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Jun 20, 2011Comments: 5 · Posts: 4737 · Topics: 103
Okay, fellow Pisceans, what do you guys think about this Herman Cain stuff in the news?
Personally, I think it's all a bunch of over-hyped trash in an effort to assassinate his character.
Seriously, these women got their suitcase full of cash back in the 90s to drop the issue, and now they are coming around all of a sudden like a bunch of money-grubbing prostitutes.
I mean, come on. If "the sex talk incidents" were so serious, then why did 35,000 dollars suffice when Bill Clinton had to pay nearly 900,000 dollars for raping Gennifer Flowers?
....And now we have Gloria Allred in the fray...
She's not a money-grubbing whore or anything.
Sheesh, so what do you think?
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Jun 20, 2011Comments: 5 · Posts: 4737 · Topics: 103
Sorry, he is a Sagittarius, not a Pisces.
But still, what do you guys think?
I think he is an idiot, if your campaigning for the highest office in the nation this type of stuff doesnt go away.
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May 22, 2011Comments: 18 · Posts: 3539 · Topics: 200
but that still isnt the main point, because most of these nominees get up here and claim to want to "fix"(they mean "help" because the debt is not going to be "fixed") the economy, yet they support the continuous printing of money, and funding war...which just so happen to be the key factors of why we are in so much debt in the first place.
honestly, im not sure about these 2..because they both have the same pro war and pro fed ideas, but they seem alittle more genuine to me, so i think there is a possibility that they might just not know exactly what is wrong with this country. i think bachman is the more genuine of the 2.
im not 100% on gingrich after reading some things about his "dark side", i do believe perry is genuine. its just that hes kind of an idiot. and last but certainly not least, ron paul. and i know people may think im just saying this because i favor him, but its because hes not only obviously 100% genuine, but he knows exactly what is wrong with this country and has no fear of speaking out against it. he has been elected in the senate for about 21 years! has a flawless track record, and believes in the real law of the land. the constitution.
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May 22, 2011Comments: 18 · Posts: 3539 · Topics: 200
now reguarding cain and this whole rape ordeal...look, i dont even like the guy but i do believe most of its bullshit. but he does look guilty changing his story.
and personally, i think if you were going to vote for this guy, and if you heard this news and decided to change your vote, then you're voting for the entirely wrong reasons.
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Oct 25, 2009Comments: 9 · Posts: 4248 · Topics: 32
Its scary that he is even being considered.
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May 22, 2011Comments: 18 · Posts: 3539 · Topics: 200
chris christie is genuine
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Jun 20, 2011Comments: 5 · Posts: 4737 · Topics: 103
The Republican "Country Club Elitist" Establishment types and democrats alike are united in their efforts to savage and destroy Herman Cain.
The reasons are numerous, but mainly because he is a black man who thinks for himself and is truly a "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" type of human being.
Many American people respect him because he is from "outside the beltway," and we find it refreshing to see a person not so entrenched in the DC political sewer.
I cannot stand Romney, Perry or Gingrich for a litany of reasons, and would prefer to see a Cain/Bachman ticket.
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Jun 11, 2010Comments: 1 · Posts: 498 · Topics: 22
I think when you are running for that high of position, especially being a minority race, they will dig really deep into your past to unveil all his skeletons.
Its like that Weiner guy, his pics with his penis hard sending it to women online while married is more of a personally thing. Regular men do that everyday but when you are in a position power and other people will practically kill to get that same position, you have be "morally" sound in the eyes of the people. You are held to a higher standard than regular men.
I don't like Cain at all, nothing about him appeals to me. I don't care what he did, we all need sex but I feel there might be some truth to what they are saying.
He just should of known being a minority that the microscope would be more magnified and that people would come out the woodwork's to tear him down.
Herman Cain? A Pisces? Yeah right. I admire his ambition, but he needs to get the f*% k on out of here. When he was ranting about that whole 999-thing, I wanted to throw my tv out of the house because he shouldn't even be considered for the Presidential Primary Election. I'm sorry, but Herman Cain has to go.