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Mar 22, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 2804 · Topics: 142
I really don't understand this guy and I don't know what to do.
Mr. Pisces called two days ago at 1:30am. I answered the phone because I was noncoherent and he says "I just wanted to hear your voice. I won't keep you on the phone b/c I know you are asleep. I'll call you back in the morning" (Of course he hasn't called back) WTF?
1. No how are the babies at all! Why doesn't he ask about them if he is going to call? We aren't a couple anymore!!!
2. If you know I am probably going to be asleep and that is precious when you have selfish are you to call at that time? Why not all day?
3. Why if you act like you don't want a you keep calling me baby and saying stuff like that?
4. Why does it take ignoring him for three weeks for him to call even though when I call him, he doesn't answer unless I call private?
So many questions....arrrrgh! I can't ignore him because of the babies, but what is a girl to do! My sister said he was just feeling guilty and he didn't really expect me to answer which is why he said what he did.
What is going on in his head? I so confusay!
Signed Up:
Apr 04, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 474 · Topics: 53
Why bother CL,lol. I know he da daddy, But dont be bothered that is what he is trying to do confuse you. I'm kinda in a similar situation. But i jus ignore her completly and keep busssssssaaayyyyy. Weird huh the timing,lol. He called and she e-mailed me?The plot thickens,lol
Signed Up:
Jul 07, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 2180 · Topics: 8
"1. No how are the babies at all! Why doesn't he ask about them if he is going to call? We aren't a couple anymore!!!
2. If you know I am probably going to be asleep and that is precious when you have selfish are you to call at that time? Why not all day?
3. Why if you act like you don't want a you keep calling me baby and saying stuff like that?
4. Why does it take ignoring him for three weeks for him to call even though when I call him, he doesn't answer unless I call private?"
write him these questions, don't tell them, write them in a letter or email etc. so he can take his time and think about it...
i'm curious about his reaction!? LOL
Signed Up:
Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
Hey Cancerlady,
Did you get my email ??? I gave my opinion about Mr. Pisces already. Although as time goes by my opinion of him is starting to be less flattering ... and have an explanation to all four of your questions beecause I knew four women who wen through the same stuff you are going through right now. If you want "my two and a half cants" ... let me know ... but just to warn you ... it will NOT be positive.
Signed Up:
Sep 26, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 247 · Topics: 20
2 sharks swimming in opposite directions:
He'll never stand beside you the way you'd like for him to CL,I know he's the babies father and he'll always biologically be that,but you're a beautiful woman you can get a new babies daddy to step up to the plate .....quit the zero and get a hero
Signed Up:
Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
Keef and I are definately on the same page ... give it some thought, okay.
Signed Up:
Mar 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 5038 · Topics: 65
hes a Whacko...sorry to say that... URRGGGHHHHH... such men drive me MAAAADDDDD... well they wud drive anyone mad...LMAO
Signed Up:
Feb 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 847 · Topics: 15
As someone said, you should probably just ask him those questions in an email or what not. All of my Piscean male friends respond to letters like that and end up writing long responses in return.
It seems that it was a drunk dial, no?...or an "I went out and am all alone at home and let me reexamine my life" episode but come morning, it's gone?
Signed Up:
Feb 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 9826 · Topics: 354
"All of my Piscean male friends respond to letters like that and end up writing long responses in return. "
Good point Leo. People should have some balls.
Signed Up:
Mar 22, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 2804 · Topics: 142
Daemon, that is wierd huh? Maybe it is in the stars... but I am not pursuing him as far as a relationship...he's already proven to me his worth so that's a done deal.
Did you know that 1 out of 3 black children are "fatherless" meaning they don't have any contact with their biological fathers? That's half the problem with our race now and I cannot stand by idly and commit my children to that fate. I am a person that feels like things won't change until you MAKE them change. And if I can't make him want to show them love, well I can at least say I tried.
I don't think he is a bad person...he's got to have something good in him because he takes care of his other children. I am not going to harass him about them like calling him, cursing him out, etc because that's not my style . I just usually send him a text every two weeks or so to let him know how they are.
I think I will try writing those questions to him but I am almost positive he won't respond. Thanks for the advice...I'll let you know!
Keef...the LAST thing I am worried about is getting another man right now. I like to let my heart completely heal before I move on so I don't make the next man pay for his mistakes.