All personality types - What people in your life would like you to know
Signed Up:
Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
Signed Up:
Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
For ENFPs:
1. “I don’t always want you to fix my problems. I love that you are a visionary and always want to help but sometimes all I need is a listening ear and hug.†–ESFP
2. “When you develop your Te, you become incredibly formidable. It’s a rare thing to be able to connect with people on a personal level, but also tell them off when they need to hear it.†–ENTP
3. “We need some space.†–INFJ
4. “Just because you can’t be a part of EVERYTHING doesn’t mean the people around you love you any less. Try to be less insecure about where you stand in your friendships. We love you. We promise.†–ENFJ
5. “I will fight you tooth and nail on it, but I do appreciate the spontaneity and chaos you bring to my life.†–INFJ
6. "Emotions come and emotions go. Please remember that.†–ENFP
7. “Keep being fun and random. Seriously, your spontaneity and genuine excitement is infectious. Don’t ever let the world drag you down and make you cynical.†–ENTP
8. “Don’t take everything so personally. It’s not always about YOU!†–ENTP
9. “I greatly admire your ability to put me at ease and allow me to open up so easily with your carefree persona and humour. However, I wish you were more reliable and consistent.†–ISTJ
10. “I’m really not as malleable as you think. REALLY not.†–INTJ
11. “Even if we sometimes come across as annoyed or indifferent, your motivational speeches and pep talks actually hugely impact us. I wish you knew just how much the world needs champions like you, with your relentless positivity. Don’t let the world make you hard or jaded, you are such a needed ray of sunshine in this often dark world; you guys are the technicolored figures in a black and white world, and I love it.†–ENTP
12. “You need to keep it down sometimes, you are too loud.†–ISTP
13. “It is OK to choose the dish in the restaurant based on what you feel like, instead of reading the whole menu. It is not, however, OK to interrupt me constantly when I am trying to get out a full sentence. I forget the beginning when you start to babble!†–ENFJ
14. “It is very worth it to learn how to control your mood swings.†–ENFP
15. “You bring the wildest, most joyful life to the world. I wouldn’t want to live on an earth without ENFPs. You are absolutely treasured. Hold on to that, and remember your value when your emotions plunge. You’re gonna make it. The lows are only so intense because you go to heights few types will know. I love you.†–INFJ
16. “You have so much soul – use it well. You wrap people up inside you without even trying. You’ve got to know how contagious you are…all your confidence, energy, and self-pity. Just don’t dive so deep into yourself that you can’t come out.†–ISTP
17. “Calm the eff down! Make a decision! Not everything in life is fun!†–ENFJ
Signed Up:
Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
18. “I love you, but don’t get upset that I’m not always as enthused as you and about the same things as you.†–INFP
19. “Don’t worry about overwhelming people with your forthright, passionate love and dizzying emotional complexity. Surround yourself with people who truly appreciate you for who you are.†–INTJ
20. “You don’t have to be a manic pixie dream girl/boy all the time, make sure you take some ‘you’ time!†–ENFP
21. “I love the passion, but every time you start talking about your next great “cause†my eyes glaze over…†–ENTP
22. “You are awesome in many ways , but please stop looking at the greener pastures on the other side.†–INTJ
23. “I know that the whirlwind of ideas and everything you want to be makes sense even if at times they don’t seem realistic. You just need the right people who will support and interpret what you cannot seem to communicate. There are people who are willing to go rollercoasting with you, there are people who will remind you that you that you are the best when you forgot it trying to bring out the best in other people. And there are people who will go the extra mile (because why not?) of patience in putting all those ideas into a good piece and help you execute it. And i wish you knew there are people who won’t run away from you even though you keep running away, and that someone can truly love you as you are. At least I do!†–INFP
24. “I love you. But I need time to myself sometimes.†–ISFP
25. “Keep luring us out of our shells in the way that only you can. We need it more than you think!†–INFJ
26. “I love all you guys. A LOT, arguably too much! But sometimes you do need to stop and think before you leap. Your passion doesn’t always make consequences of actions irrelevant.†–INFJ
27. “We, the INFJs are looking for a long term friendship/relationship. We are not here for you to just come and go after you have lose interests in us especially when we start to be open with you. We felt betrayed!†–INFJ
28. “Your passion is a good thing, no matter how frustrated you are about how emotional, stubborn, and strong-willed you feel you can be. It is admirable to the rest of us and will take you far, if you focus all that passion on the right things.†–ENTP Signed Up:
Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
1. “The inside of your brain is like a messy desk, and that’s awesome. You have to wind your way through piles of unrelated material, but what you find at the end is pure gold.†–ENTP
2. “You guys are freaking awesome… when you open up and let us see that. ESFPs can seem really silly, but we genuinely care and feel very special when you let us in to you little world.†–ESFP
3. “Whatever you’ve been thinking of, sitting in that chair for hours, share it with us! It’s probably really cool.†–ENFJ
4. “You guys make the greatest pals. Your sense of humour is awesome, and it’s nice to be able to have a debate and not have hard feelings afterward. You’re usually the smartest person in the room…or at least good at convincing everyone you are.†–ENTP
5. “I can’t admire your brains or strike up a friendship with you unless you tell me what’s on your mind. If you do, we’ll become the best of friends because you’re not intrusive and your dark sense of humour never fails to crack me up.†–ISFJ
6. “Tell people how you feel about them. We aren’t all mind readers.†–ENFP
7. “You are the only type that I cannot beat in a debate, you pick apart everything in my big picture and it frustrates me to the point of giving up on the discussion and writing you off as an idiot… even though I do not want to.†–INTJ
8. “Thank you for keeping my thinking grounded. You’ve seen every avenue of thought on a topic before I’ve even started. I love that can give me general good honest answer about practically anything.†–ENTJ
9. “Learn to care about other peoples feelings and make them a priority, even if you don’t understand them, especially in a relationship.†–ENTP
10. “I’m 90% you guys know everything already, but would it kill you to act surprised when we rattle off a new fact we just learned even though you’ve known it since like kindergarten?†–ENTP
11. “You are capable of doing pretty much everything and anything you want to. Just don’t sit on your ass with all this potential and watch it blow away. Work towards your goals every day. See things through to fruition. Show the world how amazing and gifted you are.†–ENFP
