Enlightenment From You Wonderful Pisceans Please!

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by Poppysmic on Wednesday, April 15, 2015 and has 9 replies.
Recently I just ended an affair with a Pisces male. (Yes, he was married & before I get hate after much soul seeking have ended it) However, I do not regret what happened, I fell in love, it was the most passionate, exciting, affectionate and intellectually stimulating time I've ever experienced.
I ended it with no malice, although what we did was wrong he is not a bad person and I have no desire to berate him.
Being an Aries I am a rip the band aid off kind of person, I need time for me to move on etc etc. However, he still wishes to remain friends, wants to be my new best friend & has even suggested we go out for dinner when he returns from his holiday.
Why does he want to remain friends? Is it possible to remain friends, I don't think it is? What is he thinking?
You pisces are so complicated, but jeez so wonderful too!
He still has feelings for you. He wants to remain friends because he doesn't want to lose that Arian fire and energy you brought into his world.

Understand tho, he might try to reignite that sexual flame. Stand firm your decision to not have a relationship. Create boundaries clear-cut boundaries between and stick to them.
Create clear-cut boundaries**
Or end it completely.
Lol pisces men cannot be faithful its almost funnyLaughing
Thank you Magenta, that's another problem the physical attraction is intense!
Friends......I think I have enough friends already!
Posted by partiallyimpartial
btw OP, if he'd betray his wife, what makes you think he wouldn't betray a "friend"?

You speak wise words, sold down the river in a flash!
Posted by Poppysmic
Thank you Magenta, that's another problem the physical attraction is intense!
Friends......I think I have enough friends already!

You've answered your own question!
You ripped off the band aid, now let it go.
As a fellow Aries I would have thought that if you were the one to end it, that's you done?!
Posted by MadMarchRam
Posted by Poppysmic
Thank you Magenta, that's another problem the physical attraction is intense!
Friends......I think I have enough friends already!

You've answered your own question!
You ripped off the band aid, now let it go.
As a fellow Aries I would have thought that if you were the one to end it, that's you done?!
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Oh I am done & I don't do friends, I like closure end of, But his usual reaction to something he didn't llke would be silence, never anticipated being pursued so actively. I just didn't get it. Difficulty is we work in the same building, I am to accessible. I guess if on his return it continues, I shall have to release the blunt aries in me....
Posted by Poppysmic
Posted by MadMarchRam
Posted by Poppysmic
Thank you Magenta, that's another problem the physical attraction is intense!
Friends......I think I have enough friends already!

You've answered your own question!
You ripped off the band aid, now let it go.
As a fellow Aries I would have thought that if you were the one to end it, that's you done?!

Oh I am done & I don't do friends, I like closure end of, But his usual reaction to something he didn't llke would be silence, never anticipated being pursued so actively. I just didn't get it. Difficulty is we work in the same building, I am to accessible. I guess if on his return it continues, I shall have to release the blunt aries in me....
click to expand

Be prepared to press the release button then chick! Lol
My son's dad is a Pisces and I've had fun and games with him in last 8 years since we split.
Different circumstances, obviously, but a hurt Pisces, that can't get his way is not the nicest of opponents.
Good Luck!