Aquarius man bizarre behavior towards me, a Pisces

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by Dapadon on Saturday, October 17, 2015 and has 16 replies.
I saw this guy on Facebook through suggested friends and on impluse I added him. I knew that we knew each other from somewhere but didn't remember where - plus he was so handsome to me. An hour after that he accepted my request and another hour after that he messages me asking "don't we know each other from somewhere?" 'Til this day we still haven't figured it out but anywho it's been a month of talking through Facebook messenger. A week into it he asked my for my number and we texted each other's phone briefly. I made a comment in jest about it "being weird to text" but he agreed and said he prefers Facebook messenger. So all we do is communicate through Facebook now.

I know everyone's first conclusion is that he probably has a girlfriend around checking his phone BUT he doesn't know that I found his Twitter and check it from time to time. He actually posted about not having a girlfriend and wanting someone to make him a priority so I know there isn't someone significant in his life yet.

He said he wanted to hear my voice over the phone the other day but never called. He makes plans to meet up but forgets or just doesn't mention it when the day comes. I never bring it up to him because I've been busy myself. However the other day he said that I don't make time for him. Wth?! Sometimes he's snappy and I snap back at him but I feel like he's testing me. Idk. AND I'm starting to wonder why he only wants to talk on Facebook. He literally just messaged me while writing this. Lol.

Can someone explain this behavior? They say Aquarius men are "different" but is this normal? Does he even like me?

Aquarius sun
Sagittarius moon
Capricorn Venus
Taurus Mars
Capricorn Mercury

Pisces sun
Aries moon
Capricorn Venus
Capricorn Mars
Aquarius Mercury

Posted by Huldra

"... I'm starting to wonder why he only wants to talk on Facebook."

I made a comment in jest about it "being weird to text" but he agreed and said he prefers Facebook messenger. So all we do is communicate through Facebook now.


dude ..... are you really that unaware of how two people interact with each other?

You really don't know that not only are you reacting to him ... he is also reacting to you?

Seriously ... you don't know that?

^^^ dude, meaning Dapadon

You add him on facebook because he was handsome? ... like a little teenager?

"....and wanting someone to make him a priority ........"

And you are all giggly and in awe over having the opportunity to cater to his ego .. rather than something meaningful.

So, if a guy looks in your direction, do you wet your pants with excitement?

And wtf is up with stalking his where abouts and what he posts?

Seriously, get out of your bubble and back into your head.
I dated an Aquarius for five years. It was one of the best relationships I have ever been in. To this day we are still friends, I found a deep sense of companionship with my Aquarius. The only issue I seem to find is that they are not real big into showing emotion. Even though they are said to be emotionless us Pisces know better.
Bless your soul, child. You're dancing with a devil. Sag emotionally detached. You'll thank me later.
Posted by Huldra
I don't see anything "weird". If he forgot, initiate it yourself. Fish love dropping the ball on initiation.

"AND I'm starting to wonder why he only wants to talk on Facebook." - wtf? You just said the following to answer own question: " I made a comment in jest about it "being weird to text" but he agreed and said he prefers Facebook messenger. So all we do is communicate through Facebook now."

Before beating the notion into your head that he's being off or weird somehow, get over the awkwardness and initiate. If he forgets, gently remind.

No. He explicitly stated that he wasn't a good texter so it was a good idea to continue messaging on Facebook. That information wasn't given in my original post so that's my bad. W that being said I still find it a little weird because it's different from what I'm used to.

I like your idea of "gently reminding" him but the initiation part is what I can't get around. I've been reading up on Aqua men and many articles state to not initiate too much and let them do it. They also state that Aqua men run off easily if their freedom is threatened. I just don't want to give off the wrong impression that I'm trying to throw something serious on him right now and take away his freedom. I feel that he always comes around on his own whenever I'm too busy to message him or if I take my own space. I definitely think I should bring up our plans the day we're supposed to meet up next time by reminding him. I guess this will be my way of letting him know I'm interested.
Posted by P-Angel
Posted by Huldra

"... I'm starting to wonder why he only wants to talk on Facebook."

