Are we ever satisfied...

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by Angel1177 on Monday, June 17, 2013 and has 10 replies.
I don't know if it's growing cancer ascendant...or being a Pisces...but I find my inner fire burning out a bit...I was a force to be reckoned with years ago...and something in the last few years has made me the ultimate, I just want peace and no drama advocate...and although being feisty can come with its I maturing or boring? I just find myself not having as much fun, always in my head...constantly obsessing about what people's kind of a drag...I'm a child at heart...but I feel like very few people know that about public forums where I am around people I am not close to, I find myself being socially's frustrating...and I am not sure how to fix it...anyone go through anything similar??? Is this a Pisces thing...or just me...
yea..i think you & i both know what you need to do now..

 go first...
"How to live twice" by Pisces
Posted by Nemesis
born old....just sayin.

Me too.
Hey my fellow pisceans, am new here though have been coming hear to read some of the wonderful stuff u pple helps me pass time when am bored since i don't have close friends to spend time with.....I just felt connected hear when, coz I find myself having the same problem as u.can't go to places where I don't know anybody. If I go with my friend n if she goes to mingle with the others, I feel awkward by myself feel abandoned and out of place.If I go with u somewhere, pls don't leave me alone.Its sad thing.thought I was the only one who felt so.Its kind of miserable situation.Guess that's why its hard to find somebody who understands us, lol
Welcome BaitedFish, to the dxp pond, where you will never be alone again!
Awww, Thanks @Deezie I feel better now
Thanks PiscVirgAquaFish :-)
I totally understand and I'm a scorpio. Sociallly awkward yes. My mother often feels the same way and she's a leo. I don't know for sure if it is part of getting older but yes I feel it too. smile Keep your chin up fishy! smile