The Fab 5 of Self Sustaining Direction...

This topic was created in the Personal Development forum by GemCurioThe1 on Wednesday, September 16, 2020 and has 1 replies.
Here’s a bare necessity road map for personal development and success. At the end of the day, your accomplishments will be independent of people and outside forces for the most part. Remaining centered and goal oriented, keeping optimism and focus, and gravitating towards your objectives all must be self-induced. Your energy has to be uniform the majority of your day. Your internal compass must remain pointing at your true north regardless of the direction you are choosing. Enacting these 5 due diligences within your journey will greatly increase your chances of achieving your personal goals. Here’s the Self Fab 5.

Clarity of Vision

When addressing clarity of vision, one must realize that knowing where you are going in life, what you will achieve, how you achieve it, and which actions to take towards such goals must all be internal processing. Your current friends, family, coworkers, etc. do not see you the same way you see yourself, and potentially can never see you the way you see yourself in the future. For that reason your vision of yourself must be grounded and clear. All aspects of your decisions must be based on how you see your future self. Focus your daily actions on maintaining the mannerisms, the responsibilities, and the attitude of your vision of yourself. Time is a bubble. What will be is actually right now and being able to apply such a belief in your mind will gravitate you directly towards the individual goals you have set in your mind.

Time Management

Time is the currency of this world. It’s the most valuable resource and it will always be the only thing you can actually be compensated for. Whether it’s working for a business owner or working for yourself, your pay is measured by the amount of time you have utilized for a given task. Manage your time. All of it. No matter what state you are in life. If you have a 40 hour work week, that’s 40 hours of your life dedicated to someone else’s goals or some companies overall objective no matter what capacity you are functioning at. How much of your time this week have you dedicated to something you love to do or invested in yourself?? There’s 168 hours total in a 7-day week. You still have 128 hours to create something. To pursue something. Now I’m not trying to say lose sleep or not account for travel time, household duties, or scheduled events throughout week by week ventures, but I am saying that you can find 20-30 hours a week to pursue something for yourself. Whether it’s higher education, a study towards a lucrative internet business, piano lessons, or martial arts, manage something for yourself into your schedule. Learning new things and/or gravitating towards your purpose would not only balance you internally more because you can actually see yourself learning something new, but because you are learning something and doing something different for yourself that you like, this brings a more positive energy in your overall environment. Don’t give your time freely away for nonsense.

Trade Study

What is it you enjoy doing?? What would you enjoy learning?? One thing many college students learn freshman year or even after they graduate is what they thought they wanted to do for a career or what they thought would make them happy to pursue isn’t making them happy. One thing no one says to you is that it’s ok to change your mind. The problem is while in college changing your mind after freshman or sophomore year can be financially burdensome. What good is a degree you never use or certification in a career you hate doing?? It is a waste of both time and money. So study your trades of interest as early as possible. Watch YouTube videos or go to a site location for a tour or a discussion with someone willing to educate you concerning the career or trade you’re interested in. This is VERY IMPORTANT for saving time, years in the long run. However, and possibly even more importantly, you are speaking with people who have achieved what you are thinking of pursuing. They can do it so you can do it the same way the majority of the time. These people can guide you and assist you on your journey to your overall happiness or turn you away early from something you truly wouldn’t want to do for the next 20 years. Do this as often as you decide you desire to do something.

Like Begets Like

Following Trade Study is surround yourself with like people who desire to pursue the same goals as you or have achieved what you desire to achieve. This is the best way to stay in your energy, maintain external motivation, share ideas and discuss difficulties along the journey, and overall network. Also, if you continue on towards this same goal, these are the people that will continue to grow with you and you will run into again and again. You become a stone in their foundation as much as they become a stone in your, and you also might acquire a friend or business partner. Either way, finding or establishing a group of people who are aiming at the same goal will overall and throughout time have many long- and short-term benefits.


Being able to self-motivate is the most important ability most people fail to possess when it’s necessary and/or required when facing the difficulties and trials in life. The ability to find the drive to continue towards objectives alone is not only necessary to transform into your vision of yourself, but also in order to induce change in life. Do not rely on friends, family, coworkers, etc. to be supportive of you in your dreams or aspirations. Those around you cannot imagine you the way you envision yourself. You have to maintain the mindset and the attitude so strongly on your purpose that these people learn to see you in a different light. They know who you have been, but cannot imagine who you will be. For that forgive them because your journey and theirs may not continue much further. Different objectives. Learn to use the love of your skill/trade to be the motivation to continue to pursue it. A process like this becomes self-sustaining. An internal wheel of energy flowing in the direction you desire.

I’m going to end this here before it becomes too long. Sharing positivity and trying to assist people who just may have had questions concerning personal development. Comments and questions are welcome…

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