12. “Expressing your feelings could help us understand you. It’s hard to understand why you suddenly felt sad or angry and make us wonder if we did something wrong or not.†–ISTJ
13. “Despite being described as the most insensitive (from my personal experience), I know deep inside that you do actually care about other people’s feelings.†–INFP
14. “You have so much potential – please try to engage more with the external world!†–ESFP
Signed Up:
Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
15. “Don’t doubt yourself. People complain because they don’t understand why you stop when you understand. They either want to do, teach or inspire others once they know something – we do things differently and sometimes that needs to be spelled out for people.†–ENTP
16. “I know emotions aren’t easy to talk about, but it is nice to hear you talk about yours every now and then. Please be open. It’s such a treat when you are.†–INFJ
17. “Never stop obsessing. There are things in your life that you’re passionate about. Even if others don’t understand, don’t ever, ever lose that passion.†–ENFP
18. “You are the best kind of weirdo. And maybe try to care just a little bit more about appearance? You don’t have to look like a crazy scientist to be one.†–INTJ
19. “Dude, balance out that nerdiness!†–ENFP
20. “I love your weird brains and special brand of Ti-flavored empathy. Keep it up!†–INFJ Signed Up:
Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
1. “You are a free spirit and people are drawn to you. Keep it up.†–INTJ
2. “Don’t be afraid to be yourself! it can be hard, i know, but embracing your type is honestly the best thing to do for yourself.†–ESFP
3. “If you think you’re talking too much, you probably are. DONT GET ME WRONG – ESFPs are happy makers and our lives wouldn’t be the same without you, but let others share and talk sometimes. Give them the spotlight too.†–ENFJ
4. “It is not that we dislike you… We just cannot comprehend wanting to be friends with everyone in the world.†–INTJ
5. “You’re great, but sometimes you exhaust even me.†–ESTP
6. “You simultaneously tantalize and completely overwhelm me. You are like a pschadelic love hurricane.†–INFP
7. “It’s OK to show others how vulnerable you are. No need to show your smiley face all year round.†–ESFP
8. “Please try to remember that you’re not the center of the universe.†–ENFP
9. “Just because I’m not speaking doesn’t mean I hate you.†–INTJ
10. “Even though your idea of decorating often consists of your favorite Brandy bottles, you’re very easy to talk to. I think a lot if people misunderstand you and think you’re hyperactive just based off MBTI profile descriptions, but honestly, y’all are so easygoing and happy-go-lucky. I really appreciate that, and you’re all so smart. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.†–ESTP
11. “You can be a little superficial sometimes, maybe try to keep that in check?†–INTP
12. “Thank you for being the life of the party so we can take a break.†–INFP
13. “I love your ability to vibe with whatever I’m doing and feeling, but you don’t have to be a chameleon. You don’t have to be happy, or sad, or angry just because I am.†–INFP
14. “When someone says they don’t like something you do, it doesn’t mean we don’t still love and admire you.†–ENFP
15. “You’re amazing… but maybe calm down a little bit every once in awhile.†–ENFP
16. “I wish you would take care of your responsibilities. No matter how fun and endearing you are, at the end of the day I don’t always trust you to come through when it counts.†–ENFJ
17. “Structure can be a very useful thing.†–ISFJ
18. “You make life fun. Maybe a little too unpredictable if you’ll actually show up or not, but when you do, it’s fun.†–INFP
19. “Thank you for bringing so much vibrancy and color into the world. You truly make life interesting and don’t be discouraged by people who don’t understand your energy and zest for life.†–ENFP
20. “Let’s go on wild unicorn adventures together!!! Just please stop flaking out on me.†–ENFP
21. “Other people like the spotlight too – just so you know.†–ENTJ
Signed Up:
Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
22. “Everyone is not as nice and great as you think they are. Some people do not deserve your time and attention. Taking things at face value so often can set yourself up for hurt, especially by manipulative people. People that aren’t used to such friendly people will think you are hitting on them. Maybe you are, but I feel like ESFPs need to be careful about people accidentally falling in love with them more than any other type.†–INTJ
23. “I adore you and think that you are very good for me. Though I wish you would include me in more of your activities – you tend to forget about people sometimes, and leave them behind.†–ISFJ
24. “Your freedom of spirit is inspiring.†–ENFP Signed Up:
Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
1. “You intimidate and frighten me, because you are expressive, comfortable with people, rational and come up with lots of possibilities for any conceivable situation. How do you do that? While I’m fascinated by you and want to learn, I hate when you turn your attention on me and put me on the spot to speak. Can I just hang out in your shadow and watch a while? Is that okay?†–INFJ
2. “People have a tough time getting close to you because you wear a different face for every situation. You seem effortlessly cool, but you feel frantically insecure. Let yourself be absurdly genuine with someone and you’ll find the real you.†–ENTP
3. “Just TELL us when we’re boring you and what you’d rather talk about. Chances are, you could go firing off on another topic so passionately we’d be interested in whatever it is too!†–ENFJ
4. “Just pick something already!†–INTP
5. “To younger ENTPs: you don’t really need to be told this, but keep doing what you’re doing because it will totally be worth it. Screw what they told you, screw tradition, screw the box you kept getting stuffed in. Make your own damn box and then blow it up to make something better, like an octagon or a motherflubbin’ space ship so you can bombard all the other boxes known to man with lasers and photon torpedoes of awesomeness. Go change the world, even if it’s a toilet seat idea. Just don’t sell out for monotony, it’ll kill everything beautiful about you.†–ENTP
6. “You’re not as annoying as you think.†–ENFJ
7. “With the amount of time you’ve spent trying to avoid doing something you could have already gone and done it.†–ENFP
8. “I HATE it when you disrespect my boundaries. Do not take advantage of our kindness. And stop being late, it’s rude.†–ISFJ
9. “Asking from others is ok, but be ready to give in return. We know you get distracted with all of your big ideas but don’t forget about the friends and family who helped you along the way.†–ENFP
10. “There are people who hate rollercoasters. Especially in conversations.†–INFP
11. “Stop making assumptions and stop thinking about the opposite sex. They are getting in the way of you organizing your life and getting it right. Stay classy. Not sassy.†–ENTP
12. “I’m just never on top with you. I try. I try so goddamn hard, but you win every time: you’ve got a faster wit, a quicker tongue, a better argument, a funnier story. Your mind is like a computer running a million programs at once. You’re always one step ahead, testing every motherfucking boundary, pushing every limit, every envelope, every tradition. And I love it. Just don’t destroy yourself. You spiral so easily into skepticism and negativity. Let your mind be your ffriend, not your enemy.†–ISTP
