at night I dream of the Pisces. And the aqua takes up my day dreams

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by WaterDevil on Sunday, April 7, 2019 and has 14 replies.
I think I’m having major PTSD (which I am diagnosed with and suffer from btw so not using the word lightly) from abandonment and abuse as a child. But as I said about the dreams, What do I make of this? I mean I have established within my self already that I can have feelings for multiple people at once. And they never are the same feelings but feelings none the less. The Aqua knows this about me, and I don’t feel like I’m doing anything bad per say. It’s just confusing to me. Usually when I’m interested in someone new regardless of my feelings for someone else, that new person is all I think about. And the other person/people I care about will always be present in my mind daily in some way. Cause I care still and probably never stop (cancer). But for the most part it’s the new person that occupies my mind the most. Yet.. every night this entire month (since right before I met the aqua) I’ve had dreams about the Pisces (of which whom did shroomies with me, for whoever read that story). Most have been lucid dreams. And I believe one was a dream visit. I’m not to sure who visited who, but it was DEFINITELY a dream visit. I don’t know what to make of all this. I’ve tried figuring out why she visited me but I can’t find anything online about it, Dream visits that is. I.e. when two REAL people hop in to each other’s dream and share an experience. As opposed to a subconscious version of that person we create. I still think about the Pisces when I masterbate sometimes too. But in my day dreams I think about pinning the aqua against the wall and fucking the shit out of her. Ugh I need to get past the Pisces because in all actuality; It feels over, very over. But my crab claws can’t let go: the part of me that always states “it’s not over until the fat lady sings”. And so that’s the most damaging part of my soul. The part I try my best not to listen to, and just move forward in life, but it causes me agonizing pain some days. Missing the Pisces. And ptsd with anyone new in my life at that. My trust issues and abandonment issues. I’ve been working on them in therapy. So I learned not to make them anyone else’s problems but my own. But yesterday I experienced a huge trust trauma coming to haunt me. And On top of that, I was sick all day and couldn’t leave my bed let alone my house to distract my self. So I just laid in bed agonizing and practically having chest pains over my fear of abandonment and losing yet another person I care about. Which is causing me to want to pull back my feels from the aqua completely. But it’s going well, and easy, and no rush or pressure on both ends to have an exclusive anything rn. So I’m kept around. But I’m so afraid to get attached again. Idk. Thanks for letting me share. I seen the aqua last night. She gave me medicine and than we hung out for a little and talked about some things. It was nice. But I don’t know if it will last and that scares the shit out of me..
So at first glance it seems youre coping with your fear of abandonement through developing feelings for multiple people, as in its a numbers game, if one drops you theres the other?

Thats not a good long term strategy. People will truly drop you once they figure out half of you is attached somewhere else.

2 cents

Do the Aqua a favor and let her know that you are still hung up on someone else; That you usually are all consumed with the new person in your life, but not with her. Do not sugar coat, be straight up.
Posted by Mr_Pinchy

So at first glance it seems youre coping with your fear of abandonement through developing feelings for multiple people, as in its a numbers game, if one drops you theres the other?

Thats not a good long term strategy. People will truly drop you once they figure out half of you is attached somewhere else.

2 cents

Though I agree with you in certain situations. But what I’m talking about people who identify as “poly minded humans”. In which case you can have equally deep and meaningful relationships platonic or not simultaneously in life. The question is is not wether or not I’m stringing along the aqua, as you put in so many words. But wether or not it’s worth it to hold on to the Pisces. And how my experiences with the Pisces and those who came before her are causing me trust issues in new relationships in my life “I.e. the aqua” who I find my self growing more and more feelings toward everyday. She also has an ex she has strong feelings for and is still friends with. But, and we have actually communicated on this topic a lot, she has something completely different with her, as each person in our lives is very different. No one love story is the same, and they simply sleep with one another here and there. But more in a friends with benefits type of way. And she simply (like my self) doesn’t necessarily stop caring about people. And wants to keep friendships. Why never speak with someone again just because it doesn’t work out romantically? So long as both parties still respect one another and enjoy other parts of each other, relationships evolve in to different things. No 2npeiple are ever the same as the first day they meet. And we both understand that what her and I have together is new and fresh. A “beginning” if you will which neither of us is experiencing with anyone else in our lives. As far as we discussed.
Posted by thinktankPisces

Abandonment abuse is abandonment abuse, but dont use it to make it right for you to cheat on people, hurt other people feeling.
Who’s cheating? We are both not monogamous. Have open communication on wether or not we are with other people thus far. Both identify as non monogamous. She was just in a poly relationship, and I never in the above stated I was lying to her in any way. Or misleading her. I’m just trying to understand if the Pisces is a healthy relationship to hold on to or not. And the aqua is bringing that to light for me, because she’s showing me what a friendship looks like too, on top of everything else. And the Pisces makes me feel bad when I think of her. And not guilty bad. But just sad, because we can’t be friends.
Posted by Ellygant

Nothing ever lasts. We are born into this world alone. We die and must leave it alone.

