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Dec 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 208 · Topics: 17
Anybody with any experience with this combo...................
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May 07, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 109 · Topics: 14
Amen ldybg377 
Signed Up:
Dec 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 208 · Topics: 17
Hey can you pisces girls elaborate. i am involved and it is the first time with this guy (cancer) and it seems too good to be true. you know what they say about that
Just very new to me and want to look for warning signs if there are any. thanks guys Signed Up:
May 07, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 109 · Topics: 14
"DON'T CLING. especially not too early on. cancers are the clingers, if they get attached. there are ways of supporting him emotionally without being clingy"
This is quote from someone else but I think it's very true, so I want you to remember that
Signed Up:
Dec 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 208 · Topics: 17
i have been trying to be reserved and cool about my feelings even though my heart wants to jump out of my chest everytime i am near him. i notice that when i seem clingy he seems to disappear for a while. i am starting to see a pattern. i am just trying to find a balance to let him know how much i care yet have the space between. i am usually all or nothing about everything and this relationship combined with the message boards experience/advice has me rethinking my behavior big time.
Ladybug- i do not know what my full chart is. do you do charts?
Signed Up:
May 07, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 109 · Topics: 14
I did that a lot too, it's like you don't think you're doing too much, but at the same time, you're just trying to keep reminding him(so they don't forget or just in case they really don't know
) how much you care and want to be with him, mainly so they won't go anywhere else. BUt if he's a grown man, he should know when a girl likes him or not. Just don't pursue him(romantically), and see what happens, I know that's hard. Signed Up:
Aug 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 863 · Topics: 23
You have to go to and put your information in. Your own chart will come up.
Good Luck with your Cancer sweetie. Word of warning. They play a lot of mind games and after awhile it is quite exhausting.
Signed Up:
Dec 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 208 · Topics: 17
I am really gonna try to protect my heart here. i checked out my chart and i have pisces all over the planets. so i guess i am extremely vulnerable in many areas. i am gonna give things more thought in every move i make with this relationship. i never approached it like that before. all the advice is so helpful. thanks for the other link ldybg311 am i gonna check it out.
Signed Up:
Dec 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 208 · Topics: 17
good one! have to remember that comment
Signed Up:
Dec 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 208 · Topics: 17
ldyb377 i finally got around to going to the links you gave and i have a cancer rising and the moon is either aquarius or pisces (it says i need the exact time of birth, i am sending out for that this week) he has a sag moon. do you know if all this is compatible?
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Quite Frankly, I really don't see how his actions were wierd in the case of contacting you an hour later to apologize for bad behaviour in the text . . I would call that being considerate of your feelings. But, if you're looking for more into a situation, I suppose a person would then, "in this case i pressed until there was a detailed explaination". It appears to me as though you are looking for danger signs, rather than endearing ones . . but, everyone is different, and I have to admit . . when it comes to Cancers, danger signs are first and foremost with me . . I don't get along with them, at all.
There are numerous things which irritate me, but, the main one in which makes me NOT want to be with them is thier lack of being their own true person in a relationship; and their lack of compassion.
If you can handle a partnership with a Cancer, then that's great. But, if you want opinions, or the relaying of experiences other Pisces have had with Cancer . . then, here's mine:
Run as fast as you can and never look back !!!!!!!!!!
Signed Up:
Dec 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 208 · Topics: 17
thanks for your comments p- angel, appreciate it. yea i am leery because of some of the stuff i have read on this board. i do not give my heart easily but he is doing stuff that really attracts me except for the fact that i think he is a little stingy with money and i read that cancers are like that.
NEXT COMMENT>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Message posted by: GreatBull on 12/28/2006 9:21:31 AM
Great Bull can you elaborate?
Signed Up:
Dec 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 208 · Topics: 17
thanks for your comments p- angel, appreciate it. yea i am leery because of some of the stuff i have read on this board. i do not give my heart easily but he is doing stuff that really attracts me except for the fact that i think he is a little stingy with money and i read that cancers are like that.
NEXT COMMENT>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Message posted by: GreatBull on 12/28/2006 9:21:31 AM
Great Bull can you elaborate?
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
"Hey can you pisces girls elaborate"
One thing I find in the male Crab, that might be a good thing for women trying to date them, is that they are very emotional. And you know women, they like a man who isn't afraid to cry. However, it becomes a burden when the dude ends up crying more than the gal, lol
Touching, being moved . . is one thing . . being babies is another. Seems every male Cancer I know (one being my brother), has this "thing" about monetary value. And, it's quite out of character for the whole "sensitive" thing with crying all the time.