Signed Up:
Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
13. “I need more of you, try to be less into your monologue and connect with people, that will truly make you happy. Don’t shy away from your Fe and make sure to appreciate your minions from time to time.†–ENTP
14. “Please be more focused on what you’re doing.†–ESFP
15. “KEEP GENERATING IDEAS!! They may be out there. But how many people truly know genius when it hits them? You do! Keep up the good work guys.†– ENFP
16. “I am literally in love with your brain. Like, you talk all your fantastic ideas out loud, and my panties drop.†–ENFP
17. “Be careful that you do not treat your friends as mere sounding-boards for your ideas or listening ears. Pay attention to them and their interests and learn how to have more of an attitude of, ‘how can I invest in this person‘ instead of ‘how can I use them.'†–ENTP
18. “Remember that commitment doesn’t have to equal boredom, boundaries, or stagnation. Give other people a chance to join you in your spontaneity and maybe you’ll find someone who can keep up.†–INFJ
19. “Sit still for a second. It won’t kill you.†–INTP Signed Up:
Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
1. “Thank you for listening to me when I get overwhelmed, and thank you for pointing out options that I don’t see because I get stuck.†–INFJ
2. “Stop dreaming and start doing. You are so intelligent and capable. Any career you pursue you will be incredible in.†–INTJ
3. “Please!! Speak up more!!! Your creative brains are so wonderful and the world deserves to hear your unique worldviews!!!†–ENFJ
4. “This is specifically to the younger INFPs out there: It’s okay. It’s okay that you don’t fit in now, that you feel almost alien. Some day you’re going to run into somebody out of the blue and you’re going to find that understanding you’ve been searching for, and that longing to be known as much as you know another person will be satisfied – it may not even be a romantic relationship and believe me when I say that it is still a beautiful thing. Also, it’s okay to not settle in your relationships. Your heart wants what it wants and you know that it will be miserable if you just settle. Follow that heart and make it your compass and do not be ashamed of where it takes you, even if it scares the shit out of you, be proud of it because it’s one in a million and absolutely beautiful.†–ENTP
5. “Your passion is inspiring. I love how strongly you feel about things and the way you are always true to yourself.†–ENTP
6. “Can you please be more specific about what you’re trying to tell me?†–ESFP
7. “You’re fiercely individual. Silent but deadly. Thank you for having your own opinions and talents.†–ESTP
8. “Hey you’re super cool but don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself!†–INFP
9. “Some days, I need you to get out of your comfort zone and call me. I love you lots, but i need reassurance sometimes too.†–ENFP
10. “You’re a wise old soul, but lighten up a bit will you?†–ISFJ
11. “I never mean to hurt your feelings when I try to give you a firm advice based on my intuition. I want to bring you the truth, because I love you.†–ENFJ
12. “You are not the protagonist and no one will ever be that character your imagine them to be. We will always be us. Now commit to one thing and do it. Or all of them. But please just do something besides sitting and complaining.†–ENTP
13. “You’re almost otherworldly. Its like you’re gliding through life on an entirely different plain than I am. And I don’t understand it, but It’s hella inspiring. You’re the hippies, the outsiders – your mind is on fire, but so subtly. Its beautiful. You guys are so alive.†–ISTP
14. “I usually can’t follow what you’re saying. Concrete terms and examples would best help me understand your point.†–ISTJ
15. “I don’t mean my comments to sound critical. I’d just really like for you to plan more.†–ENTJ
16. “Embrace your weirdness. It’s what makes you so you… And what makes us love you!â€
Signed Up:
Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
16. “Embrace your weirdness. It’s what makes you so you… And what makes us love you!†- ENFP
17. “Oh my stargazing dreamers. Heart on your sleeve, head in the clouds. Making beauty out of everything around you, seeing beauty in everything. I want to protect you. I wish you could know how much in this world will hurt you, without being afraid. You see good in everything, but you are deeply wounded when life flows and people leave, friendships drift, visions pass. Dig deeper in life, engage with more discernment and caution, but never, ever stop loving like you do.†–INFJ
18. “Please share your convictions and beliefs with the world. You have a strong set of morals and beliefs. Please encourage the people in your life by sharing your insights with them!†–ENFP
19. “Please open up. But please don’t hold it against me that I’m not an intuitive and that my style may be quite different from your own.†–ISFJ
20. “I’m sorry that we can’t talk about politics without getting really frustrated with each other. I want to change the world too – and make it safer and happier for everyone, especially the most vulnerable or exploited groups. I think we just have different ideas about how to do it.†–INFJ
21. “When making your point in any debate/argument, please try to not use your own subjective feelings as facts or truth. Those are subjective and may only be true for you.†–INTP
22. “Balance your heart with your head. You tend to solely follow your feelings, but a person can be most wise and developed if they find the perfect balance between heart, mind, and gut. Feelings should not necessarily be the most important all of the time.†–ENTP Signed Up:
Oct 17, 2013Comments: 375 · Posts: 8645 · Topics: 308
Love the INTP comments. I've gotten a few of those, LOL
Signed Up:
Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
1. “I am incredibly jealous of your natural, effortless leadership and your ability to take charge in a group.†–INFJ
2. “You’re allowed to stop for three second and let someone else take a turn at speaking/leading/running the show. We have the skills. Let us have a go.†–ESFP
3. “Stop trying to fix me when I’m venting, sometimes I just need to talk and not have things fixed.†–INTP
4. “Maybe you could care…like a little?†–ESTP
5. “I don’t think you guys always know how much of an impact you have on people. You’re a natural leader, and so people take what you say very seriously. I know you don’t like thinking about emotions, but please understand that with great power, comes great responsibility. You’ve got hardcore leadership skills. Please don’t use them for evil. Oh, and you give great complements. Seriously, when a rationalist gives complements you know it’s the real dill and not fluff at all. It means a lot.†–ENFP
6. “Sometimes you terrify me but I pity the fool who hurts me when you’re around.†–INFP
7. “Stop trying to get everyone else to do all the tasks you don’t want to do for you.†–ENFP
8. “Something about you is just scintillatingly brilliant. Go deep with that, plumb it all the way. Analyze, dissect, and enjoy life to the fullest. Don’t let it drive you to negativity and crassness.†–ISTP
9. “Don’t be stiff. Don’t be so judgemental. DON’T STANDARDIZE THINGS!!†–ISTP