In between, we are blessed to be connected always. Maybe not in a way that matches our ideals or hopes. But we are always connected to the world around us. Not just people.

Your dreams are unfinished ties. You still hold on the past because letting go would mean growing up and you’re not quite ready to do that, for whatever reason. Fear. Control. Responsibility. Could be any or something else. But you’re the only one with the power to find that out.

The Pisces couldn’t save you. The aqua won’t save you. No amount of dreaming or love or astral travel can make you love you. That’s a choice you must make for yourself. When people have the unfortunate circumstance of not receiving proper care as a child, of not developing their identity and ego in a secure environment, they spend their adulthood having to learn on their own. While trying to parent themselves.
You took the words out of my mouth in those last two sentences. And thank you for this. You really understand where I was going with all this. As I said I see a therapist since last year. It’s helped me emensely not to have me act out in those moments of fear and work through them. And now the next step is truly loving my self. But I no longer am always so hard on my self. So progress. However, I don’t believe in the entire “if you can’t love your self you can’t love anyone else” concept. I’m not gonna go in to detail on that rn but I’m reading a book called “all about love”. It’s a feminist view point and basically validated me so much. Everyone goes through life’s ups and downs. And their ability to love others doesn’t change. That’s what’s makes us warriors. When we are healing we still find the power to extend love to others. Just last night the aqua told me “love is actions and reactions. You give love so that a person you care about receives it. With our expectations in return.” It was in light of a relative conversation we were having in her describing to me what her mom taught her. Which was such a special little story”.
Posted by WaterDevil

Posted by Mr_Pinchy

So at first glance it seems youre coping with your fear of abandonement through developing feelings for multiple people, as in its a numbers game, if one drops you theres the other?

Thats not a good long term strategy. People will truly drop you once they figure out half of you is attached somewhere else.

2 cents

Though I agree with you in certain situations. But what I’m talking about people who identify as “poly minded humans”. In which case you can have equally deep and meaningful relationships platonic or not simultaneously in life. The question is is not wether or not I’m stringing along the aqua, as you put in so many words. But wether or not it’s worth it to hold on to the Pisces. And how my experiences with the Pisces and those who came before her are causing me trust issues in new relationships in my life “I.e. the aqua” who I find my self growing more and more feelings toward everyday. She also has an ex she has strong feelings for and is still friends with. But, and we have actually communicated on this topic a lot, she has something completely different with her, as each person in our lives is very different. No one love story is the same, and they simply sleep with one another here and there. But more in a friends with benefits type of way. And she simply (like my self) doesn’t necessarily stop caring about people. And wants to keep friendships. Why never speak with someone again just because it doesn’t work out romantically? So long as both parties still respect one another and enjoy other parts of each other, relationships evolve in to different things. No 2npeiple are ever the same as the first day they meet. And we both understand that what her and I have together is new and fresh. A “beginning” if you will which neither of us is experiencing with anyone else in our lives. As far as we discussed.
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Oh youre a dude???


Ps: best of luck
Posted by STILL

Do the Aqua a favor and let her know that you are still hung up on someone else; That you usually are all consumed with the new person in your life, but not with her. Do not sugar coat, be straight up.
But that’s such a harsh way of putting something in to words that don’t match how I feel about her at all. I adore the aqua a lot. When I say “consuming” that word has terrible conotaion relative to me. Consumed and obsessed go hand in hand. And those are unhealthy behaviors. And arguably not even real love but the complete oopisite. I’m bit used to how I’m being treated by the aqua to the point where I don’t feel deserving. But that’s the ptsd from my childhood. I’m not stringing her along at all. I want to be the best I can be for her, I’m caring about her more and more everyday. I forgot to ad, last night I dreamt of her for the first time. And it was a very nice sweet dream. Nothing sexual. Just made me feel so good thinking of her. I’m just dealing with a loss here, and it’s triggering. But I have been planning on telling her when it comes up. It’s just not relevant rn. But we are very open and honest with one another
Posted by Mr_Pinchy

Posted by WaterDevil

Posted by Mr_Pinchy

So at first glance it seems youre coping with your fear of abandonement through developing feelings for multiple people, as in its a numbers game, if one drops you theres the other?

