I know there are many great and historic ones, but if you had to pick one what would it be? Also if you don't like Christmas music please don't forget to grab a free go fuck yourself on the way out the thread. Merry Christmas :) https://youtu.be
For over three years now, my ex Virgo boyfriend has suffered from mental health issues. He was diagnosed as bipolar in 2012 and has been hospitalized twice because of it, and recently, he decided he "wasn't sick at all" and didn't need any medication. N
I've been working with a cap guy together for 4 months already. He's younger than me and our relationships didn't use to be very smooth from the beginning. But then idk something changed and he began acting a too much weird. He's constantly trying to
Post your chart! Which one do you see more of yourself in? Here's mine :) [img]http://s9.postimg.org/nkyhcjngv/Screenshot_2015_12_25_01_21_22.png[/img][/url] http://www.galacticcenter.org/component/option,com_wrapper/Itemid,90/
What works between these two signs and what doesn't? I've never had a Pisces guy and can't figure out why. My Venus is in Pisces, and I look like a Pisces all large eyed and kind of in a dream world and I love like a Pisces sort of, I'm such an empath pe
Does anyone else have this? It's frustrating. I need to do things in secret and when I feel someone violate my privacy, I get very upset. It doesn't help that it's a Scorpio mars.
My dad is a Sagittarius in Western astrology and an Aries in vedic.He also has a Taurus moon which is why I feel he is the only one who understands me a little.But somehow,I find my relationship with my dad very toxic.it oscillates to the extremes.He can
My Christmas isn't really good because no one came for Christmas it's just me and mum, my brothers haven't come yet my BF is at his folks house and I'm on FB looking at everyone's photos and I'm on the couch in my undies writing this. My mums pretty much
I got yellow limecrime lip stick and libran zodiac glitter and some singlets from Bae, mum got me a makeup bag with shimmers (though the label says that they're flammable) babes little brother got me a ps4 game final fantasy bless his cotton socks, I also