10. “How about you listen to us for a change?†–ENFJ
11. “I really like how you take charge. It’s easy for me never to take charge, though, so sometimes back off a little so that I have to.†–INFJ
12. “Please stop giving us cold, logical advice that we never asked for.†–ENFJ
13. “You know, you catch more flies with honey.†–ISFJ
14. “Warning: many (or most) people in your life may believe you to be an arrogant son of a bitch. If they’re right, you may want to adjust a few things. But if they just can’t handle your personality, try to be more patient and understanding of them (without of course mitigating yourself for them!).†–INTJ
15. “Chill out. We love you but seriously, take some time to chill out.†–ENFP
16. “Honey it’s okay to let your guard down and show your emotions sometimes!†–ENFP
17. “I know you are not a robot. I feel so special when you show me your bunny-loving teddy bear side and I appreciate so, so much that you value me for my conversation and ideas, rather than my looks or hipness or something else superficial. You make me feel safe.†–INFJ
18. “Thank you for helping me become a better person. I love that ENTJs truly will help anyone become better at anything.†–INTJ
19. “Stop being always in control, we like you as a friend not as a leader.†–ENFP
Signed Up:
Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
20. “If I don’t mesh with you so well, I would love to know why so that I can change or simply understand why things don’t work between us. Please don’t be manipulative and self-serving. Please don’t hold against me that I’m not an intuitive.†–ISFJ
21. “I like how endless our topics of conversation are. I like how you give me a new angle to see things from. Although you are a heartless bitch/bastard sometimes, you are a good friend. You’re like the functional, better version of me.†–INTJ
22. “Your tough love and eternal frankness is one of the best things about you, most times. Sometimes, though, it’s okay to sugar coat your words and soften the blow.†–INFJ Signed Up:
Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
1. “It’s okay to want to feel safe and secure with everyone in your life. But know that it’s also okay to be unsure. People close to you are going to hurt you–not on purpose, they just have trouble seeing things from your perspective. Don’t give up on people who won’t give up on you.†–ENTP
2. “I’m out here! I’m one of you! We both do the same thing! We can trust each other and connect, and it will really be okay.†–INFJ
3. “Stop planning for once and follow your heart!†–ESFP
4. “Oh my gosh you are my favorite people thanks for being so nice and not ever letting me get pushed around.†–INFP
5. “Thanks for being understanding but if I’m close to you, I would love you to take my side sometimes instead of always remaining a neutral party.†–INTP
6. “You are amazing. Seriously. And a total conundrum at the same time. You can be incredibly caring, and incredibly cynical at the same time. Just don’t let your ability to read what’s wrong with the world blind you to all the good things.†–ENTP
7. “To most of you: are you SURE you didn’t mistype yourself? To the one who actually is an INFJ: I will gladly sit at your feet and learn from you all the day long. Let’s muse internally about the nature of time and truth together.†–INFP
8. “You’re not helping by enabling your unhealthy loved ones… its just the same patterns repeating themselves.†–ENFP
9. “If we sit in a room together and don’t say anything, it’s really okay. Don’t take it personally. I spend a lot more time on particle physics and structural integrity than you probably want to.†–INTJ
10. “You may know things by strong intuitions and feelings, but I know things by observing too. You are so careful and idealist but I can predict your next step because it’s so obvious in my observation.†–ISTP
11. “You don’t have to ‘process’ for six months before making the next move.†–ENFJ
12. “Please no more posts about how to be kind to an introvert. We get it.†–ENFP
13. “You’re my soul siblings. Out of all the MBTIs, I feel a natural affinity with you the most! Thanks for being here when I need to moan and for sharing in my melancholic worldview.†–ISFJ
14. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you. Stop being shy and find me. We will change each other’s worlds.†–ENTP
15. “You guys are cold bitches or divine loving goddesses and I wish you could figure out how to be something in between for the daily interactions. Also, so many more of you think you are INFJs and you’re just not, sorry… usually you’re really spent ENFJs.†–INFJ
Signed Up:
Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
16. “You are the most valuable, soulful people on this planet. Your insight is the stuff of the gods. But don’t forget to love yourself – not just in a metaphysical sense. Love yourself as tangibly as you possibly can. If you want something, go for it. Buy yourself that thing. Flirt with that hot person. Your needs are just as important as everybody else’s. Also. Don’t let your extrovert-mask drain you. Say no when you need to. Stand up for your needs, your time, your very own self. You is kind, you is smart, you is important.†–ISTP
17. “I love you guys, thanks for getting out of your shell with me. Be more outwardly confident and you will go far.â€-ENTP
18. “Sometimes I get irritated by your Jness and got-it-togetherness, but I really appreciate how deeply you get me and your stability as a friend.†–INFP
19. “Please don’t carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, you can’t change people and I’ve only ever seen it cause you heartbreak.†–ENFP
20. “I’m here for you in any form. But I also need you to be here for me. I need to be able to rely on you. Because it’s not fair that you have decided you just get to retreat from all conflict.†–ISTJ
21. “Most people in your life will not understand you, the way you feel so strongly about certain things and the ideas you come up with. This is okay. Love them anyway, even if they can’t understand you. And never stop talking about your beliefs.†–ENFP
22. “You get us on a weird spiritual level. You keep me grounded, you listen, and your wisdom never ceases to be well beyond your years. You need to stop overthinking every detail. Believe it or not you have things much more figured out than most of us.†–ENFP
23. “I feel like you make life too hard for yourself sometimes. Pick your battles, save some energy.†–INTJ
24. “You have good instincts but it’s dangerous to walk around in life with this attitude that you’re always right. Be open, question your instincts, and listen to your opponents in life, for they can teach you the most.†–ENTP
25. “You’re beautiful souls but I want to see more action behind your words.†–ENFP Signed Up:
Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
1. “You don’t have to do everything! You’re not letting people down if you take a day to rest, or if you respectfully decline a potential commitment. You’re awesome, but no one ever said that you had to do everything. Be wise.†–INFP
2. “Please try empathizing before you get frustrated at me for why I care what others think so much.†–ENFJ
3. “You are a ball of fire and people are drawn to you. Keep doing you.†–INTJ
4. “Your ability to go from insane fun to super rigid in 2.5 seconds flat is a bit terrifying. Try to gauge where other people are before you flip the switch.†–ENFJ
