History Important to u?

This topic was created in the Personal Development forum by 777 on Monday, March 4, 2019 and has 4 replies.
What do you think of people who dont concern themselves w/ historical events? I feel people who dont care about history are the most ignorant citizens of a nation.

This includes all of you "spiritualists". The people who claim not be believe in religion, but have spent less than 30 minutes studying & reading the texts.
Posted by maiden

does anyone source their info from something OTHER than documentaries?

I cringe when I hear that cause the makes of most documentaries make them with a message in mind.

So especially for history, it's an angled story.

If someone has gathered info from sources beyond google and documentaries then I love love love talking about history with people.

Listening more, actually.
"History is written by the victors."
Important in the sense that we should learn from it in order to not repeat the same mistakes, but history has also taught us that we never learn.

I like history, I just don't like talking about it, especially on the internet when people get emotionally invested into something they've studied secondhand and act like they were actually there.
If you dont know history, you dont know the present, if you dont know the present you cant plan for the future.
