How is life for the fish???

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by Pisces_Dream on Sunday, April 12, 2009 and has 7 replies.
I had not posted forever and a day here and I am wondering if my fellow fish mates are going through some huge transformative changes in life??? I have done a total 180 degree turnaround on career, living, and future outlook. It has been a rough road, but I am definatly digging my journey as of lately.
I have totally changed my career path to 100% dedication to the healing arts of health and passion. I am giving up Corporate America for good. I am in school again chasing my second career path. Some of you that know me, know I have always loved the wellness field and had PT jobs at the gym training. So now I am making it a full time gig for me ...and pursuing my own entreprenurial goals. I am doing some writing still but there is not a huge demand right now for tech or grant writers as everyone is tight on budgets.
I have not had love interest for a long while, as I am focused on doing well in school. I must admit my Anatomy & Physiology instructor flirts with me all the time. *sigh* I dig him completely but I have to put aside my feelings to stay focused on doing well in school. He is someone who fits my bill. He is a chiropractor and he used to be a doctor for a professional team here. I just get him, and I think the same here. He is funny he tries to ask me personal questions indirectly in class by asking all the students ...but I know why he is asking.... LOL he must not know I am a pisces and can see right through him. I have no idea what his sign is ....if I had to guess he is eaither a Capricorn, Sagittarius, or Taurus. You know me and those Sags.....*Sigh* The pull is definately magnetic .....I am learning the ture essence of self-control to be a better professional student.
I tried to go to Peru the end of this year and that did not happen. I am still planning on traveling but not the long extent as I hoped. Instead of a year journey there, it will probably be more like a five week journey. Everything happens for a reason ....right?!?!
Well I should hope you are well and having bountiful of blessings and enlightenment.
Much love....
It is strange, I have less than I did a few years ago, but there is a sense of peace, direction and accomplishment that are being achieved. I am in a good space in life right now.
Thats mostly what has been happening to me, things are looking better and Im also changing career paths as well. Everything in my life has been pushing me towards this one way and I feel incredible luck and good vibes have crossed my way so far. I am a happy drifter. smile Last year was terrible...but I know this year will be better.
Well. I'm kinda down right now. I miss my dads part of the family Sad. My dad and everyone else in the family has moved down to texas. Normally, I would spend time with them on Easter. Anyway, on a good note I've been selected on my job to be apart of their work from home program. OMG!!!!! I start this coming saturday. I guess my hard work paid off because I worked my ass off to be apart of that. Plus I can't wait till me and my sweetie move down south later on this year. smile
Sorry for delayed response ...have not logged on for a while
LP - I am glad all is getting better for you. I am totally feeling your sentiment ....I fought this direction ...however it all seems to be panning out beautifully so far. Definately not how I would have wrote my life out ....but the lucky part of being a fish we can go with the flow.
Gang - Congratulations on your new adventure!!! Enjoy!!! I hope you get to see the fam soon.
PP - Glad to here all is well.
2007 to 2008 were the worst years of my life. I am just glad they are behind me and I am moving forward. I will say this much is truely showing in my face what I need to own know what I avoided or ignored, if that makes sense. It has been awful tasting medicine, but feel that I am a better person from it all.
I am learning to find gratitude in the simple things and small things. I am learning that I can be my own worst road block and if I just move out of the way is amazing. I am learning that doing what I love in life gives me fulfillment and purpose.
FLeo - "but don't you try this at home b/c trust me -- IT WON'T WORK FOR YOU"
Life is great for my Fish -- he's got a wife who works with rather than against him. What more could a Piscean husband ask for!!
He lives in his own dream world, as a Leo I live in my own idealist world and through love we come together and live on the beauty of love!! Life is grand for him, but don't you try this at home b/c trust me -- IT WON'T WORK FOR YOU!! lol lol

How come you always mention how tough it it for Pisces and Leos to get along lolol. Is it really that bad? I get along fine with most Pisces people. With mutual respect anyone can get along.
"have YOU ever been in a relationship with one . . ."
Yes, a few years ago, but I moved away. He had a Pisces sun and moon but I think he liked the whole relationship thing so he didn't panic for freedom lol . . . but yeah I see what you mean.
"Let me find out you're saying all those people who are EX's with Pisces lacked mutual respect."
lolololol -hears the stampede-
ARE YOU TRYING TO GET ME TRAMPLED ON, MISSY?! No I didn't mean that . . . I meant a lot of women tend to be a bit too overbearing for their taste ( most seem to like room to move) . . . like a scorpio friend of mind checking her Pisces man's myspace profile every few hours and starting one-sided fights for attention. I don't think it's very respectful on her part.