I want to change thinking of things so negatively all the time. I have a constant feeling that nothing will ever work out and things that seem too good to be true probably are not true..
Hi all, first time poster looking for some information.
I'm a cancer woman and I have been in a friends with benefits situation with a Leo man for around 4 months now. We usually see each other every day or second and sleep with each other every alter
In spirit of virgo season, I want to know what some of your fantasies are. I asked my virgo hook up (scorp venus, cancer mars) and he turned it around asking what I want.
Please share
So my boyfriend is struggling to give me attention when I bitch about it he changes for a day then back to being a fuck boy I'm trying to hold on but I'm already checked out of this relationship I tried breaking up with him two weeks ago but he started ex
I'm thinking of encouraging my boyfriend to see other girls.
One reason is because I feel he is inexperienced in the sense that he hasn't had many relationships with other women. Sure, it's great that he wants to settle comfortably into a relationship
Are Capricorns better with Libra or Taurus?
Are Capricorns the one who take it slow?
This guy met a Libra girl during a day outing and got engaged to her next month. Me, being a Taurus is just a friend to him but I think he as a secret desire for
So, not meaning to sound bad or anything, but Iv been around the zodiac with men. Some Iv been just good friends with some Iv been in relationships with and some Iv just dated.
Tonight I decided to sit down with my phone calendar and make a list of al
And immature? As when you are with a relationship with them you feel like you are the man in the affair. You have to plan everything and he just follow you. I thought lunar leo men are like alphas. This guy is a Scorpio sun btw.
I am an Aquarius woman who met a Libra man 10 months ago. After a few dates, two to three months into the relationship, it picked up steam and we were seeing each other 2-3 times a week and talking/texting everyday. By this time we were sleeping with each