Am I the only pisces who ever had an imaginary conversation and made myself cry?

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by sugarplumeow on Wednesday, July 15, 2020 and has 13 replies.
probably @AfternoonDelights22 when he LARPs all characters in one of his original soap operas
P.S: Online Isolation Ep. 1 out now -

Posted by sugarplumeow
what a cute pisces haha.
Posted by KimboSlice

probably @AfternoonDelights22 when he LARPs all characters in one of his original soap operas
No I do this all the time. I'll literally be playing fetch with my dog and have her whole life play out in my head, and then her death. That is just one example of many. Sometimes I have a conversion with myself and either become enlightened, or doom my deep thoughts in some way. I'm not a Pisces Sun though. I think people with lots of water, or a water sun/ moon are more likely to do this.
Based on findings this year across studies conducted on, for, or that included "internal monologue" it was found that the median value for people who regularly experience an internal monologue is only 20% .

As of 2020 the estimated percentage of people born under the Zodiac sign of Pisces is ~ 9.1%

Unfortunately your question won't have a very large sample size 😕.

To answer your question though... I do have an internal monologue, I am Pisces Sun, but I'm pretty sure I don't/haven't make/made me/myself cry. 🤷
Posted by KimboSlice

probably @AfternoonDelights22 when he LARPs all characters in one of his original soap operas
🤷‍♀️ a pisces tear is blessed by the great Neptune himself. So, maybe?
Posted by sugarplumeow

I'm a Cap but I have Venus in Pisces, and I have done this a quite a few times during my life.

Its usually when something painful is happening to me, like a bad argument with a boyfriend, or a break-up.

I will sit and think about what happened, and why it happened, and how I wish it had turned out differently.

That's when the imaginary conversation starts. I will imagine what I wish was said, instead of what was actually said.

Then I will imagine what I wish had happened, instead of what actually happened.

So then I end up crying..
Yes i have

Water dominant ... limitless tears
I can cry over a thought. And I've had epic conversations with myself.

But the two at the same time? That sounds very goofy.
