Well,I know and was raised by my dad but my sister doesn't know her real dad and has only talked to him on the phone.Also my mother never met her father until shortly before he died.It turned out pretty good for both of them,sure they were nervous but thier dads turned out pretty cool about it.
One of my cousins also wasn't raised by my uncle and never got ahold of him until he was an adult also.We knew about him and was wondering about him cause his mother adopted him out when his dad was in jail so wasn't a voleentary thing for that situation. My sisters real father knew she was possibly his daughter also and was at the hospital when she was born but my mother lied to him and said she wasn't his.Mothers father was a one night stand deal so he never knew of her up until they met and he knew when he seen her cause she looks exactly like him and his other daughter
Signed Up: Feb 07, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 139 · Topics: 30
Wow... When i was little my Mom was very selfish with me and wouldnt let my dad come around. I was about 6-8 years old when i saw him last. Well just a few months ago i was told to call a bussiness number and not knowing that my dad worked there he just happend to be on the other side of the phone and when i asked for the persons name IT WAS MY DAD! I was like oh wow.. "this is your daughter". It was very awkward. The next day i hung out with him and he got me my own apartment about a month later and I'm suporting myself at only 18 years old. I went to church and told poeple about it and they all think it was a merical. I was in a bad situation living way out in the middle of no where with my Gramma and since she can't drive i was stuck there all the time and worrying about myself and my future. After i found my Father my whole life turned around. I even got baptised and engaged!! I still believe that it was a merical to this day! .::~*Liz*~::.
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