knew what I was seeing was real because my dog saw it too and barked.