Posted by AneemA04I’m in weekly therapy. There isn’t a magic fix to the current situation.
I guess drugs should be the last thing for a solution?
Posted by Arielle83Grief from the break up with the Aqua
This all seems normal to me if you’re dealing with grief from a relationship.
Posted by besarlalluviaLet the grown ups talk...
why don’t u just change the situation
Posted by jok4212Trying to sort through the past. Working on some of it in therapy. There some fairly deep scars...Posted by Jade_AlexanderFix the past.Posted by Arielle83Grief from the break up with the Aqua
This all seems normal to me if you’re dealing with grief from a relationship.
Trauma from my husband (the feelings come in waves, last week I was mad... so mad at everything he’s done to me)
Stress from work
Plus raising my family
Nothing is going to shift or change for awhile. It’s just going to be hard for some time. I just don’t know if i have the ability to keep going.
Time to find someone better whom could lend his shoulder for you so you wont carry that burden alone.
And in the meantime you should be strong for your familyclick to expand
Posted by hollyhockWho knows!
Jade, I'm in the same situation. My dr just prescribed me antidepressants for situational issues and I'm scared to take them. I'm a libra sun too. What is going on with the Libras?
Posted by Jade_AlexanderI don’t believe you should take the antidepressants at all. I’m not an advocate of pill popping at all. I believe we all have an enormous amount of strength with in us that we need to learn to tap in to before our emotions and thoughts overcome us and make it even more difficult to access that part of us. It is all perception and thoughts, trust me the chemical circuitry that you’re creating and the reactions that are occurring with in your brain right now and causing this string of emotional upheaval because you’ve allowed them to continue in a repetitive cycle. Your brain finds it easier to behave in a cyclical and habitual way. You need to do the internal work and literally fight the default mechanisms of your brain that have come to be. External aids will only work for so long as a band aid relief and to cover up what is happening rather than deal with the root cause and root issue. I know so many people that become robotic like and totally detached from their thoughts, intuition and emotion when on these drugs and that isn’t healthy for a human being in any capacity. It won’t be you, it will be zombie you who will eventually become reliant on such drugs and yes as someone mentioned once you’re off of them you’ll have an even worse low. You need to be you in order to un tangle every issue, every trauma, unfurl all the problems and then work on them head on with a very diligent and consistent approach. I would have conversations with the universe whether you believe in a universal energy or a higher power, ask for that help and I would highly recommend stop coming on here where it is full of misery. This energy will attack you and effect you on a sub conscious level which is where all the emotional turmoil and trauma resides. Tap in to it away from the negativity and problematic people. For the time being I’d avoid whatever there is that has a connotation of negativity (until you’re strong enough with in yourself to not letPosted by hollyhockWho knows!
Jade, I'm in the same situation. My dr just prescribed me antidepressants for situational issues and I'm scared to take them. I'm a libra sun too. What is going on with the Libras?
I don’t have a problem with drugs, my husband needed them and he was a much better person on antidepressants. I’ve never used them, but I’m not close minded to it. I don’t fear the social stigma that some do.
If I need help, I’ll take it.
I’m want to be happier and healthier. That’s the end to expand
Posted by Arielle83
I found to heal, I needed to go back to being a kid. Before, I felt I needed male attention.
Posted by Arielle83Oh I see him as a lot worse. I have to remind myself he has a personality disorder and he’s healthy.Posted by Jade_AlexanderYa I don’t know why my husband did the same, but not sure if he has borderline. I just see him as a spoiled stoner with a mom that wishes he was her husband.Posted by Arielle83
I found to heal, I needed to go back to being a kid. Before, I felt I needed male attention.
I’ve gone back. I spent all summer revisiting these old wounds. There isn’t anything too dramatic there. My mother was slightly detached.
But being married to someone with Borderline just did a number on me. Everything started so normal and within a few years it wasn’t. He just got worse and worse.
I’ve been researching more and more about it trying to understand. But it brings out my anger at him and what he’s done to me.
I finally told him recently I don’t think i can ever forgive him for the abuse. Even with his therapy and attempts to change. There is too much to expand
Posted by Jade_Alexanderlol. good luck xPosted by besarlalluviaLet the grown ups talk...
why don’t u just change the situationclick to expand