How should I approach my brother about........

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by Gangstalicious1982 on Friday, July 18, 2008 and has 30 replies.
not wanting to be his client anymore?
My younger brother (19) is a licensed hair stylist. I've been going to him for the past year. Since he's been doing my hair my hair is aaaawful. Its damaged beyond recognition. He had to cut off all of it off and its still looks horrible. He doesn't believe its his fault. He thinks its my old hair stylists (who he can't stand) screwed my hair up. But she didn't, my hair was to my shoulders and healthy when she did it. Anyway, my brother used way too much heat on my hair and never listened to any of my concerns. So now I want to move on to another stylist and I don't know how to tell him.
Girl, my family is full of professional hairstylists. I can count about 9 or 10 off the top of the head (big family).
Anyway, just don't go. LOL They'll get over it. Trust me. Go where you want to go.
When they ask, I tell them, "Look, ______ is the only person I let come near me with scissors. Sorry. Love you." or "Sorry, but I just loooooove the way ______ does color. It's her gift! You can't take it away from her, what can I say?"
Yea. Well, the fact is my old hair stylist is in the same salon my brother is in. But she is awesome!!!!My brother can't stand her. Anyway, I think my step father and my old hair stylist will have to work on my hair. I know he will be forever pissed at me for a good while. But I don't want to go bald because of him.
The reason why I left my old hair stylist is simple. My brother did my hair for free. But like my mother always tells me, " you get what you pay for."
yea, my mom sometimes does whatever the hell she wants to my hair, nevermind what i asked for...she thinks she can just cause she's my mom. honestly though, because of her my hair is incredibly healthy.
i pay her though.

i know what you mean though. your hair is your crown. no choice but to be picky.
"your hair is your crown. no choice but to be picky."
Yea it is and I want my damn hair back lol.
what does it look like now? what's the damage?
"what does it look like now? what's the damage?"
-it looks like shit. I mean I swear SS I wish I could go to work with a baseball cap on. My hair is chin length now. I have no bangs. My edges dry and brittle. My scalp is itchy. My ends are split. I'm at a lost.
you think you may have to just get it cut again, and start over? that's my guess, idk. the good thing is it always grows back quickly.

