Any Pisces into karate?

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by BlueQueen on Sunday, September 4, 2016 and has 11 replies.
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I found this place way back in August and it's just a few blocks down from where I'm at. I'm a large girl so I'm going to lose weight first before I join in.
Sure! Look at me go!

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Posted by RemixGeneralFishy
Sure! Look at me go!

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LOL! you fight better than me.
Karate is overrated, you should go for krav maga. The training is focused on real-life situations as opposed to stupid karate show-offs, which is why it's so effective. It's quick & brutal self-defense.

I remember someone poking fun at me, saying if I got into a fight with Brock Lesnar I'd be dead within 10 seconds. And I'm like "maybe so, but 10 seconds is plenty of time to do permanent damage to him". I'd blind him for life in the process.

I'm not interested in a battle of attrition. I'd rather neutralize the threat immediately. Hit fast and VERY hard. If I have to break bones or paralyze the attacker, so be it. I'll do anything I have to to protect myself from harm. Self defense.
karate isn't the best of martial arts, but if that's what you want to do then go for it.

But only see it as an artistic sport, if you want to defend yourself for real , then don't do karate.

krav maga is overrated and best left to scorpios and teenagers.

Boxing or thai boxing are good choices.

Yeah I know I'm just doing it to stay in shape. You know on my father side they all big folks and have a lot health problems like diabetes they like to eat junk food. So right I'm just trying to take care of myself.
Oh yeah boxing is good too the problem is I don't see one over here. I not really crazy about martial arts instead I like stuff like gymnastics, archery, etc.
Thanks guys wish me luck on my weight loss journey smile

I ADORE martial arts movies.
The only sport i praticed for real was karate.
Posted by BlueQueen
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I found this place way back in August and it's just a few blocks down from where I'm at. I'm a large girl so I'm going to lose weight first before I join in.
No, join in now, In Karate you prepared physically first, in my time was 70% physical exercise, 30% karate.

I am a big guy, my bones are massive, in first day there was an exercise where i had to push the other with my shoulder, in dog position, i just winned the other person with a black belt.