Hooked yourself a fish?

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by deezie on Monday, April 22, 2013 and has 11 replies.

To "catch" a fish.
Implication: death.
Fish are for the water.
Not for a hook. Ripped into the air. Suffocation.
Not to be kept in captivity, confined space, under watch.
Does the bottle look appealing? Really? With that large body of water right... there....?
It is not about lack of commitment.
It is not about lack of care/love/feeling.
It is about where and how we're designed to exist.
Imposition of an unnatural habitat, leads to malcontent.
Does the fish keep swimming in the bottle? Of course it does.
Until it dies.
Does the fish swim off once released into the ocean? Of course it does.
By design.
One of the benefits mergoats routinely bring to the table is superb preparedness. As I happened to have two of each of these stored away in my just-in-case cabinet, I've decided to leave the spare set here for you fishies should any of you have need of them. Should be just the ticket to get you back to freedom. smile

I'm so touched that the fishies actually felt this. Seriously. Sad
And to the non-fishies - kudos to your understanding of the gills Winking
hahah emotions are always best when they require a disclaimer behind them Big Grin
Posted by tiziani
Ninjafish emotion chart -

Sad Happy sad face
Sad Angry sad face
Sad Sad sad face
Sad Wistful sad face

ok I kid I kid. Don't tell on me for cracking this joke.

So hard to tell which is which!
hahah Stoic - you have the most important one figured out. Don't fret!
You mean this one?

hahah no. The fearful stressed out one Winking
Posted by deezie

To "catch" a fish....

This is amazing. ME GUSTA. Big Grin
Posted by TaureanAries
I leave my fish in the pond and go down to visit him. As a bull I will get in the water and stand in there and he swims around me. I stand still, I don't kick around and muddy up the water or he won't be able to breath. It's easy for me to go to him...he can't climb out of the pond and I don't wish to put him in a glass bowl. I can stand in the pond and still be able to breath. Works well for us smile

Love this..I could apply the same, only Im a crab, so I can swim away with my fish in to his unknown waters from time to time...that's the exciting part!