I made a comment in jest about it "being weird to text" but he agreed and said he prefers Facebook messenger. So all we do is communicate through Facebook now.


dude ..... are you really that unaware of how two people interact with each other?

You really don't know that not only are you reacting to him ... he is also reacting to you?

Seriously ... you don't know that?

click to expand

Dude..refer to my response to Huldra
Posted by P-Angel

^^^ dude, meaning Dapadon

You add him on facebook because he was handsome? ... like a little teenager?

"....and wanting someone to make him a priority ........"

And you are all giggly and in awe over having the opportunity to cater to his ego .. rather than something meaningful.

So, if a guy looks in your direction, do you wet your pants with excitement?

And wtf is up with stalking his where abouts and what he posts?

Seriously, get out of your bubble and back into your head.

Such an arse...there's never anything constructive coming from your posts. You're literally on every forum giving irrelevant criticism...all of your energy went into writing that and now all of my energy is being wasted on responding to you..a shame
Posted by LaFemininPisces
I dated an Aquarius for five years. It was one of the best relationships I have ever been in. To this day we are still friends, I found a deep sense of companionship with my Aquarius. The only issue I seem to find is that they are not real big into showing emotion. Even though they are said to be emotionless us Pisces know better.

Interesting. Was he ever really affectionate or enjoyed you showing typical piscean affection to him?
Posted by Magenta_Azure
Bless your soul, child. You're dancing with a devil. Sag emotionally detached. You'll thank me later.

Lol. Won't my Aries moon be able to handle him though?
Sounds to me like he may want it all while not giving much in return. I would say try to initiate things and be on top of communicating. Instead of not responding when he forgets, talk to him about it or ask him in advance 'you still up for tonight?'. Don't let things slide without communicating. That may eliminate some issues. Or create new ones. But you won't know til you try.

I've also had a relationship with an aqua. His chart was completely different than your guy's though. We argued a lot and although I still enjoyed a lot about the relationship, the arguing became too tiring.
Posted by Huldra
"Who doesn't risk, doesn't finish up with a toast of champagne". That should speak to your Aries moon.

Just take initiative. Gently. What have you got to lose?

I'm more so a risk taker that takes precaution if that makes any sense. Lol. However, it's my impulsiveness and impatience that strikes every now and then and it's not gentle lol so I need to be careful of that.
Posted by Scenic
Sounds to me like he may want it all while not giving much in return. I would say try to initiate things and be on top of communicating. Instead of not responding when he forgets, talk to him about it or ask him in advance 'you still up for tonight?'. Don't let things slide without communicating. That may eliminate some issues. Or create new ones. But you won't know til you try.

I've also had a relationship with an aqua. His chart was completely different than your guy's though. We argued a lot and although I still enjoyed a lot about the relationship, the arguing became too tiring.

A lot of you guys are pretty helpful with giving the insight I need for this Aqua. I didn't know how to approach it before but apparently treating him like a "friend" and being communicative works. Next time it comes up, I'll approach it like i would with a friend. No pressure.

What was your Aqua guy's moon, Mercury, and Venus if you remember? And yours?
Posted by Dapadon
Posted by Scenic
Sounds to me like he may want it all while not giving much in return. I would say try to initiate things and be on top of communicating. Instead of not responding when he forgets, talk to him about it or ask him in advance 'you still up for tonight?'. Don't let things slide without communicating. That may eliminate some issues. Or create new ones. But you won't know til you try.

I've also had a relationship with an aqua. His chart was completely different than your guy's though. We argued a lot and although I still enjoyed a lot about the relationship, the arguing became too tiring.

A lot of you guys are pretty helpful with giving the insight I need for this Aqua. I didn't know how to approach it before but apparently treating him like a "friend" and being communicative works. Next time it comes up, I'll approach it like i would with a friend. No pressure.

What was your Aqua guy's moon, Mercury, and Venus if you remember? And yours?
click to expand

Yeah, you know, aquas and their friendships. Haha

He is scorp moon, aqua merc, pisces venus.
I am pisces moon, pisces merc, aries venus
He was scorp dominant but a good blend of water and air. You and your guy are more earthy than either of us and seem to have more complementary placements.
Disregarding the story, to answer the question: He finds you interesting. That is it.