5. “Stop taking my spot as the center of attention.†–ESFP
6. “You love risk taking, that’s ok. Thrills can be amazing just don’t drag your friends down a dangerous path unless you’re prepared and capable of getting them out.†– ENFP
7. “Stop trying to impress everyone by buying a bunch of fancy things you cant afford… no one cares that much!†–ENFP
8. “Sometimes you’re a little too irritable when I vent my feelings.†–ESFJ
9. “You’re the most stubborn of all of us. Your spirit animal is a bull. If there’s a decision to make, you’ve probably come up with the best option, I admit it wholeheartedly, but don’t shove it down our goddamn throats like that. Please, please, please, learn to understand and appreciate the value of other people’s points of view. Keep going strong, but don’t trample the people you love in the process. Because we love you too, it’s just hard sometimes when you don’t leave us any breathing room.†–ISTP
10. “Keep being cool, tone your rants down. Don’t judge a person by their cover. Keep on breaking the rules and make sure to speak your true mind.†–ENTP
11. “Sometimes the risks you take are dumb.†-ISFJ
12. “You are more intelligent, wise, and capable than most people give you credit for being.†–INTJ
13. “I wish you could hear how judgmental you sound when you make jokes at my expense about how I should change.†–ISTJ
14. “Please stop throwing people away. Please don’t be manipulative and self-serving. Learn how not to be so angry.†–ISFJ
15. “We don’t need hard advice every time – we take it more personally than you think.†–ISFJ
16. “I admire your entrepreneurial spirit!†–ENFJ
17. “You’re not right all the freaking time. And no, we’re not having sex.†–ENFP
18. “You guys just keep doing your thing. It’s a lot of fun to watch for the rest of us.†–INFJ Signed Up:
Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
1. “I am impressed by your work ethics and thank you for your honest unfiltered feedback. I admit it isn’t very nice to hear though but it’s better than fake pleasantries.†–INTP
2. “You’re hilarious and you always know where you’re headed. I appreciate that.†–INFP
3. “The world will not end if tradition is not followed to the letter. Give flexibility a try. It’s breath-taking!†–ESFP
4. “Relax just for a second. Or maybe 5 minutes. Or maybe 24 hours? As long as it fits into your schedule, really.†–ESFP
5. “You are awesome and smart and I couldn’t possibly hate you. Anyone who does hate you is just envious.â€-ISTP
6. “Thank you for being loyal but I also really wish you’d take the initiative at the beginning of a friendship.†–ENFJ
7. “You’re doing a really good job but try to be a little less rigid.†–ISFJ
8. “Thank you for always being there to stabilize things when they go wrong.†–ISTJ
9. “I like that you pay attention to the rules but some bending them is ok. Some rules are stupid and you cant hold on to things just due to tradition.†–ENTP
10. “I know that you are a genuinely kind person, but please don’t assume I’m not, just because you don’t understand where I’m coming from.†–INFP
11. “Some rules don’t have to be followed to a T. Life calls for nuance and flexibility, and it’s ok to allow for that occasionally.†–INFJ
12. “Very outgoing and vibrant types might get most of the attention in this culture, but never doubt that your quieter, rational skills and way of being are of great value and necessary to our society.†-INTJ
13. “Please try to let your high expectations of everyone else rest. I can’t even see your standards let alone live up to them.†–ISTJ
14. “You are not boring. You are not overly conventional. You just adhere to an inner wisdom and resist being blown around by the winds of changing tastes, mores, and attitudes.†–INTJ
15. “I appreciate how you hold the world together. And I want you to know that I’m not promoting anarchy, it’s just that looking at the big picture is more important to me than worrying about social norms.†–INFJ
16. “I love how tradition oriented you are. It’s so cool that certain events can carry so much value for you. But don’t be afraid to create your own traditions. You have a brilliant, strategic mind and I think you’ll be surprised with the amazing things that it could make happen.†– ENFP
17. “Calm down and relax. I promise that if you ease up a bit that you might find your cup is fuller than you thought and that you might actually like it.†–ENFP
18. “Just because I’m different doesn’t make me wrong. I know you value structure, and organization, and stability, and all that jazz, but many people have FANTASTIC traits that you’re overlooking.†–ENFP
19. “I don’t understan
Signed Up:
Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
19. “I don’t understand the whole tradition thing, so maybe try not to jam it down people’s throats? Realize that some people view tradition as stagnation.†–INTJ
20. “You only live once. I know it’s really hard for ISTJs to understand because they always want everything to get done in the most efficient and perfect way possible. But life is short, and it’s so important to let go a little and leave some things for God.†–ENFP
21. “Your friends miss you. Come out from the cave a little more often; it’ll be good for you.†–INFJ Signed Up:
Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
1. “Hey, so we know you COULD survive on your own, but it would be a lot more fun if you spent more time with the loved ones in your life. But don’t lose your independence, or your creativity. You guys are pretty rad.†–ENFP
2. “We would get along much better if you could assume a little more responsibility and be more proactive.†–ISTJ
3. “You are a realist, pragmatic and spontaneous – it’s an odd combo that people don’t understand but it also makes for a great combo, for whatever you want to market yourself as.†–ENTP
4. “I love your sense of humour! I just wish you were able to think about your future and be emotionally intimate.†–ENFJ
5. “Not everything can be fixed.†–ISFJ
6. “You see the world in all it’s subtly and glory, but in all it’s technicality too and that is a breathtaking combination. Remember that you aren’t alone. Find the people who remind you of your value and keep them close.†–INFJ
7. “Stop messing about with non-living things. Get a girlfriend.†–ISFJ
8. “I love your company. You are hilarious and I admire how you can live in the present.†–INTJ
9. “Be humble… you’ve got such a big person inside you.†–ISTP
10. “We will never say this outloud unless we’re about to die during one of our adventures but dammit do we need you. We have the potential for some of the most badass team ups ever and we’ll annoy the living hell out of one another but it will NEVER be boring. Also, stop telling us to shut up, I know it’s a shocking concept, but you might learn something. Also realize that we ENTPs fully grasp the irony in telling you this since we know damn well that we’re probably the biggest know-it-alls on the planet.†–ENTP
11. “You need to get off your bum and do something about your thoughts!†–ENFJ
12. “You should be an engineer!†–INTP
13. “Not everything needs to be figured out or solved. I am not a math equation or a science project.†–ENFJ
14. “Thank you for being so chill!†–INFP Signed Up:
Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
1. “You guys are so genuinely nice. You’re so good at putting people at ease and making everyone feel important. Just be sure to take time and remember that you’re important too.†–ENTP