Thats not a good long term strategy. People will truly drop you once they figure out half of you is attached somewhere else.

2 cents

Though I agree with you in certain situations. But what I’m talking about people who identify as “poly minded humans”. In which case you can have equally deep and meaningful relationships platonic or not simultaneously in life. The question is is not wether or not I’m stringing along the aqua, as you put in so many words. But wether or not it’s worth it to hold on to the Pisces. And how my experiences with the Pisces and those who came before her are causing me trust issues in new relationships in my life “I.e. the aqua” who I find my self growing more and more feelings toward everyday. She also has an ex she has strong feelings for and is still friends with. But, and we have actually communicated on this topic a lot, she has something completely different with her, as each person in our lives is very different. No one love story is the same, and they simply sleep with one another here and there. But more in a friends with benefits type of way. And she simply (like my self) doesn’t necessarily stop caring about people. And wants to keep friendships. Why never speak with someone again just because it doesn’t work out romantically? So long as both parties still respect one another and enjoy other parts of each other, relationships evolve in to different things. No 2npeiple are ever the same as the first day they meet. And we both understand that what her and I have together is new and fresh. A “beginning” if you will which neither of us is experiencing with anyone else in our lives. As far as we discussed.
Oh youre a dude???


Ps: best of luck
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I’m a woman..
Posted by WaterDevil

Posted by STILL

Do the Aqua a favor and let her know that you are still hung up on someone else; That you usually are all consumed with the new person in your life, but not with her. Do not sugar coat, be straight up.
But that’s such a harsh way of putting something in to words that don’t match how I feel about her at all. I adore the aqua a lot. When I say “consuming” that word has terrible conotaion relative to me. Consumed and obsessed go hand in hand. And those are unhealthy behaviors. And arguably not even real love but the complete oopisite. I’m bit used to how I’m being treated by the aqua to the point where I don’t feel deserving. But that’s the ptsd from my childhood. I’m not stringing her along at all. I want to be the best I can be for her, I’m caring about her more and more everyday. I forgot to ad, last night I dreamt of her for the first time. And it was a very nice sweet dream. Nothing sexual. Just made me feel so good thinking of her. I’m just dealing with a loss here, and it’s triggering. But I have been planning on telling her when it comes up. It’s just not relevant rn. But we are very open and honest with one another
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That's how we like things conveyed to us, raw and unfiltered.

My point is if you don't feel "consumed" with her, but with everyone else, something's off. You say that you're not stringing her along, but going by your posts it comes off as if you are.

'I’m bit used to how I’m being treated by the aqua to the point where I don’t feel deserving.'

Also your statement above ^ prompts me to say that I hope you are not using her for a self esteem boost. Obviously you aren't consciously doing so, but IMO that undeserving feeling is there for a reason.

Posted by Ellygant

Posted by WaterDevil

Posted by Ellygant

Nothing ever lasts. We are born into this world alone. We die and must leave it alone.

In between, we are blessed to be connected always. Maybe not in a way that matches our ideals or hopes. But we are always connected to the world around us. Not just people.

Your dreams are unfinished ties. You still hold on the past because letting go would mean growing up and you’re not quite ready to do that, for whatever reason. Fear. Control. Responsibility. Could be any or something else. But you’re the only one with the power to find that out.

The Pisces couldn’t save you. The aqua won’t save you. No amount of dreaming or love or astral travel can make you love you. That’s a choice you must make for yourself. When people have the unfortunate circumstance of not receiving proper care as a child, of not developing their identity and ego in a secure environment, they spend their adulthood having to learn on their own. While trying to parent themselves.
You took the words out of my mouth in those last two sentences. And thank you for this. You really understand where I was going with all this. As I said I see a therapist since last year. It’s helped me emensely not to have me act out in those moments of fear and work through them. And now the next step is truly loving my self. But I no longer am always so hard on my self. So progress. However, I don’t believe in the entire “if you can’t love your self you can’t love anyone else” concept. I’m not gonna go in to detail on that rn but I’m reading a book called “all about love”. It’s a feminist view point and basically validated me so much. Everyone goes through life’s ups and downs. And their ability to love others doesn’t change. That’s what’s makes us warriors. When we are healing we still find the power to extend love to others. Just last night the aqua told me “love is actions and reactions. You give love so that a person you care about receives it. With our expectations in return.” It was in light of a relative conversation we were having in her describing to me what her mom taught her. Which was such a special little story”.
You misunderstand my words. I didn’t say no one would love you until you love yourself. I said no amount of love from others would make you love yourself.

