Easy to influence?

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by Orion on Saturday, September 2, 2006 and has 8 replies.
So according to most of the books/articles I have read so far regarding pisces, they are supposed to be very easily influenced by other people.True or False?
I think so, but I think leos are easily swayed also.
I dunno Lady M,astrologically speaking aren't all leos destined to be the fearless leaders of any group rather than being the naive followers? it's written in the stars after all.
only kidding...smile
Anyway, I can only speak for myself and I find that I'm not easily convinced about anything, so I don't always conform unless I make a conscious choice.
Its not a matter of being convinced, but impressionable, in the sense, that we just mold to any situation, and take up an entire character, that we don't normally evenshow much less, have to fgit the atmosphere.
Run a search, on the word, impressionable, on dictionary.com, and thats a pisces for you
I'm not easily influence at all.
Lio (if your a leo) maybe its just the youner leos then. Its like what Evo_Fish described...impressionable.
"Lio (if your a leo) maybe its just the youner leos then. Its like what Evo_Fish described...impressionable."

I should have said *influenceD* (D'oh!) and im a fish, not a lion.

You got it Evo,easily impressionable.
It's something I've learned to control over time,though (mostly).

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