2. “Thanks for being the mother figure in my life…even when I don’t always like it.†–ENFJ
3. “Unhealthy ESFJs: Please. Stop. Gossiping. For the love of everything good in this world, please stop gossiping. Not everyone likes talking about other people (especially an INTP, who is pretty private and respects others’ privacy.) And for those of us who don’t, gossip makes us really, really uncomfortable – not only hearing people’s lives casually used as entertainment collateral, but realizing you probably do that with ours, too, when we’re not in the room.†–INTP
4. “I like you when you take the time to listen. And I like being the one who listens to you, too. I like that when I say, ‘I’m fine,’ you know when I’m not. And you also know when to press for me to explain and when to just let me hide.†–INFJ
5. “Self reflection is really important. I know you feel better when you talk about everything with everyone, but sometimes it helps to take the time to figure yourself out before letting others muddle all your feelings.†–ENFJ
6. “The world doesn’t end if there is a conflict. Sometimes it is extremely necessary and healthy!†–ESTP
7. “You help make the world go round with your kind, amenable, servant hearted self. I’m so thankful for your warmth and practicality. You are much beloved.†–INFP
8. “I will finish my work with my own way, in my own pace. I know you’re trying to help by trying to organize me, but I work better when I’m not rushed!†–ESFP
9. “Please be more aware of how you treat people sometimes… many of you will be so nice to someone’s face but then talk shit about behind their back. You may not realize it, but that behaviour makes most people really uncomfortable.†–ENFP
10. “As annoying as your organizational skills can be, I wish I had them.†–ENTP
11. “Just because I don’t want to be a part of the group activity doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy you individually. It’s possible to have fun without every single person participating. I want to do my own thing sometimes, and it doesn’t make me a bad person.†–ESTP
12. “Thanks for taking care of me when I can’t be bothered to take care of myself.†–ISFJ
13. “You and me, we know how to throw a party! I get you!†–ENFJ
14. “It’s not at all a reflection on you when I don’t want to follow your specific structure and instead go my own way for a bit.†–ISTJ
15. “Please learn how to express your emotions without resorting to passive-aggressiveness. I know you want to help others and care deeply, but I want you to be honest with yourself and others about your own emotions.†–INFJ
Signed Up:
Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
16. “Thank you for being the adventurous moms and dads of the world, and for being prepared for anything!†–ENFP
17. “You are by far my favourite type. I wish I could surround myself with nothing but ESFJs. But just remember that other people show their love back to you in different ways.†–INTJ
18. “It doesn’t always have to be done your way. Sometimes it should be done the way everyone else wants.†-ESFP
19. “Although you are one of the most common female types and you tend to fit traditional gender roles well, please do not hold high social, emotional, or motherly/home-making standards for other women. Many women, particularly NT’s, do not fit into this classic female mould, and feel like the female world is dominated by SFJ’s who are watching others to see if they have it together in this female competition of who is the prettiest, most socially adept, and most nurturing. Please be open to different kinds of women.†–ENTP
20. “I love you, but you stress me out. Sometimes, it’s best to just let things happen–not everyday needs an itinerary.†–INFJ
21. “Thank you for being the kindest, brightest, most caring person in my world.†–ISFJ Signed Up:
Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
1. “You are so creative and talented. If you find a way to truly believe in yourself, nothing will be able to stop you!†–ESFP
2. “Thank you for understanding that I want to be alone sometimes.†–INFP
3. “When we’re together, please remember that it’s not always about the Instagram photo. Art is important but so is experiencing life.†–ENFJ
4. “I love the beauty you create in the world and in my life. Let’s go be hermits and not judge the world together.†–INFP
5. “You are so much more than what you think you are.†–ESFP
6. “I know that you’re a free spirit, but sometimes getting your crap together is a good thing.†–ESTP
7. “You’re lovely, but I hate when I see you get lost in feeling sorry for yourself. There are always alternatives!†–ENFP
8. “You elusive little minxes. I love you. What do I wish I could tell you? You are loving and engaging, but you are so secretive. You project this raw vulnerability, but it’s skin deep. You love being in your own world, you love leaving people in this trail of wonder and mystery, but I hope you have people in your life who you can really let in, and who can dig through crap with you.†–INFJ
9. “Stop detaching from everyone – we want to connect with you!†–ENFJ
10. “We know you’re beautiful, but sometimes it feels like you’re shoving it down our throats a little? This may just be the ISFPs in my life.†–ISFJ
11. “You make the world so interesting! Keep contributing your creativity. And know that conflict is scary, but someday you will meet people that are so indescribably worth confronting conflict. When that time comes, don’t run.†–ENFP
12. “There will be times when other people are not okay, and you can’t fix it. Know that that’s okay.†–ISFJ
13. “You can get pretty attached in relationships – it might help to ease up on relationships sometimes and focus more on what you believe in.†–ENTP
14. “Love the creativity. Like seriously. You are all SO weird, but I love it.†–ENTP
15. “Hello sweet soul, for all those times you wish you weren’t born the way you were and that you want to change so you can protect yourself- NO! That part made you stronger and wiser without even trying. Other people try so hard to be that. So chill, don’t personalize anything to seem that it’s against you. Nope, it’s them, not you, okay? Hugs!†–INFP
16. “You’re a great friend, but all the crying can be a little much, especially for us thinkers who don’t know what to do about it. Maybe tell us what you need when you’re upset?†–INTJ
17. “Learn to confront fears and conflicts. Develop bravery and clear communication instead of avoiding conflict or worrying about stepping on others feelings. Work things out so they don’t get bottled up inside of you.†–ENTP
Signed Up:
Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
18. “You’re an idealist’s favorite kind of sensor, just don’t forget about us for too long when a new project or idea takes hold.†–INFJ Signed Up:
Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
1. “You have so much love for the world. Thank you for that.†–INTP
2. “Other people’s mistakes are not your fault. No one can take care of people the way you can, but if other people are mean or don’t enjoy themselves, that’s their fault, not yours.†–ENTP
3. “You have so much love, but you can be a little overly-demonstrative with it for us introverts. Please respect my personal bubble.†–INFJ
4. “Stop letting other people make you feel guilty. People manipulate you through guilt, and I wish you could see through that. Stop denying your feelings because your afraid to face the truth. You’ll be happier if you could focus on yourself for once instead of others. You are AWESOME.†–ENTP