One would think that they are so sensitive, and they are . . but, when it comes to money . . that takes priority over sensitivity and I find that appalling. Example: My mother died and she left all her worldy possessions to me. One brother of mine (Scorpio) took things I gave him of mom's to heart, has them sitting on a shelf so he can memorialize her as she deserved . . even if the items were small, however, cherished by her. My Cancer brother refused to take anything of mom's unless it had some monetary value. One thing I tried to give him was tiny in size and monetary worth, but, she loved it . . she looked at it everyday, dusted & shined. To her, it meant the world . . to him, it was worthless because it had no re-sale value.
Now, that's just my experience with one situation . . there's more.
My sister-in-law, who is Cancer, will go to her father (who's on a fixed income) and cry to him about being poor, she'll whimper all the day long, until he gives her money, money in which he DOESN'T have to spare . . she'll leave his house, snickering with a wad of cash hidden in her purse. I've seen her do it . . it's disgraceful.
So, anyway, you asked to elaborate and so I did.
Signed Up:
Dec 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 208 · Topics: 17
Wow, that money issue with both the cancers you know well is SO messed up. i know people like that, don't know their sign but i do know that i find it disgusting to the max.
this guy i am seeing (little over 6 months) just seems to be so tight about money and i am not used to this in a boyfreind/girlfriend relationship. he always seems to mention things about cost etc... like if i say "that is a nice picture on the wall" he might say " yea i only paid 10 bucks for it" or something along those lines instead of admiring the picture. it is just weird to me the emphasis on bargains, moneys, costs, values etc...that continually comes up in conversation. out of the blue he asked me how much money i earn every week. i never had a guy ever ask me something like that so directly.
i just want to be careful and i keep hearing pretty much the same thing over and over again that is more negative.....the only positive so far is that be glad he doesn't have holes in his pockets and blows his money.
i need a way to find out if this is just a temporary way he is behaving because he doesn't want to spend on me for fear he doesn't know me well enought to do so since crab signs are soooo cautious. i just don't want to waste my time if indeed it is for certain i would deal with this tightwad behavior for the rest of my life.
any suggestions to find out in a subtle way would be appreciated!
Signed Up:
Dec 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 208 · Topics: 17
Wow, that money issue with both the cancers you know well is SO messed up. i know people like that, don't know their sign but i do know that i find it disgusting to the max.
this guy i am seeing (little over 6 months) just seems to be so tight about money and i am not used to this in a boyfreind/girlfriend relationship. he always seems to mention things about cost etc... like if i say "that is a nice picture on the wall" he might say " yea i only paid 10 bucks for it" or something along those lines instead of admiring the picture. it is just weird to me the emphasis on bargains, moneys, costs, values etc...that continually comes up in conversation. out of the blue he asked me how much money i earn every week. i never had a guy ever ask me something like that so directly.
i just want to be careful and i keep hearing pretty much the same thing over and over again that is more negative.....the only positive so far is that be glad he doesn't have holes in his pockets and blows his money.
i need a way to find out if this is just a temporary way he is behaving because he doesn't want to spend on me for fear he doesn't know me well enought to do so since crab signs are soooo cautious. i just don't want to waste my time if indeed it is for certain i would deal with this tightwad behavior for the rest of my life.
any suggestions to find out in a subtle way would be appreciated!
Signed Up:
Dec 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 208 · Topics: 17
i just mailed out the paperwork to get my exact time of birth to nail down my natal chart exactly. yea, i agree, you have to go by gut feelings as well, being pisces, that is second nature. its just the logic and the feelings get all meshed up sometimes when it comes to doing what is best for me. the advice on the site is so good though and the varied experience if very helpful. in the end i will weigh it all out and do what is best for me though
this guy just has a hold on me and it different on an emotional level than i have ever experienced.
thank you again for your advice! Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Ok, you want some good stuff?
Usually, I only talk about the bad side of people, because in reality, when people come on here looking for problems in a relationship, that is exactly what they are looking for . . the "problems", so that is what I give them.
But, since you asked for reasons why it SHOULD work (which is quite out-of-the-ordinary in here), I can give you some personal observations on a positive note . .
When it comes to "love", and I mean, real love, they seem to do so on a much deeper level than a lot of other signs. It's very thoroughly down to their core, keeping in mind that they are indeed cautious, and may get a little later to the loving part, as opposed to their partners, but, once they do, "fall in love" . . they are very devoted partners and loyal, they look at thier partners needs before thier own.
