3 years out...

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by lildol on Wednesday, June 12, 2013 and has 10 replies.
I was on my way home from the vet yesterday and as I was passing the Pisces' store I decided eff it, I'm stopping in. Why can't I shop there? In any case we sat and chatted, our last encounter he apparently understood dif than I which is what resulted in his weirdness(if you don't know the story it's on the boards, but I wouldn't bother lol).
As a Pisces, what would be going through your mind? Me stopping in after 3 years that is (almost to the date which really weirded him out given I could give exact dates of what went down when). I don't think I want this guy peeing on my tires or the corner of my house again staking claim, just asking the Q.
dj, he basically went mia for a couple of months then showed up at my place unexpectedly. I considered it closure. He, according to our discussion yesterday, considered it that we were good. He turned up a few days later at a joint I was at and dumped a beer in the lap of a Virgo I got wrapped up with (not romantic, we tried, no go, ended up being business *shrugs* actually more like him using me, but that's my own good natured fault).
That's the short version smile
As for it being almost 3 years to the day, that's coincidence, it didn't even occur to me until we were discussing what went down that evening...
Posted by lildol
As for it being almost 3 years to the day, that's coincidence, it didn't even occur to me until we were discussing what went down that evening...

You show up 3 years to the day after you've last seen each other and you're asking what's going thru his mind? You are turning the tables, describing him as possessive and not being able to let things go... worrying about him coming around...
but YOU went to HIM... after 3 years.
I'd say you are instigating shit and would like to know if the Pisces will "take" to it
Except R Kelly's a Cap Crying
lildol you like drama too much.
The timing was truly coincidental, I do seem to remember dates of certain significance (bdays and what not, not so much, thing that effect me, most def)...
In response to Shellshocker, I'm a Cap, did you forget that? Maintaining friendships not difficult (ok, ok, we can use that terminology loosely, it's on their end mostly other than our drifting). In any case, I'm meeting my ex Cap next week, instigating anything? Nope, just catching up.
When you're in a Caps life, you are in, it's not about the time, not about the reason, it's simply what it is. We hold people who mean something to us close to our hearts and an eternity could never change that... (doesn't mean we want to jump in the sack with them again though).
@Nights, nah, I don't think so. It seems to follow me at times, but I generally try to avoid it (in my house, 2 dogs, 4 cats, 2 adult children, a grand baby and her father... nope, no drama in my life Tongue)
Wasn't looking for drama by stopping by his store, was looking for some good cheese smile
I remember your story and you painted him as some big ol psycho.
Don't push things then if thats the case. So really it shouldnt matter whats on his mind unless you want to push things.
Because if drama starts its all on you.
Let sleeping dogs lie.
I hear you smile