
This topic was created in the Pisces forum by haffo on Monday, February 5, 2007 and has 15 replies.
Today I saw a profile of one female and found it very annoying.
She was a kind of high standart (an Aqua). If her income is true, the she's one of the highest incomers here. This is not the annoying part.
The annoying part is that she uses her status to discriminate others. Trying to show that she's on top and the rest is below her. And only limited amount of people should have access to her.
This is pretty annoying.
Do you think people are in rightful position to act this way?
Is it allowed?
"I'm not the one who is looking for someone, but someone who is to be looked for";
"I'm graduated from master, so if you from this and that class, close this window";
"I come from very special family. Can talk 4 languages. Lived in many European countries. IS THAT CLEAR?";
"If you don't have very respectable profession, close this window, you can't have any business with me";
"If you think you carry these criterias, send me a message, if I answer you then know that you are one of the very few highest stadart people, KNOW YOUR VALUE!!".
"People who does not fit to these limts or CANNOT fit to these limits are free to CURSE at me!!".
" "I come from very special family. Can talk 4 languages. Lived in many European countries. IS THAT CLEAR?";"
This is kinda not the same meaning at the end. She tries to tell that just because she has so many experience, she can be available to only limited amount of people.
I read this before on a website...are you sure its a true profile description?
"are you sure its a true profile description?"
What do you mean?
This all is what I have read from the profile of a person. It all is in Turkish.
I saw it on a zodiac site that explains what not to do on a dating site. Try and google it.
What is moral is always ethical.
What is ethical is not always moral.
Less hatin' and more congradulatin'. Dude, I do not think the term, "Annoyance" would come to my mind, if read. Thats fucking great, atleast they will be at a full ability to communicate with the people of those languages if they choose to travel to the language's place of origin. The world NEEDS more open-minded people.
"The world NEEDS more open-minded people."
This woman is selfish insensitive bastrad. This is not about being open mindedness.
" What is ethical is not always moral."
Ethical? You call this ethical? This is plain out open discrimination.
Have you ever heard this?
"Power turns people into assholes".
Have you?
Look at it this way, IF the woman is a selfish insensitive biatch, then a profile like this will ensure that only a suitable specimen will choose to breed with her - a perfect male selfish insensitive bastrad.
Never called it ethical, but its not unethical either. It really has nothing to do with ethics. She is entitled to have her standards, we dont have to agree...but it is her right.
LOL! Well I cannot imagine two insensitive and selfish people tolerating each other for more than a milisecond. Perhaps the man who she seeks are nothing more than her toy, or lets say her dog. A man bitch.
There been a moment when I thought that it might be a joke. However my intuition says that it pretty much can be true.
" As in they feel superior, and try to boss everyone around? "

"Never called it ethical, but its not unethical either. It really has nothing to do with ethics. She is entitled to have her standards, we dont have to agree...but it is her right."
It's not unethical? Attacking people and groups in basis of discrimination and hate have never been in freedom of expression of people.

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