That saying, while kitschy has roots in truth. Insecurity, fear, abandonment, trauma. Whatever the poison is, until you learn how to work through it, it doesn’t matter how much you love someone or they love you, the toxicity will eventually poison the relationship.

Aquas are caretakers at their heart. They often date broken or damaged people because they have tremendous healing abilities. That same ability can also make them a bit codependent, and ultimately resentful of themselves and the relationship. But not until months or years later, often long after they’ve lost themselves.

Nothing in what you said about love is inherently wrong. But put in the wrong circumstance or twisted to a selfish context, it’s extremely damaging. Yes, love is a universal concept that can accomplish tremendous things. However don’t forget it’s easy to muddle philosophy with selfish motivations.

I just made my points, because based on your posting history, there seems to be patterns of savior/martyr relationships and muse/creator relationships. Those have their place for sure. But repeating the same story with different people points to the origin being how you deal with yourself not how you deal with others.

Good on the therapy. The right person and you being willing can completely change your life.
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Yes I completely agree with almost everything you said. And in light of what you mentioned regarding repeated patterns. I have been so hyper aware of every pattern in previous relationships that that has become my underlying fear of repeating those patterns. But what is fear? If not a strength in knowing what those mistakes were, and that knowledge giving you the power not to make the same mistakes again. I’ve been on a journey of personal growth within my self as well as highlighting my interpersonal realqtionships which has come from healing my self of my childhood traumas that have molded me until I found my self. Per say. And though I wish my ex’s wern’t On the receiving end of my faults that caused me to grow and awaken. I am greatfuk for every criticism and learning experiences that have come with their losses. Which makes the saying “everyone comes in to your life for a reason” so apperant. And I think the reason I’m so afraid of this aqua. Is because this is the first time... we’ll probably in my entire life when I felt confident in my ego, or lack their of. My communicative abilities. And my over all authenticity and truly being genuine and considerate of the feelings of others. I had been very.. well “the world revolves around me” type of person and that has definitely changed. I feel different. More grounded. And so my therapist has been trying to remind me of that because I talk to her about the aqua and have been very honest about my dating history. She has been with me every step of the way. And encouraging me that I’m ready for “something good” and to allow my self to open up again. Because each time I talk to my therapist about her, I express my fear of fucking it up. Hurting her. Getting hurt ect. And looking for my therapist to check me and let me know if my intentions seem less than pure.. because I was that person in the past. But my beliefs in my self have changed. I’ve changed. And I’m taking it sooooo slow because of that. And just getting to know the aqua and celebrating who she is with her. And exchanging thoughts and ideas. And not over thinking too much. I guess what I’m saying is, I’m just dealing with a lot of feelings I have never experienced in my entire life. And that’s two people genuinely enjoying the other for who they are. With no expectations in return. I’ve never felt that from anyone in my life before. And not to say I have never felt loved, cause I have. My grandmother and mother come to mind. But I never experienced something so healthy. Healthy expression of feelings. Healthy boundaries. Genuine honesty. And curiosity. But I’m not used to it. And that said you are right, with repeated patterns I’ll only make someone resent me in the long run. But I’ve been trying my best to keep it equal. Like yesterday we met and she gave me medicine because I’m sick. And I bought her some coconut water to prevent her from getting sick. Last week she rescued me in the middle of the night when my car got towed and took me to the tow lot. And I met her at her place after and somehow managed to find a place that sells bouquets of roses at 2am. Granted they were nothing fancy. But every time she cares for me, I try my best to return that care and appreciation. And of course on top of that show it when she isn’t doing anything at all. I feel like a better version of my self as cheesy as it sounds. But in the same sense I’m battling in forgiving the old me and trusting my heart again. And that’s a journey. And even if we both don’t work out, as far as I see it it won’t be for my lack of trying. But only time will tell, she is studying for her MCATS right now and we both have things so keeping it just light and fun for now. One step at a time, getting to know each other at our own pace. But wish me luck. I just want to do the right things for the right reasons at the end of the day smile
Posted by STILL

