female games

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by mikeandhisdreams on Thursday, October 27, 2005 and has 15 replies.
i mean what are some feamles games to get guys?
cmon you crafty aquarius////
*innocently asks* games? waat games?
you know...........GAMES....Winking
lol yeaaa well we try!!
but sumhow u guyz seem to catch on...
lol shhh keep that on the down low... hahaha naa seriously i dont try play games haha honestly i really suck... people can tell haha plus it gets all screwed up i have learnt... hahai thought i was playin with sum1 turns out i was actually bein played!! player taught me a fantastc lesson now im pretty much straight up! plus it wastes too much time id much rather be doin it wit sum1 real than a fake soo y bother eh
Mind games? what mind games? *smiles innocently*
I know guys play games as well...C'mon Mike we want to know about that too...
it's all about give and take...We'll trade secrets...so what do you do...I mean what kind of games do you play?
ohhhhh do tell me OFA.... hahaha
I play M O N O P O L Y!!
Doesn't telling take all the fun out of it though?
I usually,
Just let my passive devil may care attitude come out and dont let myself get easily impressed,
I dont know id its my "Game" or how i really am,....but thats what i do, without ever really thinking abou tit..
I love to play games....they are my aphrosdisiac:-)
Some of them in the past have included.....go out with guy, ask him lots of questions about himself, guys love talking about themselves:-), say/tell very little about myself initially - they go home and think - hey, got to see that girl again, I don't know anything about her!!! - The Mysterious Girl is the Mystery Girl Everyone wants to get to know:-)
If need be, I can "manufacture" an argument out of thin air till I get what I want - guy ends up feeling confused and guilty when it was I that initiated it to get a certain reaction!!!
If I fancy someone real bad and I am on first date, I am not beyond getting a few (quite a few!!) friends - both male and female:-) to ring asking me to go for drinks, meals etc. in near future while I am in his company....this way I appear Little Miss Popular to new guy and he thinks to himself I gotta make an impression on her if she's gonna stick around with me:-)!!!
Nearly always leave a piece of jewellery (eh, on purpose - by accident:-)) in guy's house - and if he doesn't call when you want him to.....then you can always ring him and ask him if he found it.....he's obliged to see you again even if he didn't really want to!!
Make sure to get to know guy's friends well and ensure that they like me alot:-) If perhaps we meet in city centre, ensure we go for coffee...your no. 1 guy is jealous that you are having coffee with his pal.....he can't come out and say it openly or he will appear a jealous baby....but you are guaranteed more attention in the future:-)
If I don't want a guy to ring me anymore who is pestering me and I've asked him to stop, I put my phone onto divert to an old out of use number or even the zoo!!- that way he thinks I have changed no. or lost my phone and he will back off.....rest of my pals can text me and get thru though!!!
Oh I am a divil................if anyone tries to play me, I go mad!!! sometimes they do, but I will always think of another game to get them back!!!!
I will be burnt at the stake.........
A x
DAMN Alana
LOL You have MAD games that you play...I'm glad I don't date you, but in your defense they all seem pretty harmless Winking
I dont agree bran, "kid"
you see, this was more a discussion,
not actually a learning expierince,
I can always tell when i girl is playing a game or trying to get somthin out of me,
isnt it obvious? Anyways,...
I was more or less curious,
Isnt life more or less a long game that can have life ending consequences?
just a thought