How to attract a pisces

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by 2205Abdallah_M on Monday, March 16, 2020 and has 5 replies.
Yo guys, I am a gemini male and I fell for a pisces woman I just admire her personality and looks we have been best friends for 3 years and counting and I spent all this time waiting for the right time and I am ready to spend more and more years they say patience is key with a pisces. She helped me with my pornography addiction and supporting me in my photography journey and I helped her with finding ballet classes and stood next to her in hard times sometimes I feel we are vibing and she enjoys my company as much I do. I feel with her something weird, I feel that I am no longer a gemini with her you know no witty jokes and stuff like that I just feel I am a dumb 10 year old kid admiring his celebrity crush I can't speak as I normally do. I just want to understand her more and want her to open up I feel that she needs help and I hate seeing her struggling while I just can't do anything about it. Tell me tips on how to get her to open up and how to treat and attract a pisces. Help a brother guys. Also I read that pisces and gemini are not compatible but I am ready to do everything for her.
Posted by 2205Abdallah_M

Yo guys, I am a gemini male and I fell for a pisces woman I just admire her personality and looks we have been best friends for 3 years and counting and I spent all this time waiting for the right time and I am ready to spend more and more years they say patience is key with a pisces. She helped me with my pornography addiction and supporting me in my photography journey and I helped her with finding ballet classes and stood next to her in hard times sometimes I feel we are vibing and she enjoys my company as much I do. I feel with her something weird, I feel that I am no longer a gemini with her you know no witty jokes and stuff like that I just feel I am a dumb 10 year old kid admiring his celebrity crush I can't speak as I normally do. I just want to understand her more and want her to open up I feel that she needs help and I hate seeing her struggling while I just can't do anything about it. Tell me tips on how to get her to open up and how to treat and attract a pisces. Help a brother guys. Also I read that pisces and gemini are not compatible but I am ready to do everything for her.
This is sweet smile what is your question, though? I only ask cause you mention “you’re waiting for the right time” I assume to tell her how you feel?

She already knows you’re into her whether you’re coy about it or not, and it’s safe to say she can sense your feelings growing deeper. It’s hard to say without more information, because I can see this going a couple ways.

For the mature Pisces after picking up on the deeper growing connection between the two of you, she would back off if she didn’t care for you like that or want you to see her in that light. Ultimately to avoid hurting your feelings and hopefully be able to keep a friend. If she does like you like that though, she might be waiting for you to say so.

Then there is the not so mature kind of Pisces. They know when someone is infatuated with them, and they allow it to continue just so that they have someone drooling over them, unfortunately.

When/if you do so, I would recommend supporting your love confession with reasons that she would not guess. Meaning don’t just make it seem like “hey we’ve been friends for this long, and we’ve been through this together...” so I’m in love with you. Though, those factors are important, not at all trying to downplay that. What makes her special and unlike any other person you’ve met or could hope to meet?

As for the opening up more....ummmm let me think hahaha
I normally fall for guys i know nothing about. Knowing about your addictions would put u in the friendzone
Is your taurus in venus? 3 years wtf. Cat got your tongue?

Mutables go well with each other.
Posted by besarlalluvia

I normally fall for guys i know nothing about. Knowing about your addictions would put u in the friendzone
I was wondering about that as well....but ya never know. If she’s real secure❤️