Posted by WaterDevil

Posted by STILL

Do the Aqua a favor and let her know that you are still hung up on someone else; That you usually are all consumed with the new person in your life, but not with her. Do not sugar coat, be straight up.
But that’s such a harsh way of putting something in to words that don’t match how I feel about her at all. I adore the aqua a lot. When I say “consuming” that word has terrible conotaion relative to me. Consumed and obsessed go hand in hand. And those are unhealthy behaviors. And arguably not even real love but the complete oopisite. I’m bit used to how I’m being treated by the aqua to the point where I don’t feel deserving. But that’s the ptsd from my childhood. I’m not stringing her along at all. I want to be the best I can be for her, I’m caring about her more and more everyday. I forgot to ad, last night I dreamt of her for the first time. And it was a very nice sweet dream. Nothing sexual. Just made me feel so good thinking of her. I’m just dealing with a loss here, and it’s triggering. But I have been planning on telling her when it comes up. It’s just not relevant rn. But we are very open and honest with one another
That's how we like things conveyed to us, raw and unfiltered.

My point is if you don't feel "consumed" with her, but with everyone else, something's off. You say that you're not stringing her along, but going by your posts it comes off as if you are.

'I’m bit used to how I’m being treated by the aqua to the point where I don’t feel deserving.'

Also your statement above ^ prompts me to say that I hope you are not using her for a self esteem boost. Obviously you aren't consciously doing so, but IMO that undeserving feeling is there for a reason.

Read my other responses. But my “undeserving feelings” are from childhood traumas. But it has nothing to do with a confidence boost. I’m still confident in who I am, it’s more so being compassionate to my self and telling my self it’s okay to be with someone good. That I’m receiving what I’m puting out in to the world due to my spiritual growth I’ve done the last two years. And that I’m having trouble accepting that. But I’ve cross examined that in therapy. And asked my therapist to check my intentions. Because i simply don’t want to disappoint anyone. That’s the underlying thing really. I’ve always “disappointed” those I’ve lost. And I never learned how to be good other than burning my hand on the stove. But my therapist basically is reiterating to me that I’ve earned my stripes. And I need to tell my self I deserve to be happy again. And deserve love. For I know how to love and how not to finally. I trust my self. Currently. But my fear is is my passed pains coming up again. But that has nothing to do with how much I respect this woman and want to do my best to be the best version of my self for her. And with no expectations other than doing the right things for the right reasons. And loving the right people for the right reasons. Where as everyone else in my life have been for the wrong reasons. This is just something new. And change is scary. Even positive change. But I’m not gonna talk my self out of a completely positive situation. We communicated so well just last night. To where I know exactly where She stands and she knows exactly where I stand. And that neither of us are looking in to a future with one another quite yet. But just focusing moment to moment. Having fun. And enjoying each other for who we are and what it is. Nothing more and nothing less. And she knows my fears. My abandonment issues. And my ass hole past. And she knows I’m working on it. And we have just over all accepted one another thus far. She does her own thing. And allows me to do mine. Including respect and trust.

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Posted by WaterDevil

Posted by STILL

Posted by WaterDevil

Posted by STILL

Do the Aqua a favor and let her know that you are still hung up on someone else; That you usually are all consumed with the new person in your life, but not with her. Do not sugar coat, be straight up.
But that’s such a harsh way of putting something in to words that don’t match how I feel about her at all. I adore the aqua a lot. When I say “consuming” that word has terrible conotaion relative to me. Consumed and obsessed go hand in hand. And those are unhealthy behaviors. And arguably not even real love but the complete oopisite. I’m bit used to how I’m being treated by the aqua to the point where I don’t feel deserving. But that’s the ptsd from my childhood. I’m not stringing her along at all. I want to be the best I can be for her, I’m caring about her more and more everyday. I forgot to ad, last night I dreamt of her for the first time. And it was a very nice sweet dream. Nothing sexual. Just made me feel so good thinking of her. I’m just dealing with a loss here, and it’s triggering. But I have been planning on telling her when it comes up. It’s just not relevant rn. But we are very open and honest with one another
That's how we like things conveyed to us, raw and unfiltered.

My point is if you don't feel "consumed" with her, but with everyone else, something's off. You say that you're not stringing her along, but going by your posts it comes off as if you are.

'I’m bit used to how I’m being treated by the aqua to the point where I don’t feel deserving.'

Also your statement above ^ prompts me to say that I hope you are not using her for a self esteem boost. Obviously you aren't consciously doing so, but IMO that undeserving feeling is there for a reason.

