capricorn man- pisces woman

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by inwhichweburn on Thursday, March 17, 2016 and has 5 replies.
i met this capricorn man almost six weeks ago during a festival where there was tons of day drinking. i had no intention of meeting anyone, but found myself in his bed the next morning, we didn't have sex, just made out and talked. after i left him early that morning. he immediately wanted to hang out later that day. two weeks later he introduces me to his friends and calls me his girlfriend. we didn't talk about being exclusive and i was under the impression we were just having fun. he's been talking about me meeting his mom, and the rest of his friends basically from day one and he's always asking to meet my family. he even wanted to help me watch my brother after three weeks. it's moving a little fast for me, and i've read other forums saying that these men are quite the charmers and cheaters. i am terrified he's trying to get me under his spell and will break my heart. there have been two times i've caught him REALLY checking out other woman. not just a little glance, like really observing what the other women were doing and their appearance for more than a few seconds and more than a few times. i'm not usually this insecure, but reading the other forums about how his sign has a wandering eye and actually seeing it is most definitely building up walls around my heart while simultaneously breaking my heart. how can he be so quick to assume we're together, but still seems like he's on the prowl. maybe i'm just too emotional, i am a pisces afterall.
sounds like we're in the same boat. how did she react/respond to what you brought up about her ''roving eye"?

i've heard on other forums that the capricorn females are very different than the males. the cheaters i saw most often were the men.

the thing is, he is leaving tomorrow to NYC with his closest friends for five days. it is a trip i encouraged him to go on, i even asked him to ask to tag along. i wanted him to explore different states since he hasn't been very many places. i now completely regret it because i have this terrible feeling like he's going to end up in another woman's bed and his friends will go along with it. i wouldn't have a problem with the trip, if i didn't catch him eye-f*cking other women during these past few weeks.

i feel silly thinking the worst, but he hasn't earned my trust yet... calling me his girlfriend seemed all too easy, does he give into temptation/a new thrill just as easily?
(Eva rolling her eyes). To ME I don't get jealous if my significant other has the "roving eye". I'm going home with him and vice versa. "Look, but don't touch" This is a free country and I don't want my SO to wear "blinders".



Now, for the question, I don't think one should rely on zodiac signs and how their characteristics are. NOT everyone cheats. To "flirt" yeah, okay, but one has to be CONFIDENT with themselves and their SO to "trust".
I would be a little concerned. Not to alarm you but that does seem rather fast for a capricorn. The good news is that he clearly likes you whereas most of the capricorn forums are regarding the uncertainty if a capricorn likes you. I'm not suggesting he will be cheating on you but perhaps you should communicate how you feel to him and see his reaction.

I agree with EvatheDiva - DON'T rely on someone's sign to determine if they are loyal or not.
i'd not take a man seriously if he had roving eye when we were out together as a couple. and i'm a Capricorn. i'd take it as lack of care, attraction and respect. i certainly do not do that myself.