Cap Sun here wanting to meet more Pisces

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by janvier10 on Wednesday, January 17, 2018 and has 19 replies.
I'm a Cap Sun/Virgo Rising/ Pisces Moon. I was curious what Pisces want in a relationship? What do you girls look for. I feel so much for Pisces Sun, yet I have not found one that is compatible for the long run. I also feel like my Venus in 4th House Sag kind of scares them off when I first start pursuing...

I feel so opposed with Venus in 4th House Sag and Moon in 7th House Pisces. Anyone with this kind of problem? The way I pursue a relationship is a Sag attitude but deep down, I need someone in the Water sign for the long run. I keep attracting Fire signs when I show off my Sag Venus and turn off most Water sign. But when it comes down to long talks at night, long walks at beach, a long term relationship, the Fire signs are just not compatible and they find me too boring then. ERRRR
Get a Aries sun water moon
Posted by miriyahhh
Get a Aries sun water moon
Aries scares the hell out of me. Never had I met one without being burnt. In contrast, I love Leos. I always like watching them do their thing, be in the spotlight and such. Don't bother me at all. Maybe besides I have like 5 planets all in House 5 of Leo haha...
Posted by miriyahhh
Get a Aries sun water moon
I'm also a heavy Capricorn stellium. 5 planets in Capricorn in House 5. Aries I find tend to find me wayy tooo slow and boring.
Posted by janvier10
Posted by miriyahhh
Get a Aries sun water moon
I'm also a heavy Capricorn stellium. 5 planets in Capricorn in House 5. Aries I find tend to find me wayy tooo slow and boring.
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Which planets exactly do you have there?
I have Sun, Mars, Mercury, Neptune and Uranus all in House 5 Capricorn.

Pisces Moon in House 7. Venus in House 4 Sag. Jupiter R in Ascendant. Saturn in Aqua House 6.
What every Pisces wants is to be appreciated & not be taken for granted. Showing emotion once or twice a day ain't gonna kill ya.

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Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow
What every Pisces wants is to be appreciated & not be taken for granted. Showing emotion once or twice a day ain't gonna kill ya.

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Totally agree with that, I’ve been off here for a while ( couldn’t log in .. doh! )

Actually showing a real interest in what we’ve been doing in the day goes a long way too x
What is the best way to show a Pisces you appreciate and love them? Do they like to be verbally told that? Or more physical like hugs and kisses? Also, how does Pisces view being asked many questions? Is there a "too frequent" or "too much" asking how they are doing or how their day is?
Yes affection is always welcome, In appropriate situations obviously, when you meet up, a lil direct eye contact and peck on the lips , that’s lovely 😊 holding hands is nice too, makes us feel special and close to you .

You need only ask once a day what we’ve been doing, the conversation should flow nicely if the 2 of you get along ok,we will open up more to someone we Feel comfortable with and who dosnt criticise us in any way, unless thats part of their sense of humour of course, I like a dry sense of humour personally,but obviously it’s not for everyone x
Posted by janvier10
What is the best way to show a Pisces you appreciate and love them? Do they like to be verbally told that? Or more physical like hugs and kisses? Also, how does Pisces view being asked many questions? Is there a "too frequent" or "too much" asking how they are doing or how their day is?
We like romance, but don’t come to heavy in the beginning. Just be nice and that we see that you are interested.

Both verbally and physically and frequent but only when we are in. We really need to know that you love us but at the same time we need space, and we keep changing 😄

Asking is good.
Maybe find a Pisces sun and Aries venus?

I have these placements and I dated someone with a Sag Venus and was probably the funnest relationship I've been in. They weren't a cap sun, they were a scorp sun, but I think the fire-fire venus works.
What about the Venus in 4th house sag scares them?

Edit- ah never mind, just reread the original post and got it
Posted by Piscesfuckup
Posted by janvier10
What is the best way to show a Pisces you appreciate and love them? Do they like to be verbally told that? Or more physical like hugs and kisses? Also, how does Pisces view being asked many questions? Is there a "too frequent" or "too much" asking how they are doing or how their day is?
Show them attention but don't smother them.

Do things for them but don't become a parental figure.

Ask questions about them because curiosity shows interest and care but also share about yourself (thoughts, plans, values, ideas - at least that's how I like to get to know someone instead of having to ask questions all the time)

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Yes 👍

Posted by PiscoSour
There is nothing better than a Pisces/Capricorn relationship.
Don’t really agree to that, but you seam happy 😄
For a relationship I need to feel secure and understood. I prefer physical declarations of love, but only if they come naturally and are sincere. I don't like too many questions, but a genuine interest will do a great work. Emotional people are always welcome, but no fake...everything has to be real.

Also my first impression is very important...if I don't feel physically attracted from the beginning chances are very small..
Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow
What every Pisces wants is to be appreciated & not be taken for granted. Showing emotion once or twice a day ain't gonna kill ya.

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Love your picture x so cute!

Gently stroking a Pisces fish 😊
Posted by PiscoSour
There is nothing better than a Pisces/Capricorn relationship.
Here here x totally agree.