Read my other responses. But my “undeserving feelings” are from childhood traumas. But it has nothing to do with a confidence boost. I’m still confident in who I am, it’s more so being compassionate to my self and telling my self it’s okay to be with someone good. That I’m receiving what I’m puting out in to the world due to my spiritual growth I’ve done the last two years. And that I’m having trouble accepting that. But I’ve cross examined that in therapy. And asked my therapist to check my intentions. Because i simply don’t want to disappoint anyone. That’s the underlying thing really. I’ve always “disappointed” those I’ve lost. And I never learned how to be good other than burning my hand on the stove. But my therapist basically is reiterating to me that I’ve earned my stripes. And I need to tell my self I deserve to be happy again. And deserve love. For I know how to love and how not to finally. I trust my self. Currently. But my fear is is my passed pains coming up again. But that has nothing to do with how much I respect this woman and want to do my best to be the best version of my self for her. And with no expectations other than doing the right things for the right reasons. And loving the right people for the right reasons. Where as everyone else in my life have been for the wrong reasons. This is just something new. And change is scary. Even positive change. But I’m not gonna talk my self out of a completely positive situation. We communicated so well just last night. To where I know exactly where She stands and she knows exactly where I stand. And that neither of us are looking in to a future with one another quite yet. But just focusing moment to moment. Having fun. And enjoying each other for who we are and what it is. Nothing more and nothing less. And she knows my fears. My abandonment issues. And my ass hole past. And she knows I’m working on it. And we have just over all accepted one another thus far. She does her own thing. And allows me to do mine. Including respect and trust.

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Ok. Best wishes to you and the Aqua.
Posted by STILL

Posted by WaterDevil

Posted by STILL

Posted by WaterDevil

Posted by STILL

Do the Aqua a favor and let her know that you are still hung up on someone else; That you usually are all consumed with the new person in your life, but not with her. Do not sugar coat, be straight up.
But that’s such a harsh way of putting something in to words that don’t match how I feel about her at all. I adore the aqua a lot. When I say “consuming” that word has terrible conotaion relative to me. Consumed and obsessed go hand in hand. And those are unhealthy behaviors. And arguably not even real love but the complete oopisite. I’m bit used to how I’m being treated by the aqua to the point where I don’t feel deserving. But that’s the ptsd from my childhood. I’m not stringing her along at all. I want to be the best I can be for her, I’m caring about her more and more everyday. I forgot to ad, last night I dreamt of her for the first time. And it was a very nice sweet dream. Nothing sexual. Just made me feel so good thinking of her. I’m just dealing with a loss here, and it’s triggering. But I have been planning on telling her when it comes up. It’s just not relevant rn. But we are very open and honest with one another
That's how we like things conveyed to us, raw and unfiltered.

My point is if you don't feel "consumed" with her, but with everyone else, something's off. You say that you're not stringing her along, but going by your posts it comes off as if you are.

'I’m bit used to how I’m being treated by the aqua to the point where I don’t feel deserving.'

Also your statement above ^ prompts me to say that I hope you are not using her for a self esteem boost. Obviously you aren't consciously doing so, but IMO that undeserving feeling is there for a reason.

Read my other responses. But my “undeserving feelings” are from childhood traumas. But it has nothing to do with a confidence boost. I’m still confident in who I am, it’s more so being compassionate to my self and telling my self it’s okay to be with someone good. That I’m receiving what I’m puting out in to the world due to my spiritual growth I’ve done the last two years. And that I’m having trouble accepting that. But I’ve cross examined that in therapy. And asked my therapist to check my intentions. Because i simply don’t want to disappoint anyone. That’s the underlying thing really. I’ve always “disappointed” those I’ve lost. And I never learned how to be good other than burning my hand on the stove. But my therapist basically is reiterating to me that I’ve earned my stripes. And I need to tell my self I deserve to be happy again. And deserve love. For I know how to love and how not to finally. I trust my self. Currently. But my fear is is my passed pains coming up again. But that has nothing to do with how much I respect this woman and want to do my best to be the best version of my self for her. And with no expectations other than doing the right things for the right reasons. And loving the right people for the right reasons. Where as everyone else in my life have been for the wrong reasons. This is just something new. And change is scary. Even positive change. But I’m not gonna talk my self out of a completely positive situation. We communicated so well just last night. To where I know exactly where She stands and she knows exactly where I stand. And that neither of us are looking in to a future with one another quite yet. But just focusing moment to moment. Having fun. And enjoying each other for who we are and what it is. Nothing more and nothing less. And she knows my fears. My abandonment issues. And my ass hole past. And she knows I’m working on it. And we have just over all accepted one another thus far. She does her own thing. And allows me to do mine. Including respect and trust.

Ok. Best wishes to you and the Aqua.
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Thank you. I appreciate that smile