5. “You and me are two peas in a pod. To know and be known- that is love. Thank you for cheerleading me on, for investigating my heart, for finding the good in everything. Nobody could ask for a better friend than you.†–INFP
6. “Not everyone is as vulnerable to you as you think. Please stop thinking you know more about others than they know about themselves.†–INTP
7. “Thank you for mothering me. Even if I seem like I know what I’m doing, a good lecture from you keeps me grounded in reality on the things that really matter in life.†–ENTJ
8. “Please be more real around me! Sometimes it seems like you’re just being who you think everyone else wants you to be.†–ENFP
9. “You worry too much about people. I’m actually really quite qualified to solve the issues that come my way.†–INTJ
10. “Thanks for being so easy to joke with and being there when you know you’re needed. You’re all so sweet and goofy. But don’t worry, you look great. I’m impressed by how well you perform in an environment.†–ESTP
11. “I actually don’t like it when you interrogate me with my personal life. That’s my job.†–ENFJ
12. “We love you, but your motherly instincts can be suffocating to some of the more perceptive types. I know it’s well intention-ed, but not everyone wants to be told what the safest, most rational option is all the time. Sometimes its best to love some of the freer types at a bit more of a distance.†–ENFP
13. “Thanks for motivating me to be my best self. But sometimes I don’t have the energy to keep up with you.†–ISFJ
14. “Sometimes you guys annoy the hell out of me with all your questions about my heart and soul. You try to understand me, but the more you probe like that, the more I want to push away. You need thicker skin. And somehow I still love yet beyond words. Without you, I wouldn’t have much faith in the human race’s capacity for goodness. Sorry for the mixed message there.†–ISTP
15. “You can’t inspire the inspired.†–INFP
Signed Up:
Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
16. “Please understand that I’m not competing with you. We both may be good at reading other people, but I am more interested in understanding how the world works than caring for the people in the way you are. I think we are a powerful combination when it comes to reading the emotional vibes of a room.†–INFJ
17. “Please don’t plan out all of my free and unscheduled moments for me and back me into a corner to hang out with you.†–ISTJ
18. “Keep inspiring, but don’t forget that you don’t need to do everything.†–ENTP
19. “You guys can be really hard on themselves, more than probably anyone understands. Just know that Fe is one of the bravest cognitive functions you can have and it is so necessary in society. You contribute more than you know.†–ENFP
20. “I’m never going to be organized. I made my peace with that so I hope that you can, too.†–INFP
21. “You sometimes just need to give people more time to fix themselves. It is okay that everything is not always exactly as it should be.†–ENFP
22. “Yes, this is fun. No, I’m not going to share your 10 year life plan with you. I gotta vibe and flow, baby.†–ENFP
23. “Criticism is a good thing. Learn how to receive it and embrace it. Do not take it as a personal attack but that a person cares enough about you and your growth to challenge you. Don’t get frustrated or defensive.†–ENTP
24. “Slow down, breathe, stop planning, and don’t comment on the beauty of slowing down, breathing and not planning. Just live quietly in this moment. You don’t have to always be brave and joyful and shoulder everyone’s problems. You are a universe in yourself, and I think sometimes you lose that trying to care for other people.†–INFJ Signed Up:
Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
1. “I am so jealous of your ability to connect with a crowd and be a leader, without all the soul crushing anxiety that I’m often faced when told I am put in charge of something.†–INFJ
2. “Try empathizing and watching for social cues. The things you say tend to be blunt and hurtful.†–ENFJ
3. “Stop telling me to clean my room! this is one part of your domain you are not allowed to micromanage! It’s mine! *hiss*†-ESFP
4. “It is OKAY to let your emotions show. It’s not weakness. It’s actually a strength to be vulnerable.†–ENFJ
5. “You could stand to relax a bit. There’s no need to get so worked up or overwhelmed about everything.†–ENFP
6. “I don’t know how you manage to be organized and keep everything together all the time. It’s crazy and I admire it so much. You don’t have to do it all alone though, you know. If you let people in, they’d love to help you and you could get even more done, and help them do the same.†–ENTP
7. “I am jealous that we have the same drive but you are more of a people person so I know you will get the promotion over me.†–ISTJ
8. “You should stop assuming that I will follow you, because generally I’m not going to.†–ESTP
9. “Is there really a point to telling you what I wish you knew? I mean unless I’m validating your perspective? Perspective, by the way, is one way (there are many) of looking at something.†–INFP
10. “You’re very human. I think the MBTI society gives you guys a lot of crap for following rules and being structured, but I know it’s because you want to belong an you have a very individualized code of ethics that keeps society afloat. So thanks.†–ESTP
11. “I don’t need you to organize me, but I still like you anyway!†-ENFJ
12. “Guys, I get your need for control, but try to stop micromanage.. See people beyond your numbers and rules.†–ENFJ
13. “Thank you for being a vocal leader that you were able to lead us in order for a task to become successful.†–ISTJ
14. “The world is formed around chaos, and there is nothing you can do about it.†–INFP
15. “Loosen up! People enjoy you, there’s no need to be so uptight †–ENFP
16. “The world isn’t black and white. Please absorb the implications of that statement instead of just saying, Of course I know it isn’t.†–INFJ
17. “Stop being so grouchy and making assumptions. But do keep telling what you see, exactly as you see it. I like the bluntness.†–ENTP
18. “I don’t appreciate being run over in planning sessions.†–ISFJ
19. “I will always admire how much you can handle. I’m not always sure about your methods, but I could never deal with all the pressures that you do.†–INFP
20. “Try to tone down your overbearing ways, it makes me want to hide from you.†–ISTJ
Signed Up:
Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
21. “Before you speak, think about how your words will affect others. You could probably get just as much accomplished, with less stress, hurt feelings, and people disliking you.†–ISFJ
22. “There’s more than one way of knowing.†–INFP
23. “Your ideas are amazing, and I know you mean well when you sometimes just want to jump right ahead, thinking your way is the best way. It’s cool though, you just gotta chill a little okay? High five!†–INFP
24. “Thank you for taking care of the people around you with boldness and integrity.†–ENFP
25. “I love your project manager style and I appreciate that you get stuff done. Although sometimes you can come off as mean.†–INTJ
26. “I like you, and I enjoy your conversations with me. But please, be more flexible and open-minded, rather than manipulative and self-serving.†–ISFJ