Also, when viewing my brother (not the same as intimate, but, still to the Cancer nature), I find that he has this need to be home-bound . . he loves the environment of his "home", and has a certain amount of passion for things within his home . . so, this would lead me to believe that in a union with the Crab, I would feel very content at "home" with him because his heart is there.
Another quality I find endearing (and this is all the Cancer's I know, male and female), is their affinity for children. A lot of people like their kids, of course, but, a lot of people look to their children in terms of what's needed, from a responisibility approach of honouring, a duty . . where with the Crab, it's more instinctal and it's obvious when you see their focus and concern is on the child within themselves, rather than their outside or environmental needs.
I can think of more . . tons.

Signed Up:
Dec 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 208 · Topics: 17
thank you so much. this is awesome! if you feel like it and want to give me more details i am all ears!
the home thing you mentioned, i can relate to that now. i was at his place and he kept mentioning if i liked his new curtains and throw on the couch and stuff like that and i thought it was endearing but weird at the same time cause my girlfriends talk like that not guys i know, but if they are homey types then i guess that is perfectly normal then. this is really interesting stuff!
Signed Up:
Dec 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 208 · Topics: 17
thank you so much. this is awesome! if you feel like it and want to give me more details i am all ears!
the home thing you mentioned, i can relate to that now. i was at his place and he kept mentioning if i liked his new curtains and throw on the couch and stuff like that and i thought it was endearing but weird at the same time cause my girlfriends talk like that not guys i know, but if they are homey types then i guess that is perfectly normal then. this is really interesting stuff!
Signed Up:
Dec 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 208 · Topics: 17
well so far i got a lot of great direct and to the point characteristics about cancer guys. some really really good others really really bad. i just read that cancers and pisces are suppose to be like a match made in heaven emotionally. i guess if i can handle the being tight with his cash thing, we might be ok.
he doesn't seem clingy though and i keep reading that over and over again on these message boards. matter of fact, he told me that one of the main reasons he left his girlfriend after over a year, was because they had too much togetherness and he sort of got bored with her. i dunno, i only see him once or twice a week. he we really took it to the next level i just wonder if he would get bored with me with all the "togetherness". i know i could not remain in a romantic situation only seeing someone once or twice a week indefinetly that is for sure.
if there is anyone that has had a positive relationship with a pisces female and cancer male i would sure like to hear about it
Signed Up:
Dec 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 208 · Topics: 17
well so far i got a lot of great direct and to the point characteristics about cancer guys. some really really good others really really bad. i just read that cancers and pisces are suppose to be like a match made in heaven emotionally. i guess if i can handle the being tight with his cash thing, we might be ok.
he doesn't seem clingy though and i keep reading that over and over again on these message boards. matter of fact, he told me that one of the main reasons he left his girlfriend after over a year, was because they had too much togetherness and he sort of got bored with her. i dunno, i only see him once or twice a week. he we really took it to the next level i just wonder if he would get bored with me with all the "togetherness". i know i could not remain in a romantic situation only seeing someone once or twice a week indefinetly that is for sure.
if there is anyone that has had a positive relationship with a pisces female and cancer male i would sure like to hear about it
Signed Up:
Apr 22, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 979 · Topics: 41
There was a time in my early 20's when I was surrounded by Cancers - best friend, roommate and boyfriend. I found the women to be intrusive and jealous, the males selfish, skinflints. My former boss is a Cancer and a double-dyed in the wool bitch, my brother will try to weasle things from you under the guise of it being in your own best interest.
I am will you Ldy, I will run the other way. I really don't like to generalize when it comes to signs since there is no cookie-cutter format, but Cancers are off limits for me. In my encounters with them they project any genuine human qualities; they harbor a lot of insecurity making them unavailable on an emotional level. That's my experience.
Signed Up:
Apr 22, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 979 · Topics: 41
I meant to say they "don't" project any genuine human qualities.
Signed Up:
Dec 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 208 · Topics: 17
So all the good stuff he is doing may not be genuine, its an act just to get what he wants? He does seem a little insecure.
Signed Up:
Apr 22, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 979 · Topics: 41
It would be impossible for me to say he's not geniune, but I do know they don't seem to extend themselves without an intent behind it. Again, just my experience.
Signed Up:
Dec 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 208 · Topics: 17
When we are together he is very nice to me. He does things for me but he doesn't spend on me. I mentioned in another thread that he never pays for dinner though he asks me out often. He knows i do not make nearly as much as him.
