do pisces have a big mouth? do they like telling everyone about their business?
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Is that a problem for you?
What kind of business are you referring to? going out with this guy and if we fight...he tells his friends. when its none of there business. its like dude they dont need to know. i guess he dont understand
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Are you saying that you don't talk to people in your life about your problems? Aren't you talking about them now?
lol, so he needs help trying to understand you. Isn't that better than him just ignoring you and not trying to understand your ways?
Your not elaborating, so there's no way to tell exactly what your saying. Is he just trying to understand? Is he trying to pit people against you? Is he just trying to find from his "male" friends that he's not alone in his convictions?
It's unclear as to why this is an issue . . so, it's not likely that anybody in here could help you.
Signed Up:
Feb 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 9826 · Topics: 354
It's called discharging. Don't worry about that. Those people are definetly the ones who can be trusted. Pisceans can hear lots of that from people too, so there is actually nothing wrong with that..
Signed Up:
Nov 08, 2006Comments: 37 · Posts: 4746 · Topics: 283
...i guess i am much more of a private piscean; i agree totally, i surely wouldn't want my private business or problems vented to others outside the relationship, no matter how good of friends they were. Some things should definately be kept sacred and private, just between the two of you. Privacy and trusting in that special someone to be descreet & respectful of the problems you may go through or the things you say in confidence, to me is vital. (why if his friends try to give him bad advice, even inadvertantly, and the wedge between you grows even stronger?) Unless it's some type of professional relationship councelling, i think too many people involved just complicate things more, and that's the last thing anyone needs.) ...a definate heart-to-heart talk about certain boundaries & guidelines inside your relationship is needed first. Unless maturity is the issue; calm discussion and compromise between two adults can go a long ways; at least it's a start...
'good luck to you both..
thanks mystic. it seems like he trys to make me look like the bad one int he relationship :X. im just going to talk to him about it again. see if it gets through his head again.