What was the most embarasing moment of your life? and how did you get over it

This topic was created in the Personal Development forum by Adreamuponwaking on Friday, April 26, 2019 and has 22 replies.
i just sent a text message to a mentor of mine asking if he was down to go to the queer porn film festival tomorrow

the message was just supposed to go to waterdevil

but my imessage on my computer added him as well
thank you for sharing
Posted by HippeeGem

I told this story before in one of Kilgore’s threads maybe like two years ago.

So I was at the pool with my kids and my ex Cap. He was in the water playing volleyball with a bunch of adults and kids. Like 15-20 people in there doing that, at least 30 other people just laying on chairs. I was sun bathing and fell asleep, and woke up to the Cap yelling my name and asking for me to get the ball.

I got up and tossed it in the water, and he was saying something and I had no idea what he was talking about, I was tired, lol. My bikini had strings on the sides and apparently one side of it was untied and the whole front was completely down.

Kids. And a lot of people. Omg it was so embarrassing. And some woman ran up to me and threw a towel around me. And he laughed and was like well at least you looked good. Ugh.

My son heard about it on the bus when school started up that year. I felt horrible and so embarrassed.
a similar thing happened when i was a preteen starting to develop

i wore a white t shirt bbecause thats what the neighbbors had

and we were having a water gun fight out in the front yard

and the neighbors were staring...they were boys slightly older than me
Lol. This is great. You’re human and have a life. If it’s really a mentor they will just say no thanks and laugh it off.

This isn’t a big deal. Unless the mentor is secretly queer and now he/ she knows that you know. Dun-Dun-Dunnn

Your a woman, does queer mean gay men porn? I always associate queer with men for some reason.

Posted by Prince_Pisces

Posted by Adreamuponwaking

i just sent a text message to a mentor of mine asking if he was down to go to the queer porn film festival tomorrow

the message was just supposed to go to waterdevil

but my imessage on my computer added him as well
So? Everyone watches porn.

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yeah still embarrassing when you are premed and you send it to a doctor-mentor who you don't know that well
Posted by saggurl88

Lol. This is great. You’re human and have a life. If it’s really a mentor they will just say no thanks and laugh it off.

This isn’t a big deal. Unless the mentor is secretly queer and now he/ she knows that you know. Dun-Dun-Dunnn

Your a woman, does queer mean gay men porn? I always associate queer with men for some reason.

no he's actually a queer mentor ...so that part really isn't a factor

it's the PORN aspect
Posted by Adreamuponwaking

Posted by saggurl88

Lol. This is great. You’re human and have a life. If it’s really a mentor they will just say no thanks and laugh it off.

This isn’t a big deal. Unless the mentor is secretly queer and now he/ she knows that you know. Dun-Dun-Dunnn

Your a woman, does queer mean gay men porn? I always associate queer with men for some reason.

no he's actually a queer mentor ...so that part really isn't a factor

it's the PORN aspect
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Oh. It’s not a big deal. You’re young. This type of thing is cool. Especially where you live.

Did you send a message back saying sorry, that he was accidentally added? Just be casual about it and don’t bring it up the next time you see him. If you act like it was no big deal, so will he.
oh he responded laughing......and said it was the best text he received all day
nice guy
Posted by saggurl88

Posted by Adreamuponwaking

Posted by saggurl88

Lol. This is great. You’re human and have a life. If it’s really a mentor they will just say no thanks and laugh it off.

This isn’t a big deal. Unless the mentor is secretly queer and now he/ she knows that you know. Dun-Dun-Dunnn

Your a woman, does queer mean gay men porn? I always associate queer with men for some reason.

no he's actually a queer mentor ...so that part really isn't a factor

it's the PORN aspect
Oh. It’s not a big deal. You’re young. This type of thing is cool. Especially where you live.

Did you send a message back saying sorry, that he was accidentally added? Just be casual about it and don’t bring it up the next time you see him. If you act like it was no big deal, so will he.
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yeah i did

he's making light of it now which is helping
Posted by Adreamuponwaking

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by Adreamuponwaking

Posted by saggurl88

Lol. This is great. You’re human and have a life. If it’s really a mentor they will just say no thanks and laugh it off.

This isn’t a big deal. Unless the mentor is secretly queer and now he/ she knows that you know. Dun-Dun-Dunnn

Your a woman, does queer mean gay men porn? I always associate queer with men for some reason.

no he's actually a queer mentor ...so that part really isn't a factor

it's the PORN aspect
Oh. It’s not a big deal. You’re young. This type of thing is cool. Especially where you live.

Did you send a message back saying sorry, that he was accidentally added? Just be casual about it and don’t bring it up the next time you see him. If you act like it was no big deal, so will he.
yeah i did

he's making light of it now which is helping
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That’s good. Well you should feel a little better then, you nasty girl, you 😜😩🤣

It’s seriously not that big of a deal. I thought it was worse.

Would it have been worse if you would’ve ran into him there lol. #Awkward
I tried to hold my in breath after running up and down the stairs near this cute guy at my nephew's middle school. Then he turned around and ask me where's the principal office was and I started gasping for air. lol he looked at me like a was crazy. Sucks having asthma.
I didn't get over it, i still think about it even tho it happened like 10 years ago. I can't tell sorry lol
Posted by Marai

Called back into office at 9pm after some cocktails with friends. Rushing with the taxi, paying cab driver the fare really quickly. Didn't notice that bag was still open.

Was slightly tipsy...

When going inside I tripped over... MYSELF..

And there in the hallway boss and team mate watching slightly amused how I tripped when stuff flying out of my bag.

And boss telling me I should take a holiday😂

Definitely one of proudest moments!

Edit: how I get over it?

By not taking myself too seriously

oh that's child's play!!!!
Posted by Adreamuponwaking

i just sent a text message to a mentor of mine asking if he was down to go to the queer porn film festival tomorrow

the message was just supposed to go to waterdevil

but my imessage on my computer added him as well
That made meLaughing so much, but glad it ended well

Years ago when I was younger and madder🙃 I was working in an art studio and was showing some of the artists how to work the new computer. One of them was standing behind me, but much too closely so I shouted "oiiiii, get your cock away from my arse". When I turned around, there was one of our biggest clients standing in the doorway

I felt mortified lol

Posted by AnotherTaurusGuyReturns

Posted by Adreamuponwaking

oh he responded laughing......and said it was the best text he received all day
So is he going or no? 😂🤣
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lol maybe he would have been down if he wasn't in Arizona doing rotations.

he's in residency training to be a neurologist
Posted by GemLover

Crashing a golf cart against a pole while staring at pretty women not paying one ounce of attention to the road. And this when I was an enforcer. I don't know how I got over it. All I wanted to do was get off the cart and run.
She was wearing some sandals huh
Posted by Foxy777

Posted by Adreamuponwaking

Having a seizure in front of everyone ....losing consciousness (A grand mal seizure) peeing myself rigors etc then having to face them again. Being asked simple questions in the ambulance like what is your name and not knowing what the heck he was talking about. Not being able to move my hands well for an hr.

Everyone always tells you ..oh i saw so and so have a seizure ...they vomited shook pissed themselves etc ..Im like DUDE I WANTED TO PRETEND MINE WAS LIKE A DELICATE SWOON

Pretty embarrassing.
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oh no !

i'm glad you're okay.

1000 percent sure everyone was just concerned that you were going to be okay.

Posted by ElvisStalinWoods

Was an assistant manager at a convenience store some years ago.

First weekend as acting manager, I had to take pictures of various parts of the store, upload them and send them off to the district manager by 9am.

I don't use my phone for any pics. Selfies or silly pics stay exclusively on my tablet. What I forgot was my friend took some group pics of us at the NYE party. What's worse is that I got with a girl that night and was inspired to take a photo.

All contents were quickly select in one click and drag and sent off by email to the district manager. 12 photos of the store, 4 group pics with everyone in it being absolutely smashed and one POV pic of a snowbunny having at my carrot.

I waited for the district manager to bring down the hammer, but I never heard a thing from her and carried on.
lol oh wow.
So my washroom was getting some repairs and my computer screen was left open. I was just watching a music video i dont remember which one, and i must have paused it at the part where there was a bunch of shirtless guys. The repairman kept staring at the computer screen and i was oblivious..but after he left. I wondered why he looked there so much lol

I changed the entire group chat to the name of my crush while doing some stalking. Everyone was questioning me including my crush soo mortifying
Posted by leooox

So my washroom was getting some repairs and my computer screen was left open. I was just watching a music video i dont remember which one, and i must have paused it at the part where there was a bunch of shirtless guys. The repairman kept staring at the computer screen and i was oblivious..but after he left. I wondered why he looked there so much lol

I changed the entire group chat to the name of my crush while doing some stalking. Everyone was questioning me including my crush soo mortifying
I think it was this video