If you say that there is intention behind it, then that only leads me to believe that perhaps he only wants me sex? Its not like i am loaded with cash or have material things to give.
All i know is i just dont' want to genuine and sincere and give my heart and this be just a game sort of thing and when he's done teasing me and having fun then one day when he does his disappearing, instead of him being gone for 2 or 3 days he may not be around any more and i don't want to feel used.
I feel we do have a connection, very strongly so, but i am just not sure if its the same for him because he does not express himself as i do
Signed Up:
Jan 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 213 · Topics: 17
honestly I did not believe it when my sis told me had I drown up with my mother we would not have gotten along, but now I have to agree with my sis. Love my mother but when she starts with her piscesness I want to punch her. It is really a headache. I am saying that because I hear many pisces complaining about cancers but other signs seem to think we are the most honarable signs in the zodiac. Even the suspiscous scorp trust us, so I am starting to believe that this is a pisces trait projecting your feelings onto others and since cancers do not like it when people pry into their business we clam up and you take that as an attack. even my pisces friend does that she makes snide remarks to me and then when I get mad she says I am too moody (yeah and we are still friends after 12 yrs) same thing I get with my mother she will accuse me of something I was not even thinking about and gets mad at my reaction.
the point is HOW you deal with the person is how they will show themselves to you. if you project your ill feelings on them, you will see it. cancers are people of reaction and how others react to us will determine how we react to you. thinking about it now th e person I dislike the most is a pisces and that is because she is a two face cookiemonster not because she is a pisces. and yes I have met two faced cancers too.
Signed Up:
Jan 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 213 · Topics: 17
in terms of male I will never compare a female cancer to a male because we are as different as we are similar. just that when it comes to zodiacs the greates gender dichotomy is found in cancers. I had th epleasure of flirting with a male cancer we both liked each other but were too cancerians to come out and say it (some body else had to out us in front of each other and we still never followed through) this guy was anything but a tightwad when I found out his wallet cost more than everything I had on that day combined I nearly had a heart attack. He refused to drive a 50G car because he view it as being cheap but this guy is one of the sweetest people I have ever met, he will give the shirt off his back, he will spend on others too w/o second tought . I am also a spendthrift I am known for blowing large sums of money away in one day and nobody including myself knows what I spent it on. but when I have money and I go out with friends I can guarantee you that they wont have to spend a dime. point is I know cheap cnacers and I know careless with money cancers. this is just to show you that not all cancers are into money. it is what can be had with money that is important. my friends happiness when I get them something is what makes me happy not the money. I have made people return expansive gifts because I felt bad that they spent so much, I refuse to go out with my friends when i am broke because I don't like the guilt that comes with knowing that I made them spend money on me. the best gift I have ever recieved was home made. I am just telling you not all cancers are greedy.
it seems to me you have a great guy who likes you and considers your feelings by giving you an explaination not many men would and for that I will say forget his sign because it guarantees you nothing. the worst relationship I had was with a taurus and here I am told they are my best match but I still love them anyway.the money thing will sudue once he is head overheels for you. If you get that far be prepared recieve gifts everyday. and yeah also be prepared to be suffocated, he will want to know what you are doing and can he come with you.
Signed Up:
Feb 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 9826 · Topics: 354
I would take Chinese water torture for a Cancer anytime...
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3626 · Topics: 27
the sag moon is the problem....i dated a scorpio with it. u kinda have to act like u dont care to get them sucks. dont get emotional near him....he'll run the other way and come back when he thinks your over it.
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3626 · Topics: 27
we only saw each other on the weekends and would have a good time but i did feel if i moved to live with her she would get bored.
Signed Up:
Dec 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 208 · Topics: 17
So in your opinion, Sag Moons make a Cancer sun even harder to have a serious relationship with?
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3626 · Topics: 27 seemed to me that it would make closeness difficult. fire sign moons are very independant in thier emotions and want u to be also. im more from the lean on each other school of thought.
Signed Up:
Dec 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 208 · Topics: 17
The lean on each other theory is my belief as well! Give and take, you know all that stuff but I have to admit, when I love someone They will know it and i like to make them feel like they are number one and yes I like to spend time with them, At the same time I am very independent and want my freedom too.
I just wonder though, if this is the ultimate combo as I have read....
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3626 · Topics: 27
i havent found the ultimate combo yet....i believe it rests with a water sign though for me. i have way too much water in my chart.