i feel your pain.
my brother told me to get extensions.
do you want to?
and if you do, are you gonna trim it first? someone told me it's best to trim the ends before adding extensions. i'm not trying to tell you what to do with your hair, just brainstorming.
I'm going to talk to my old hair stylist tomorrow. She performs miracles lol.
do what you have to do, girl. best of luck. i'll be praying for you.
"Do not get extensions if your hair is already damaged!!"
Exactly! But my brother doesn't believe shit stinks lol! I should take pictures of my hair to remind him of the damage he has done. I don't understand his concept. He believes that only chemicals can damage hair not excessive heat. It may cost me money and my brother may not speak to me for awhile but i'm going back to my old hairstylist.
i'm pretty sure you can get extensions, as long as you cut off the damaged hair first, and there is no added stress on the hair by too much pulling. by the time you take them out, you'll have noticed the growth.
girl, it will be back in shape before you know it.
Well, I thank you all for your input. I got my hair done last Sat. My talk with my brother went like I expected. He didn't believe he did anything wrong and that I caused my hair to be damaged because I'm stressed. I told him I've always been stressed since I was a teenager and that's not going to change. I let him know I take part responsibility for my hair being in this state I did put too much protein treatments in my hair. But I also told him that him using too much heat on my hair didn't help either. He was like well heat is heat. My response was that there are different temperatures of heat. That shut him up. So he pouted. Then he was like look let me do your hair this one last time. So he put a moisturizing treatment on my hair, trimmed my ends and did not use excessive heat. After he did my hair he walked out of the salon. Later on that night he called me up and told me wasn't mad at me it's just that he's sick and tired of people telling him how to do hair. I told that he needs more experience and he's just a rookie. My brother then asked if he could come over to my apartment to talk. So we talked and he felt really bad about my hair. He was like, "I really feel bad about this. I promise I'll get your hair back together." smile I swear reasoning with my brother is like pulling teeth. Damn Virgo lol. Anyway I told him I'd think about it. My step father is taking over. He's saved my hair once and I know he can do it again. I wish I could show you all my hair before this shit happened lol.
Well you all. My step father started doin my hair today. He gave me a hot oil treatment. He also used this great new product line by aveda: It's sooooooooooo good for damaged hair. OMG. My hair never felt so soft. My step dad my said my hair is VERY overprocessed and it well take time for my hair to get healthy again. I'm not going to lie I get very pissed off when I look at my college graduation picture from last year. My hair was to my shoulders. Now its ear length. I've made up mind that I will never ever go to anyone else but my old hair stylist or my step father. That it's. I'm not experimenting with anyone else. Bijou I'm glad you got the royal treatment at mario triccoci. I heard their the best salon in Chicago. You go girl!
Well you all. My step father started doin my hair today. He gave me a hot oil treatment. He also used this great new product line by aveda: It's sooooooooooo good for damaged hair. OMG. My hair never felt so soft. My step dad my said my hair is VERY overprocessed and it well take time for my hair to get healthy again. I'm not going to lie I get very pissed off when I look at my college graduation picture from last year. My hair was to my shoulders. Now its ear length. I've made up mind that I will never ever go to anyone else but my old hair stylist or my step father. That it's. I'm not experimenting with anyone else. Bijou I'm glad you got the royal treatment at mario triccoci. I heard their the best salon in Chicago. You go girl!
Thanks Bijou. My step dad was shaking his the whole time he was doing my hair. He couldn't believe the damage my brother caused my hair. I have to admit aveda hair care products is the only that ever made a difference in my hair. I have to get used to my hair being this short. The only thing that is that I wish my bangs were even. Well I must be patient lol.
Thanks Bijou. My step dad was shaking his the whole time he was doing my hair. He couldn't believe the damage my brother caused my hair. I have to admit aveda hair care products is the only that ever made a difference in my hair. I have to get used to my hair being this short. The only thing that is that I wish my bangs were even. Well I must be patient lol.
It's cool Jack. I said what I had to say to my brother and now my step dad is taking over.
My hair looks a 100% better. It doesn't look all frizzy and dry. smile
My hair is doing a LOT better since my step father and old stylist has been taking turns doing my hair. They've been using weekly moisturizing and protein treatments and my hair looks like its growing out. I'll keep you all posted smile.
Glad to hear it Gangsta. smile
I once dyed my hair 3 times in a week lol, it was awful. I had it red first, then bleached it blonde (seriously bad idea as it went a sort of orange colour), then I dyed it black. It was so ravaged it started breaking off. I had to go to the hairdressers and just say erm can you fix the damage, the only option actually was to have it all cut out. I went from having shoulder length hair to a really short pixie style crop!
Never again lol.
How long did take to grow back Thetis?
I hope my hair is back in shape by Christmas. I saw one of my high school friends a month ago and he was like,"what the hell happened to your hair, your hair was so long and wavy in high school." I just responded shit happens. My bf is starting to get used to my hair being short. My mom thinks I needed a changed anyway lol.
"My mom thinks I needed a changed anyway lol"
Well it certainly is a novel way to try out a new style lol.
Hmm, my hair grows really really fast, it took about a year I think. But it was seriously short after I had it cut.
The thing is as hard as it is if you're used to having long hair, getting it all cut off is probably the best thing you can do, because it lets new healthy hair in. My hair never looked better when it grew back, because I was very careful with it after that.
You'll get there hon, and in the meantime, enjoy the new style , it's something different at least! smile
Well my hair is doing ALOT better and its growing back fast. However, my brother has now been doing my little sisters hair for the past 6 months and her hair is damaged as well now. Her hair used to be down to her waist not it's to her shoulders. It looks so dry and damaged and her hair used to be so beautiful. When my step father noticed my sister her he was soooooooooo pissed. So now my step father has to do my mother, sister and my hair from now on.

Perhaps, he would do better working with just men-hair.
Short and sweet.
LOL - Ahhh "Sisters"

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