27. “It’s okay for other people to live their life in a way that you wouldn’t choose–that makes it not your taste, but it doesn’t make it wrong or deserving of your criticism.†–INFJ
28. “I admire your organization and determination. You are mysterious and magnetic because you don’t reveal your feelings. But I wish you would accept me as I am instead of trying to mould me into someone just like you.†–ENFP Signed Up:
Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
1. “Thanks for being the most loyal people I know.†–ENFJ
2. “Bottling things up and refusing to let the people in your life know that you’re upset with them hurts infinitely more in the long run (for both you and the other person) than just sucking it up and talking it out does.†–ENFP
3. “Your wisdom is underrated.†–INTP
4. “Not everything is a challenge to your sense of duty. And it’s often more hurtful to sacrifice the needs of the many for the needs of the few (or the one). The martyr syndrome doesn’t always pan out.†-INFJ
5. “You are some of the most genuine and kind people in life. NEVER let anyone tell you that it’s a weakness.†–ENFJ
6. “Thanks for protecting me. Sometimes you drive me nuts with trying to protect me by getting my head out of the clouds, but I know your heart is in the right place. I love you.†–INFP
7. “Stop being so passive-aggressive. If you don’t like me, then tell me.†–ESFP
8. “You’re actually super goofy and creative, it makes you easy to talk to even though we don’t typically approach things from the same angle.†–ESTP
9. “Just because you are so damn sensitive doesn’t mean that everyone must comply with that.†–ISTP
10. “Your introversion is beautiful. You don’t need to be the life of the party to win hearts. Let people get to know you and they will undoubtedly fall head over heels.†–ENFP
11. “Try being your own person and creating your own life instead of absorbing your current significant other’s… be your own independent person!†–ENFP
12. “I appreciate the self-sacrificing, but if you tell me what you need, it can be a two way street. You don’t always have to give of yourself.†–ENFP
13. “I truly admire your ability to provide things for everyone without asking for anything in return.†–INFP
14. “You guys hold the world together, and I think you don’t realize quite how much we all depend on you. You’re fiercely loyal, humble and hardworking. Don’t let people take advantage of you. You will be able to give more over the course of your life if you can give freely from your heart, not from shame, guilt or obligation. Draw those boundaries now so that you can give from strength. You are worth loving deeply, I hope you know that.†–INFJ
15. “Being passive aggressive doesn’t make anyone want to be around you. If you’re unhappy, please just say so in a way that can bring about growth and change in both of us. Avoiding someone and then pretending to their face that everything fine does no one any good.†–ISTJ
16. “Change is a process that’s usually uncomfortable, and it’s okay to be uncomfy for some time because I’m sure with the right mindset, you might just be having the best time of your life.†–INFP
Signed Up:
Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
17. “It’s ok to open up to me, it’s ok to share your thoughts and feelings with me. I’m sorry if I get so caught up in imagining the future, that I forget the here-and-now and the details, and that sometimes I scare you.†–ENFP
18. “Please open up to me and let me get to know you. Please initiate friendship with me. I love other ISFJ’s, particularly ones who are as inquisitive and passionate as I am.†–ISFJ
19. “Do not feel guilty if you are not loving or giving enough. Your value does not come from how much you give to others.†–ENTP
20. “I’m sorry for not reminding you how treasured you are more often.†–INFJ
21. “It’s ok to voice your needs – in fact it’s better that way so I know how to accommodate you.†–INTP
22. “You are like warm cups of tea to my soul. Seriously, thank you so much for taking care of people in real, tangible ways.†–ENFP Signed Up:
Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
I will post the last one when the article is written.
Signed Up:
Feb 14, 2013Comments: 552 · Posts: 18848 · Topics: 149
“I love you, but don’t get upset that I’m not always as enthused as you and about the same things as you.†–INFP
It's your business if you want to be consumed with the trappings of
the temporal.
Cool list, Damny. Signed Up:
Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by Damnata
“Never stop obsessing. There are things in your life that you’re passionate about. Even if others don’t understand, don’t ever, ever lose that passion.†–ENFP
click to expand
Really Signed Up:
Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
Posted by GetMisted
Interesting choice of types to start with
I have a Leo decan Aries Moon, okay?!Signed Up:
Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
Posted by Montgomery
“I love you, but don’t get upset that I’m not always as enthused as you and about the same things as you.†–INFP
It's your business if you want to be consumed with the trappings of
the temporal.
Cool list, Damny.
I see this chick has only mbti articles.
I am probably going to make a topic separate from the one with pics for random facts and jokes.Signed Up:
Feb 01, 2015Comments: 56 · Posts: 2009 · Topics: 13
Signed Up:
Apr 22, 2015Comments: 25 · Posts: 5825 · Topics: 2
ENFP-INFJ really is a spectacular match.
Signed Up:
Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
Posted by LadyOfRebirth
Which one is yours damnata?
Guess. Signed Up:
Feb 14, 2013Comments: 552 · Posts: 18848 · Topics: 149
Posted by Damnata
Posted by Montgomery
“I love you, but don’t get upset that I’m not always as enthused as you and about the same things as you.†–INFP
It's your business if you want to be consumed with the trappings of
the temporal.
Cool list, Damny.
I see this chick has only mbti articles.
I am probably going to make a topic separate from the one with pics for random facts and jokes.
click to expand
Woo hoo!Signed Up:
Sep 20, 2008Comments: 1470 · Posts: 13777 · Topics: 204
Is there a conclusive Meyer~Briggs personality test online? I've checked out a few and what struck me is how different they are... one even asked if I could consider dating a transsexual, I was like, "dude... this is way off".
And the answers also differ from one test to the other. Some have True/maybe/false while others go after 1-5 agree/disagree -scale.
Signed Up:
Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
Posted by enfant_terrible
Is there a conclusive Meyer~Briggs personality test online? I've checked out a few and what struck me is how different they are... one even asked if I could consider dating a transsexual, I was like, "dude... this is way off".
And the answers also differ from one test to the other. Some have True/maybe/false while others go after 1-5 agree/disagree -scale.
I did many too and I read somewhere this one is the classic test, 64 questions one
I never got the transexual question, do share the test. I'm really curious now how that factors. will change my personality!Signed Up:
Sep 20, 2008Comments: 1470 · Posts: 13777 · Topics: 204
Ok thanks, I will go through it tomorrow. Upon closer inspection, the test with the tranny question was apperantly "an alternative to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator".