
This topic was created in the Pets forum by MeowScorpii on Tuesday, May 21, 2013 and has 13 replies.
Posted by xdimplez
is that cat half siamese?
my cat has the same broad nose and blue eyes. i love your kitty kittys eyes!

Hmm I'm not sure! All I heard is that she's a Snow Shoe but I agree, she does look like she has some Siamese in her.
Aw, I bet your cat talks a lot! My grandmother has a Siamese and I swear he tries to speak constantly.
Meowing in reply to things as if he's trying to tell us about his day hahah, it's so cute.
Awww oh my goodness he's so adorable!!! I love his nose! He definitely strikes me as a Siamese/tabby mix. How helpful! Sounds like a sweet cat.
I have a kitty alarm clock also, my Maine Coon Nigel.
It's not so cute when he wakes me up at 5 a.m. though, not to mention when he lays on me it feels like a cinder block lol, he's soooo big.
I used to have a cat who only meowed when she wanted to jump up into my arms... it always sounded like she was saying mom, mom, mom - I would pat my chest and say up and she would jump into my arms, we would dance together smile
I lost her to feline leukemia. Horrible, horrible disease. One of the hardest moments of my life. 6 years and it still saddens me. Makes me cry...
< width="420" height="315" ="http:
Posted by lildol
I used to have a cat who only meowed when she wanted to jump up into my arms... it always sounded like she was saying mom, mom, mom - I would pat my chest and say up and she would jump into my arms, we would dance together smile
I lost her to feline leukemia. Horrible, horrible disease. One of the hardest moments of my life. 6 years and it still saddens me. Makes me cry...
< width="420" height="315" ="http:

Aw how cute, I've noticed one of my cats always sounds like he's saying "Mom". smile I'm sorry about your loss, none of my animals have passed away yet but even thinking about it nearly brings me to tears. It's hard to see an animal especially one that you love suffer.
My dog is fourteen and she's just beginning to show her age..and feel it. Very difficult to watch!
I lost one of my dogs last year, he was just shy of 15. He had cancer and was wasting away. When diagnosed they gave him 3 months, we managed to go almost 2 years. They believe the tumor burst. Heart wrenching to be certain! I called off work the next day, I was literally sick from grief.
Posted by lildol
I lost one of my dogs last year, he was just shy of 15. He had cancer and was wasting away. When diagnosed they gave him 3 months, we managed to go almost 2 years. They believe the tumor burst. Heart wrenching to be certain! I called off work the next day, I was literally sick from grief.

Oh no Sad That's horrible, I can imagine the grief..I believe my dog has some sort problem with her liver. Sad. What kind of dog was he?
Ohh they're all so adorable and seem quite adventurous! Hm, born the same day as my mother- when she tries to tell people to cut her some slack because it's her birthday, they never believe her!
Posted by xdimplez
cat ladys unite!
i have no idea what sign my cat falls under. when i got him, they told me that he was taken from a home that had 30 cats so they dont know what his birthday is or his exact age. they told me that he may be 1.5 y/o , but i think he may be older. he is soo huge!
if i had to guess, i would think he is either a cancer cat or a pisces cat. he follows me around like a dog, whatever room i am in , he has to be in the same room or at least in an area where he can see me. he doesn't yell at me when i am gone for too fact he waits for me at the door, and then when i come in...he looks at me as if he says he is saying "oh its you"...and then goes off and does his thing. he is totally fine on his own, entertains himself with a straw even though he has other toys. he is not afraid of water, but he doesn't like to get wet. normally when im in the shower...he either sits on the toilet, or he is inebtween the shower curtains peering at me or looking down at the streaming water. and he loves to get petted...but only from people he is comfortable with. if other people try to get close to him too quick...he gets defensive, hisses at them, and then swats at them. so maybe he is a scorpio? but he doesnt do that whole hit and run thing with me... he also loves cuddling up next to me at night...he likes to take up the whole bed.

Haha, this is turning into such a cat lady thread!
Aww, he sounds so much like my oldest Scorpio kitty. Always doing her own thing, likes affection when given but doesn't constantly crave it. She's sweet to me but sometimes she can be a real bitch to other cats! Whenever my Taurus male cat walks up to her and tries to rub against her she starts off very gentle and kind- then suddenly turns into a psycho and hisses or does this low-pitched growl. Sounds like your cat has a lot of "spots" he always likes to hang out in- my Scorp cat is like this too! She has certain places she favors.
So I'm guessing he's a Scorpio :3..any water sign really!
" hmm interesting. you know what, he might just be a scorpio. he has a weird way of showing pouncing on my chest at night, but that recently stopped after i found out about my heart condition...if it wasnt for him, i never would have known. he also has"
You got cut off Sad, but he can sense illness then? That's crazy, when my dog got sick my Scorpio cat would not leave her side for WEEKS before we found out. This is unusual because most of the time she doesn't even get a long with my dog. (I'll just use their names so it's easier. My Scorpio cat is Goote..long story. My Dog is Blossom, and she's a Pisces.)
So whenever I'd try to take Blossom for walks, Goote would follow. I could never take her very far. A week later we find out Blossom has liver problems and she's in much pain.
Not sure if it's a Scorpio thing to have that kind of intuition- or if cat's in general have that ability. For sure they can sense illness though, and I'm definitely thinking your cats a Scorpio..there are soo many similarities.
Posted by MeowScorpii
Posted by lildol
I lost one of my dogs last year, he was just shy of 15. He had cancer and was wasting away. When diagnosed they gave him 3 months, we managed to go almost 2 years. They believe the tumor burst. Heart wrenching to be certain! I called off work the next day, I was literally sick from grief.

Oh no Sad That's horrible, I can imagine the grief..I believe my dog has some sort problem with her liver. Sad. What kind of dog was he?
click to expand

He was a Brittany, I acquired him while involved in rescue. He was in hospice with me as we couldn't adopt him out after he was diagnosed. It was a tumor on his spleen... we're really not sure if it was indeed cancer as rescue was not paying for a biopsy on a 12 yo. Surgery at that age would not have necessarily improved his quality of life or extended it. At the end they felt additional masses as well. So, yeah, probably was cancer and metastasized. I was a complete wreck. Our pets are family from my POV.